Anonymous ID: d1ba86 Dec. 28, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.4503528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7147 >>7003

Important post. Thanks!


Do you use a protein supplement? If so, recc?


Tinnitus is irritating as heck! One cause of tinnitus:


A good site for related info:


Effects on sperm:


Do NOT consume diet drinks. Eat real fats.


Consider adding boron to your diet. Kills me that MDs Rx vitamin D3 and calcium when the vast majority of the population is deficient in boron (needed to synthesize and put in bones and teeth where calcium belongs.) Boron helps to remove toxic metals from the body. Boron deficiency is linked to arthritis and dementia, too. It's cheap - a big box of MuleTrain borax is less than $6.00. Males 1/4 teaspoon per day. Females 1/8 teaspon per day.


A friend of mine went through years of agonizing bouts of kidney stones- the type that form from calcium. He started the boron about two years ago, and his kidney stones have practically resolved. He told his doctor about the boron, and the MD said it was "coincidence."