Anonymous ID: 36444d Dec. 30, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.4523620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3645


Interesting move, shillteam.


>>4523270 lb

<agrees to anon calling out #1 shilltopic

<"nicely blended in!"



>>4523227 (shill) lb

>>4523204 (me) lb

>Welp it turns out it was leaf after all…

>Unfortunately, they were right with

>>4523057 (me)>

This has also been my observation, as I've seen this very thing happen on many other platforms and in many other "eras".



>>4523270 lb

<blemded in shill becomes chess sacrifice to save other figure.

<"No, mason BO is fine, he likes muh jew shills and bakers for fun, but he's a nice guy, totally."


Almost good work, shill. Alomost.

Anonymous ID: 36444d Dec. 30, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.4523836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Repost from

>>4523793 other thread


Since this is a bible thread…

a thought.


In former times, 2,000 years back, the Lord's one son - the Lord himself - had to reach people by travelling a lot and talking to as many folks as possible, to convince them and make them follow him.


What modern improvement for reaching 'we, the people' would be used today?

Anonymous ID: 36444d Dec. 30, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.4524118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4142


Enough details to make clear muh jew shilling is stupid.


'Yellow Vests' protests hit Israel

RT news




The streets of Tel Aviv were covered with yellow on Saturday night as hundreds wearing yellow vests protested the increased living costs in Israel. 


"We will not stop, we will not give in and we will bring hope to many people who are struggling to warm their houses this winter," David Mizrahi, one of the organizers of the protests, said. 


The movement which only started a week ago, in mid-December, in Israel, followed the wave of "yellow vest" protests in France that started in May 2018, mainly objecting the high coast of living and rising fuel prices. 


<fake news says muh fuel prices…anons know the truth.