Anonymous ID: 578653 UK UN Australia International law us Cabal law July 22, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.2240589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1361 >>1459

The UK

The UN which is Shariah Compliant has 2 sets of Human Rights. They intend to load all Western countries with Muslims, as a guise to introducing Shariah Law as it's part of their religion. 2nd set of Human Rights. The more everyone else squeels about Free Speech, or FF terrorist attacks the more the Corporate Gov., tighten the screws, suppressing Free speech, arresting ordinary citizens. They know once the citizens have really had enough and start standing up to the Government, they introduce Martial Law and then Shariah Law becomes theur full and only law. These truck and car attacks FF are to get rid of Cars out of cities for UN Human Settlements or SmartCities, MegaCities, ResillientCities, SafeCities, StrongCities. Sustainability is code word for Stealth Marxism. Every country including the US sovereignty us been taken over still at Local Government level. The UN runs a parallel shadow government in EVERY council, Mayor, every town, and city called ICLEI, overiding our laws with Shariah compliant laws, planning and develooment, restricting private property. This is registered in Bonn Germany. De Blasio goes to Bonn for meetings to GlobalMayors, ICLEI. Michael Bloomberg is head of GlobalMayors who intend to break away from Federal Gov and answer direct to the UN. Rothschild. Rockefeller, CFR, Trilateral Commission OIC, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation oversea that all cluncils are shatiah compliant. Happening WE. Julie Bishop Foreign Affairs Minister Australia has started to pay Money into Bloomberg's Foundation. If you remember Obama's SCN Strong Cities Network. Global Police? That is why the police are against citizens of the UK and Australia. The UN aren't sending Blue Helmets. They're internationalizing ALL municipal police through Fushion Centres. We need tonlearn their code words. Up is down Net neutrality isn't for anyone's good. Obama's FCC was against NetNeutrality. Check the articles. Shariah compliant to work against the citizens. SCN is an SDG registered in London. A Rothschild think tank is controlling Police WW. The org of Islamic Community again oversees this in ALL countries. Obama's EO Strong Cities still stands, he's just changed the name. Most countries signed up! SCN is all about gun control, the start of FF mass shootings. Every city uses the word STRONG. There should be a tie up with cities and FF abd SCN. They choose all refugees to send for 'vetting' They are the largest voting block at the UN. areas to build human settlements. Happening ALL countries. We're fighting a losing battle if we dont focus on the takeover of every country at local government level.The UN Unicef are taking over reserves. Forests, world wildlife heritage sites, national parks, buildings, oceans, seas, rivers, running countries into debt, then badically having them sign over their countries. They also control education to every country, Clinton's education. Enviro Socialism. Safe Schools. Promoting Transgender as part of education. Corp gov abuse treaties tk bypass Congress and legislature. Australia is a big fan of treaty abuse. UN was created by these Bankers, CFR, Rothschild criminals, controlled by them. 'International Law' is CABAL law. Nothing more, nothing less.