Brenan use phrase "malfeasance & corruption"
I found this page:
Government Malfeasance & Corruption Database
This phenomena is at the root of the ongoing dismantling of the social safety net, the attack on public sector employees (in an attempt to pit low-wage, no-benefit workers, against public employees) with better benefits, the privatization of prisons, the militarization of the police forces around the country, the implementation of a total-information-awareness system, the pillaging of the national treasure with total impunity and under the protection of a Justice Department on the take, secret loans in the hundreds of billions of dollars by the FED to too-big-to-fail, too-big-to-prosecute financial institutions, the increasingly punitive and draconian legal/justice system for the majority of the population in a two-tiered justice system.
But from EU i can not open this:
He says it is:
With that in mind, please take a look at the database of "Malfeasance & Corruption" I'm putting together. I would like to ask readers to submit news about government corruption to the database: Please click here for submissions.
Can someone tell what is there?