Anonymous ID: b156ad June 23, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.1874221   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here comes Donald: US President 'to tour Australia in November' on his elite Air Force One plane with a group of 10 personal staff and a legion of secret service personnel, limousines and helicopters


>Donald Trump will reportedly visit Australia on his elite Air Force One plane in November on his way to an economic leader's summit in Papua New Guinea.


>The US President is considering travelling to Sydney, Canberra, Cairns or Brisbane in what would be his first visit to Australia, a source told The Australian.


>The president's large entourage is likely to include secret service personnel, armed security, limousines, helicopters, personal staff and travelling journalists.


>Mr Trump could make the trip after the US mid-term elections on November 6 but nothing has been 'locked in yet', the source said.


>The Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation leaders' meeting in Papua New Guinea is set for November 17 and 18.



>Mr Trump has not visited Australia since winning the US election in 2016, but he invited Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to the White House in February.


>During the trip, Mr Trump said America's partnership with Australia 'has thrived' since the two countries fought together 100 years ago in World War 1.


>Mr Turnbull at the meeting described America as Australia's 'most important' strategic and economic ally.

Anonymous ID: b156ad Oct. 4, 2018, 11:09 p.m. No.3343050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our tax dollars at work, Aussie Anons. I hope Q names them all - every single Australian 'ally'.


>They never thought she would lose.