Anonymous ID: 402a22 Health and mental wellbeing basics Dec. 28, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.4502580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3152 >>2090 >>4574 >>6127 >>7086 >>1409 >>8167

Hey anons, as Q researchers you guys have to be in your mental prime to make anything work. Here's a couple of my tips to staying truly healthy in both your mind and body. I hope these help.. God bless you all.



  1. High amounts of fluoride in water was used in Hitler's concentration camps to make prisoners "stupid and docile". Me personally, ive noticed a HUGE difference as soon as i switched to pure fresh spring water. It's roughly $14 per 5 gallon jug and I've been drinking at least a half a hallon a day ever since i switched. It's fucking delicious and my overall mood has changed tremendously. Distilling water also gets rid of fluoride and you just have to add back in the good minerals with himalayan pink salt, which is cheap and tasty. Source:



  1. Exercise. I deadlift using the side handle bar. Its super easy with the side handles, and feels fucking amazing truly once you just take 5mins here to watch how to deadlift with proper form: the last 2 mins or so are unnecessary and hes using the olympic straight bar, but again, the side handles for me feel fucking AMAZING. It's the best mood booster out there. If i dont get to deadlift every 2nd day, im genuinely sad like a kid whos dog died or something. Proper deadlifts feel great.



  1. Nutrition. Focus on macronutrients and youll realize why you crave the things you crave. The 3 macronutrients are protein, carbs, and fat. Craving a soda? It's high in refined carbohydrates: your body needs carbs to live, but if you're constantly depriving it of the amount of complex carbs it needs, it'll send out a signal to your brain that says "hey, i need carbs, get it over here asap." And you'll reach for the quickest carb source: the soda. Bad move. Soda also has fluoride and other heavy metals. Instead, digest complex carbs like squash, sweet potatoes/yams, non gmo rice, quinoa, sourdough bread, non gmo lentils, organic non gmo oats, and some fruits and vegetables depending on your blood type. A really good book for finding which foods are most delicious for your body is "the blood type diet" by dr. D'adamo. You can just get your blood type tested at your nearest hospital, and read the quick list of beneficial, neutral, and poisonous foods for your type on this website: . at the bottom of the page there are the links for type O, A, and B as well.


Okay, so quickly back to macros. My usual goal is 300g protein, 500g carbs, and 120g fat per day. That's on heavy lifting days. On the off days, im recovering so I'll just eat 250g protein, 400g carbs, and 120g fat. Fat is really good at removing poisons from your body, so dont be afraid of it. Its also a clean source of energy. The myfitnesspal macro tracking app is perfect to get the hang of it. Trust me once you set a macro goal and stick to it, you can gain or lose as many pounds as you set your mind to.



Mental health: these days things are getting pretty crazy with all the tense politics and mass migration. To deal with the constant barrage of stress, it helps to have a pair of balls. If you're a guy, ashwaganda tinctures are great for keeping your testosterone levels higher than the average soyboy out there. I take 2ml tincture, or about 500mg, or 5-7g raw powder in a tea, every morning. Fuck yeah, tastes great.


Sleep is insanely beneficial for your wellbeing bros. You need to clear your bedroom asap of any bullshit distractions, and make it the room that you use for only 2 things: sleep, and sex. Seperate this room from all the other rooms in your house. This is the room where your body goes to rest for 8 hours a night. Make your bed in a military rack fold in the morning, and you're off to a good start. Your room is your sleeping space. The resting and relaxation place.


This is my basics for now. still trying to figure out how to get rid of the high pitched ringing frequency in my ears. Any tips on that, feel free to post below.

Anonymous ID: d1ba86 Dec. 28, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.4503528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7147 >>7003

Important post. Thanks!


Do you use a protein supplement? If so, recc?


Tinnitus is irritating as heck! One cause of tinnitus:


A good site for related info:


Effects on sperm:


Do NOT consume diet drinks. Eat real fats.


Consider adding boron to your diet. Kills me that MDs Rx vitamin D3 and calcium when the vast majority of the population is deficient in boron (needed to synthesize and put in bones and teeth where calcium belongs.) Boron helps to remove toxic metals from the body. Boron deficiency is linked to arthritis and dementia, too. It's cheap - a big box of MuleTrain borax is less than $6.00. Males 1/4 teaspoon per day. Females 1/8 teaspon per day.


A friend of mine went through years of agonizing bouts of kidney stones- the type that form from calcium. He started the boron about two years ago, and his kidney stones have practically resolved. He told his doctor about the boron, and the MD said it was "coincidence."

Anonymous ID: 302ef9 Dec. 28, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.4503765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8672 >>5464

Thank you for those tips for health…

I’m wanting to get off the Fluoridated water as well, thinking dedicated filter system.

I like the idea of the bedroom dedicated to only rest and love. …. I’d like to add… Remove the WIFi cable box, and cell phones for all those bad reasons.


You too trying to figure out what to do about the incessant high pitched ringing in the ears? It’s my understanding that many people with this issue are specially tuned in for some reason to certain astral or celestial frequencies, or perhaps its a sign of personal awakening and connection to outside entities? … don’t know. I’ve been experiencing this issue for years and its just part of my daily experience so I don’t want it to go away. My doctor even acknowledged this is something the medical community cant explain - so they put a name on it but there’s no real treatment. I’m just embracing it and when “they” turn up the volume, I just accept it and acknowledge with a hello, and that there must be a reason - I just haven’t figured out yet why and what to do with it..


We’re all like children down here and obviously have a lot yet to learn. And if the Matrix IS truly been taken down, then now maybe we can really accelerate our understanding, learning ability and unhindered movement toward ascension.


BTW - Anyone out there getting energetic or orgasmic like jolts through their inner core or diaphragm? This is happening all the time, especially when focusing thoughts on certain things like spiritual, Creator or astral or ET connections.. Its odd that its happening a lot when watching youtube videos or content related to channeled spiritual or ET messages. Again I’m just embracing these crazy changes and learning all I can about the real reality of things in this wonderful and vast universe or multiverse.. WL

Anonymous ID: ad69c5 Dec. 28, 2018, 7:13 p.m. No.4508672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have been having the high-pitched ringing in my ears since 2016. I then moved from that state to another and within a few days it started again. I tried to rule out any other possible sources, noticed if there was any time pattern (seemed to be early am or late night but not even that was consistent. At night it would drive me crazy. I would go outside to see if it was originating from some particular area but it seemed to be coming from "all-over," not any certain direction. When inside, the sound permeates through no matter what I do–put a blanket over my head at bedtime, earplugs don't help, shut windows, go to another area of house. I planted organite everywhere in and outside the house, including "gifting" a few cell towers. I feel that it is coming from the cell towers and what is being transmitted all throughout. Just my guess. I am a hyper-sensitive person when it comes to sounds, smells, hearing. I believe I saw recently that President Trump is finally being able to address 5G and the chemtrails (and more). I cannot even fathom all that he has done for us, and still going strong, even with all the deep state/cabal with all that you-know-what being thrown at him constantly non-stop. I am so excited about the future that is to come. I say a prayer (as many do) for President Trump, First Lady Melania, Baron, and all our patriots, AND the CHILDREN that have been saved, and for the ones that still are out there. Thank you ALL patriots wherever you are for your steadfastness, loyalty, patience, trust, and prayers.

Anonymous ID: d5d6fb Dec. 28, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.4509874   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Appropos. It's true that the people that hang here are in need of psychological help.


Staying the hell away from this social horror show is about the best thing one can do for his mental well being.

Anonymous ID: f06751 Dec. 29, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.4515278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9149

This thread is great and much needed. Are there any trustworthy sites with guides on this stuff? There’s so much disinfo out there that it’s hard to pinpoint. I’ve been trying to heal myself.


Also, does anybody have any information on avoiding harmful EMF waves?

Anonymous ID: bec79a Dec. 29, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.4515464   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I went through a year of those crazy jolts & shaking through my body, up & down My spine. It calmed down & now I’m feeling great.

Some call it initiation or kundalini but I say it’s all just part of the awakening & attuning to higher frequencies.

Anonymous ID: 155c8b Dec. 30, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.4525491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7720 >>0526 >>5994


If you're implying that Eckhart Tolle is part of the Cabal because he went on Oprah, you're wrong.


First, if pictures were automatic guilt by association, then think about how many times Trump was photographed while hanging out with the Clintons before he ran for president. But we know that it doesn't mean a thing.


Second, many, many people have gone on Oprah's show to promote their books.


Finally, if you've actually studied any of Eckhart Tolle's material, you'd know it's excellent stuff, and the complete opposite of what the Cabal would want for us.

Anonymous ID: c4ee5b Dec. 30, 2018, 4:10 p.m. No.4527720   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who said I hadn't read Tolle?

Do you have any idea how much promotion that Oprah gave to Tolle?

I'm targeting more Oprah, but the religion light through branding is pretty bullshit too. It's like the McDonald's Drive-Thru for spirituality.

At least try someone like Ramana Maharshi.

Anonymous ID: d97cd1 Dec. 30, 2018, 6:03 p.m. No.4529149   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If I had to recommend just one site for health information it might be "Natural News" with Mike Adams the "Heath Ranger". It is very difficult to get to the site with "goggle" but I can find it with Bing. I can access "The Health Ranger Store" via " goggle" but "Natural News" gives me the content I want for health information. So it seems to me that "goggle" doesn't mind helping the guy sell stuff but has " delisted" the information that it finds objectionable (truth). I like the products and the info. The site is moving into video with an alternative to yt called "Brighteon" and there is a lot of cool and "forbidden" information about things like vaccine damage and such. You can sign up for e-mails from Natural News but it is suggested you don't use a" goggle"mail account. I love nutrition and wellness and am off 4 psychotropic drugs I used to take. Spend 0 on "slow death by pharma" now. A few good things to think about: Clean water, chemical free personal care, organic food, some sunshine (Vitamin D). Most of us need to detox aluminum (tons in vaccines). A liter a day of Fiji water which is silicated has been suggested by a British researcher who has apparently been successful with it. I don't like plastic bottles so I found Super Silica by Cell Power to add to purified water myself. In the U S the water is often fluoridated. Bad news. We need iodine! If you look at the periodic table you will see iodine is a halogen like chlorine, fluorine and bromine. Idea is to avoid bromine and fluorine and have enough iodine. Beyond my ability to advise detoxing fluorine and bromine but I once saw a good post about that from an anon that seemed smarter than me! I don't use flouridated toothpaste any more, though. Mouth health is a subject in itself. Educate yourself about Vitamin C. It is a Vitamin and can also be a medicine. When it comes to household products and fragrances remember that if you can smell it it is interacting with your body. Artificial scents are generally bad. Most of us need magnesium and keeping Epsom salt around for multiple uses seems like a good idea to me. You can do.a good detox bath with Epsom salts. If you've had vaccines you may have auto-immunity or excess inflammation. Turmeric can be helpful to reduce inflammation. Many people go gluten free, casein free if they have autism or other neuroinflammatory issues. I don't think it hurts to try. B12 is another good one to be aware of. Methylcobolamine is better than cyanocobalamine. Hope something I've said is useful. I am not a doctor! (Use caution with info you get from a poster on this board!)

Anonymous ID: b5f200 Dec. 30, 2018, 7:52 p.m. No.4530526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6923


Seriously, you should NOT have posted Tolle's face on this thread. I love health, well-being, and finding out about natural cures. When I used to be involved in the New Age, I read all of Tolle's books, and even then, he creeped me out. I abandoned the New Age after I read the Bible and my eyes opened to TRUTH, and now I am certain that Tolle is demonic. Just MHO. And Oprah, just look at her. It's all over both of them.

Anonymous ID: 414a29 Dec. 31, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.4536450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6601


I'm going to second that a thousand billion times, thanks.

Thanks to the thread creator also.


Now, I'd like to share pic, hoping that it's of any benefit to anyone. In step 2 feel free to replace "a smile" with




-do some other positive thing to change what you don't like instead of getting angry

or whatever other option you prefer :)

Have an excellent day everyone. God bless us all.

Anonymous ID: c4ee5b Dec. 31, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.4536601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We need like a good mix of Tsarian's more health related stuff and Ken Wilber's Integral stuff to keep it on health, wellness, spirituality…and less on politics and the fallible leaders and their communities. If you don't like those people, pick others. They're just the first two that popped into my head who are PARSECs beyond Tolle, yet still flawed in their own ways.



>see image kek

Anonymous ID: 155c8b Dec. 31, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.4536923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2413


I'm not the one who posted his face.


Tolle is "demonic"?! Give supporting evidence, please, because it sure isn't in his books. He even quotes the bible and Jesus several times.


And that part about abandoning New Age after reading the bible, you just made that up.

Anonymous ID: 998097 Dec. 31, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.4544638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Home Gym: buy a cheap but sturdy squat rack for pullups, hang some gymnastics rings on them, and get an ab wheel. Work up to 20 pullups in a row (max number of pullups for the marine corps pft) and work towards advanced calisthenics moves like ring muscle ups, front/back lever, one arm pullup, planche, freestanding handstand pushups, etc. You can gain some serious strength (and size, though not as much as weights) with calisthenics. Just look at all they professional gymnasts out there. Jump rope is a great option for cardio and its easy on your joints. Weighted/high rep pistol squats, hill /stair sprints, and kettlebell swings are great for your lower body.

Anonymous ID: 9c0562 Jan. 1, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.4552413   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's a shill. Be prepared for shills attacking all things regarding spirituality and ETs with no evidence or using standard shill tactics.

polite sage

Anonymous ID: 00740d Jan. 7, 2019, 9:06 a.m. No.4646219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6184

THIS. Good thread Anon. So I have something to report on this front. I had a bunch of weird unrelated problems and found a /pol thread talking about similar stuff. It was pretty interesting. All about Fluoride and Iodine. Well, I broke down and got a liquid iodine supplement and some multivitamins and feel a hell of a lot better. Not kidding either. Not naming the iodine nor the vitamins so as not to come across as a shill. TRY an Iodine supplement. It made a huge difference for me.

Anonymous ID: 6995ba Meditation and Good Vibrations Jan. 10, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.4695221   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Terrific Information! I am definitely already on board with this stuff! I would also add a pretty good helping of relaxation and Yoga meditation as well, and avoidance of certain radiation sources…Chiefly EMF, 3G-5G, etc at close range. There is also good benefits from dosing mind and body with Sofreggio Frequencies and Power Modulations and Entrainment Frequencies that help generate healing at genetic level.

Anonymous ID: 375360 Jan. 12, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.4726184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0146


Yes iodine is really great. Femanon here. Fibrocystic breast tissue pain gone in two days of eating kelp tablets containing iodine. Now I take a liquid whenever I stop I gain weight. It just makes things work better. Tell your women folk I had biopsy mri etc related to the fibrocysic breasts. When I told the doctor about iodine she just looked at me. They know it helps but they will not tell you. I never will go to her again. I will keep taking my iodine but you should take it with companion nutrients. Do your own research!

Anonymous ID: dd234c Jan. 14, 2019, 10 p.m. No.4760653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0670

So, I'm one o those guys that don't like to take any fucking pharma medicine, so I try to "go with the flu" and heal myself with all natural stuff. here's a list of things that helped me dealing with the fucking flu these wintery days:


  • finely chop or grind 2 or 3 garlic cloves along with a spoonful of purple onion and eat that shit. Chew it so you extract all the juices and don't let all the job to your stomach.

WARNING: be sure to eat something before or else you'll feel like you just ate a fucking campfire.

Pro tip: add lemon juice and salt for the taste. add honey if it's not enough for you. it's one of the most unpleasant things to eat, really (I mean, chewing garlic cloves, I know…) but it boosts your immune system and gives you a lot of energy.


  • ginger+turmeric+lemon+pepper tea: spoonful of powdered ginger OR a piece of fresh ginger root, spoonful of turmeric, small spoonful of black pepper, the juice of 1 or two lemons (the green small ones, don't know how they are called in your country… limes, lemons, I don't know) and make tea with those three things, boosts up your mood, gives you energy and also boosts immune system. 2, 3 cups tops daily.


  • what mom said: rest. then rest a little more. sleep a lot, stay hydrated, eat well, preferably foods rich in vitamin c, chicken soup, any meat broth, in my country we like to make a soup called pozole which is basically meat soup. I read somewhere oregano and oregano oil is good for the flu also.


  • try to get your hands on some "Abango tea", don't know if it has a different name in english. get 1 or 2 cups per day max, AVOID IF you have kidney, liver or digestive problems.


If I recall anything else I'll add it here. Stay healthy anons! MUCH LOVE!

Anonymous ID: 6b97aa Jan. 15, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.4761409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3420 >>8491


Consume apple cider vinegar daily - helps with everything. If you take it right before bed you will notice substantial fat loss, especially in the areas the people have a hard time trimming fat depending on their gender. Always make sure to get organic apple cider vinegar with "the mother" in it.

Anonymous ID: 2e5952 Jan. 29, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.4959986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0146


I can help but we'd have to get REALLY lucky…if you're willing to try….can you give me a map of the exact path of the pain? upper or lower extremity….Going to fuck it up early in chances of cutting to the chase…here goes:


We have a built in R2D2. A more professional way to say this the body is an AMAZING self-healing mechanism…truth is that does what I discovered NO JUSTICE.


R2D2 doesn't even quite cover it. Imagine R2D2 had final control of luke's actions.


Imagine R2D2 knew that just barely knicking the surface of the death star would fix a sensor on outer edge of the top right wing of the X-Wing.


Imagine this truth would be too much for Luke to handle, but R2 knows everything will be ok if he can just trick Luke into purposely grazing the Deathstar without knowing the REAL reason he was doing it.


R2 lets say… creates targets, from nothing…

Luke sees these targets and addresses them: he sets out to use the tools he has (ship, weapons, etc) to deal with them. These real/imaginary targets maneuver so that Luke, in following them, ever so lightly grazes the death star. Bam! sensor is knocked back in place, Luke has NO IDEA what really happened or why, R2 feels good inside because once again he's the one who really saved the day.


If you had to travel 2 million years to get from point A to point B where a doctor is waiting to take pictures, tell you "what's wrong", Help you to feel good knowing there's really nothing you can do; there's just this thing that went wrong with your body so you don't have to stress about not doing anything….afterall it's on film, so fear not; you're safe now that you think the body is one and done….

I digress.

Point is: 2 million years is an awful long time to survive at the top of the food chain. 1. I don't think our modern world of "I have condition X: there's nothing I can do" works with that kind of time frame: We're devolving now from it so how could we possible have made it so far….




I think you do.

However you address your pain when you're only sort of half thinking about it… I think while you're doing that you're actually touching or otherwise affecting another spot on your body without even knowing it.


I've seen this manifest in MANY different ways but the most common is second point of contact with same hand. Example: there is a clear path of pain on the outside of your leg and thigh that you consciously feel as pain.

For argument's sake, lets say R2D2 created that pain to get you to rub your leg with 3-4 finger tips. While you're doing that you are ever-so-lightly touching another path with your thumb. It's a good thing you do it that way, because if you consciously focus on the hidden path you'll see that it fucking hurts to press with the same intensity you poke the other path. anyway, the fix is there. Make that path you DIDN'T know about not tender to the touch and the other path disappears.



it's out of place. typically they're twisted too much (fascia) in one direction. figure out which direction it's rotated too far by rolling it one way then another. the one that hurts more is the way it's gone too far. push it back the other way. Honestly it could be slid or twisted. I just know it's a sensor. It senses position WITHIN tight spaces. check the sensor and turn it off.

Anonymous ID: 2e5952 Jan. 29, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.4960105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And I agree 100%:

Look, if you feel good with a carb diet more power to you, but all signs point to carbs being a really big mistake we made along the way. If you have the willpower to stop them and sugar you should. Right away. Sugar and Bread - bullet in the head.


This guy does a great job of explaining the science.


Reason: inflammation

Kicker: stressing the fuck out about not being able to do it is just as bad. Try your best, walk barefoot, if nothing else increase your leafy greens times 10.

Anonymous ID: 2e5952 Jan. 29, 2019, 8:33 p.m. No.4960193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MD nephrologist. She knows her stuff. Now she knows all about the importance of a healthy thriving gut microbiome. The rest of the world is slowly catching on. This stuff is easy and cheap.

Anonymous ID: 2200a7 Feb. 16, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.5206576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yes, i do this too, but i go and fetch my own mountain/ spring water when i can.


You can really feel the difference indeed, natural spring water is much more energizing. There's a great documentary from a Japanese scientist called " the message of water" on YT.


Since our bodies are around 70% water, and water molecules react to external stimulation, like from music for example, or loving words and thoughts, we can tweak our bodies feelgood.


Therefore i can also recommend meditating on 432Hz meditation music, makes me feel great! The news like CNN have been detuned by the swamp to 440Hz, which makes you more nervous, and feels not as natural as 432Hz.


Water experiment with 432Hz and 440Hz show a difference as well.