Anonymous ID: dd234c Jan. 14, 2019, 10 p.m. No.4760653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0670

So, I'm one o those guys that don't like to take any fucking pharma medicine, so I try to "go with the flu" and heal myself with all natural stuff. here's a list of things that helped me dealing with the fucking flu these wintery days:


  • finely chop or grind 2 or 3 garlic cloves along with a spoonful of purple onion and eat that shit. Chew it so you extract all the juices and don't let all the job to your stomach.

WARNING: be sure to eat something before or else you'll feel like you just ate a fucking campfire.

Pro tip: add lemon juice and salt for the taste. add honey if it's not enough for you. it's one of the most unpleasant things to eat, really (I mean, chewing garlic cloves, I know…) but it boosts your immune system and gives you a lot of energy.


  • ginger+turmeric+lemon+pepper tea: spoonful of powdered ginger OR a piece of fresh ginger root, spoonful of turmeric, small spoonful of black pepper, the juice of 1 or two lemons (the green small ones, don't know how they are called in your country… limes, lemons, I don't know) and make tea with those three things, boosts up your mood, gives you energy and also boosts immune system. 2, 3 cups tops daily.


  • what mom said: rest. then rest a little more. sleep a lot, stay hydrated, eat well, preferably foods rich in vitamin c, chicken soup, any meat broth, in my country we like to make a soup called pozole which is basically meat soup. I read somewhere oregano and oregano oil is good for the flu also.


  • try to get your hands on some "Abango tea", don't know if it has a different name in english. get 1 or 2 cups per day max, AVOID IF you have kidney, liver or digestive problems.


If I recall anything else I'll add it here. Stay healthy anons! MUCH LOVE!