Anonymous ID: eff769 Dec. 26, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.4476622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6662 >>6672 >>6721 >>6739 >>6741

If you are a gold-standard brainlet read this post:


Your economic ideas are as bad as flat earth.


The gold standard will NOT work. However, the fundamental problem being discussed is of course, THE PROBLEM. And there is a solution.


Gold standard does not work for several reasons.

  1. It will cause massive deflation in the US, and will constrain economic growth. This being obviously because the US will not be able to print money unless it holds correspo sing gold reserves, REGARDLESS, of whether new value, innovation, is wealth is created.


  1. Most importantly, for the sake of the argument let’s say ((They)) [the “international bankers”] control 60% of the gold supply. This means de facto they will control the value of the US dollar. They could flood the market, pull all gold out, and other such tactics. While this is likely better than the current system, it’s fundamentally not that much different. The US as a nation does not control its money supply. Yes this does mean treasury has to be judicious with its job control inflation and money supply the same way the FED does (terribly).


But anon fiat money has no value lol, this is dumb.


No it’s the solution to our current problem. The money is backed by the US economy and US assets. Money, including gold, is only as valuable as people will pay for it. If the US has sound money and a growing economy, our currency becomes more valuable.


Has this ever been tried based poster?


Yes, Lincoln printed “greenbacks” after the civil war, he was assassinated for it. Hitler left the gold standard and quit borrowIng from international banks, to print his money backed by the German economy. Germany was flourishing while the world ate dust, one of the reasons for the war. And of course, JFK.


Consider the above anons. Esp thosw who don’t know much about economics. Don’t fall for the gold standard shill tactic.




So…fren… what do we do?!?


The answer is printing “real money”.


Well what’s real money anon?


Real money is different than our current currency in that it is printed by the US treasury as per the Constitution. And, most importantly, it is DEBT FREE.


Well what does that mean anon?


It means the US does not BORROW money from an international bank (the FED), and have to pay massive interest back to the bank for the same money. The treasury prInts it itself and there is no interest to the American taxpayer (trillions of dollars).

Anonymous ID: eff769 Dec. 26, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.4476728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6838


You don’t even know what Keynes said, if your making retard tier points like that. Keynes was wrong, undoubtedly. So is a gold backed currency. Learn how the US economic system works before commenting plz, and lurk moar.

Anonymous ID: eff769 Dec. 26, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.4476749   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You don’t understand the difference. SAD!


The US currently borrows money from the FED and pays them back in interest. Real money has no borrowing, and no interest. Learn!