Possible explanation for the 3 o's?
O-O-O = castles long on the Queen's side (Often shortened to OOO.)
The most common of the three special chess rules is called castling—a move that is normally used to improve the king's safety. Castling is the only move that allows two pieces, the king and a rook to move at the same time.
You can only castle if all of the following conditions are present:
If neither the king nor the rook being used has been moved yet during the game, castling is possible. If either piece has been moved, then castling is not allowed, even if the piece is moved back to its original square.
All of the squares between the king and the rook must be empty to castle.
The king must not be in check when castling is performed, nor can castling move the king through a square where it would be in check.
If all of these conditions are met, you can castle:
Move the king two squares toward the rook.
Hop the rook over the king so it lands on the square next to the king.
This may sound confusing, but in practice it is simple. In the diagram above, the white king and rooks are positioned where they should be before castling. The black kings and rooks are positioned properly after castling.
Castling kingside is more common and leaves the king on the g-file while the rook moves to the f-file. Castling queenside leaves the king on the c-file, while the rook moves to the d-file. Files, in chess, are columns designated by a letter, as displayed in the diagram.