Anonymous ID: 2087b8 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.4534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4859 >>8321




Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/06/18 (Sat) 16:03:28 c9daa0 No.8039


How much did AUS donate to CF?

How much did SA donate to CF?


Why is this relevant?

What phone call between POTUS and X/AUS leaked?

List the leadership in AUS.

IDEN leadership during Hussein term.

IDEN leadership during POTUS' term.

Who controls AUS?

Who really controls AUS?


Why is this relevant?


Anonymous ID: 2087b8 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.4551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia Notes 1 of 5


Australia has the typical two party tyranny stocked with shills.

Liberal(conservative, neocon)/National Party Coalition, and the Labor Party (+Greens party which follows all the Green Left and Soros lines). The One Nation Party is the closest thing to a MAGA Australia has. They hold a few federal senate seats and are capturing an increasing amount of the vote in the state of Queensland and encroaching on the two party tyranny.


Some History of Australia(In as few words as possible)

Australia has gone to war alongside the USA every time so far, and during the American Civil War, some supply ships ran from Sydney to the South, and people in Melbourne supported the North.

One of the most dramatic incidents in recent history was PM Gough Whitlam (kind of a populist, loved by lefties, hated by conservatives) being removed from office in 1975.

Important (Calls it a British-American Coup):


Robert Menzies is a notable post-WW2 Prime Minister that was very popular and also Australia’s longest serving (18 years in total, 16 years consecutively)


Australia has almost completely lost its manufacturing base from the 1970’s to the present just like USA (worse in some cases, they don’t make cars there at all anymore). They’re a major supplier of minerals to the Chinese, who have numerous large mining investments. The the majority remaining mining activity is accounted for by BHP and Rio Tinto (and a some token Aussie names like Forrest, Rhineheart, Palmer). Australia has huge uranium deposits and mines and exports a lot of it.


Australia suffers from forced mass migration and questionable progressivism in a bad way. Think Canada, Think firmly under the heel of the NWO.

Australia is now the fastest growing country in the OECD. With the country adding a new overseas migrant at a rate of one every two minutes and 20 seconds, the population is set to hit 25 million within months.

"We have for a significant period of time said that there is an issue with overrepresentation by African youth in serious and violent offending as well as public disorder issues," Acting Commissioner Patton said.

Anonymous ID: 2087b8 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.4572   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australian Notes 2 of 5


Political Leaders

Current Political Leaders (Both predate Trump, and fellate Hussein)

Current Opposition Leader Bill Shorten (Toady)

Can’t find a good source yet, but Bill Shorten also leaked the discussions in PM Kevin Rudd’s cabinet meetings to CIA


Current Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Globalist establishment, Ex-Goldman Sachs Banker)

Very rich for an Australian politician. Previous investor in a major Australian ISP when the internets exploded. This fellow most likely leaked his own phone call with Trump and knows all about when US data collection and privacy invasion came online in Australia.


Previous Prime Minister Tony Abbot

He stopped the huge number of refugee boats, because it was fucking obvious everyone would love it. Ate a raw onion on camera. Hates Julia Gillard.


Previous Prime Ministers Rudd and Gillard (Labor Party)

They accelerated the refugee intake and boats, big time. Ran a similar GFC response to what Obama did. Fought with each other and switched places in leadership challenges (Rudd-Gillard-Rudd).


The two most recently notable/popular leaders of the two party tyranny have been Bob Hawke(1980’s Labor Party), and John Howard(1996-2007 Liberal(neocon) Party. John Howard effectively disarmed the population after one mass shooting, then plenty of post-9/11 Hijinks with Bush & Blair. Ran the government at a surplus, which helped when the GFC hit. Paid Australians to have babies with the Baby Bonus.


Dealings with the Clinton Foundation


Global Partnership for Education

Gillard donated $300 million of taxpayers money

Abbot via Bishop donated $140 million

World Bank plays a major role in GPE as trustee and grant supervisor.

Open Society Foundations helps fund GPE


Julia Gillard

Appointed chair Feb 2014 for Global Partnership for Education

On the Board for beyondblue (mental health org) Dec 2014

A key speaker in 2013 with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Al Gore in Washington DC for the Centre for American Progress (CAP). CAP was founded and until 2014 chaired by John Podesta


Julia Gillard got prime position as chair of Global Partnership for Education

Julie Bishop was angling for similar outcome but was halted by the Trump win

Anonymous ID: 2087b8 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:50 a.m. No.4596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Australia Notes 3 of 5


GetUp and George Soros

An organization called GetUp! conducts media operations and protests that support Labor party and Greens parties. Big George Soros operation. Connected via intermediaries such as the Avaaz Foundation.

GetUp Chairman Phil Ireland is in the thick of Soros-related organisations world-wide. Pic related - from GetUp website



In April 2005, Soros met likeminded multi-millionaires and billionaires in Scottsdale, Arizona to examine why George Bush won the US election. At least 80 wealthy individuals pledged $1m or more apiece to fund a network of left wing advocacy groups.

That same month Purpose Campaigns – founded by Jeremy Heimans and David Madden – posted an ad on the Harvard Institute of Politics website, which described itself as a new progressive political campaigning organization. Also the same month Purpose Campaigns Pty Ltd was registered in Australia by Heimans and Madden, as was GetUp two days later.

GetUp thus became Soros’ local Australian franchise, operated as a joint venture for the Greens, Labor and the unions, whose proxies populate its board.

Heimans and Madden later co-founded a global platform called Avaaz – facilitated by seed funding channelled by another group which received $850,000 from Soros’ Open Society Institute (OSI) specifically earmarked for Avaaz.

A hacked 2010 memo to Soros discusses facilitating the Global Campaign for Climate Action with grants to Avaaz, which it describes as ‘already an OSI grantee and close collaborator’.

The pattern of Soros backed activist organisations nurturing others has spread to Australia, with Avaaz giving GetUp a total of $195,618. GetUp also recently received $42,961 from its German equivalent, Campact, and $39,060 from Purpose – a total of over $275,000 from overseas-based organisations in two years – despite GetUp endorsing a ban on foreign donations!


This number could be far higher, as reports have speculated that GetUp! issues invoices organisations such as Friends of the Earth for work undertaken by GetUp!.

​As a result, foreign billionaires can make a tax deductable donation to these groups with the proviso that GetUp! undertakes the campaign work.


Operation Mockingbird Reaches into Australia

Rupert Murdoch. Australian media gets their talking points from CIA syndication fronts (GANNETT etc). 24/7 CNN-tier Trump bashing continues to this day. Psyop media trends are all replicated on Australian TV (Reality TV trend, etc). State owned media, ABC, is left wing and sacred to lefties.



Australia has 4 major banks which virtually all Australians do their banking with, either directly or through a smaller bank or credit union that banks with them. They are some of he most profitable banks in the world and members of the “Big 4” have made up to $4B profit in a year from their share of Australia’s relatively small population.

HSBC Custody Nominees, J P Morgan Nominees Aus Ltd, National Nominees Ltd and Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd have shareholder ownership far out weighing the retail investors

Anonymous ID: 2087b8 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.4603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5879

Australia Notes 4 of 5


Some of the Foreign Influence in Australia (most things that happen there seem to involve foreign influence):


Elon Musk recently completed a large scale power project in South Australia.


Australian politicians Seem to have obligations to the Clinton Foundation:

Paywalled The Australian article also supports $75m +.


Sam Dastyari (Elected Rep of Iranian heritage) was in bed with the Chinese

China & USA in disagreement. Who did USA want this port sold to? Or was it just for show?


Port Privatization:–port-privatisation-November-2013

Who is behind this? Who is buying the ports? (Hutchison, DP World (UAE), CTS inc, China, India)

Who is securing the ports?


Australia Spent $60M on MH370 Search


Australia is fully committed to the F-35 program (replacing most of fleet). It was a

sticking point with patriot RAAF vets: (Good reads here)

Australian runs around 100 air/ground attack aircraft. Currently F/A-18 variants (formerly F-111 for decades). For a small country, their air force is a big deal and primary deterrent.


Australia in regard to Trump investigation (in addition to well known Turnbull call leak):


Australia is part of the Five Eyes and collects/stores for the NSA:


Individuals with dual citizenship are not permitted to hold federal elected offices. This year it was exposed that many do hold dual citizenship, and they have had to step down. This has been happening for a long time. Why expose now? Start of some swamp draining?


Chinese infiltration in Australian Universities


Chinese property investors create a bubble in Aus too


Which foreign companies get IT Contracts in Australia?


Also SAP and Microsoft.

Anonymous ID: 2087b8 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.4606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4792 >>4785

Australia Notes 5 of 5


So who controls Australia? (USA and UK)

Media/Governnment/Intelligence Community/Defense (UK Pre-WW2, USA through present)

Mining (UK (BHP, Rio Tinto), China)

Energy (UK (Rio Tinto, Peabody), USA (ExxonMobil)) Product sold to China.

Australia is a puppet state and globalist playground.

Who wants to control Australia?


Who’s playing games and letting them buy it?

Cabal (Clowns, USA and UK)


Who really controls Australia?

Same people that have been controlling the USA. The cabal.

If you take control of the USA, you can have control of Australia. That's why there's Aussies in here backing Trump so hard. It's a client/puppet state, so if you want real change, you effect change in its master. We need our guys to BTFO the traitors and consolidate control of America. There will be some pushback from the cabal controlled UK, and the Chinese who have been buying up aussie assets, but they won't win.