>>4535161 pb
Place your bets now, Anons: Will POTUS brand Mattis a Hero or a Goat in 2019?
I predict in 2019 … POTUS will unload both barrels on Mattis!
I also predict the "Mattis Situation" is just beginning and will be a key issue through 2020 election … these 3 letters are going to be foundational and instructive
His resignation letter was borderline, or over the line, INSUBORDINATE (would have resulted in a Court Martial if general officer had done that to him)
His Christmas message to the troops was unrecognizable as a holiday message to the troops…ominous, disjointed, heavy repetition of words, etc.
This 'farewell' letter appears to have a thinly veiled seditious overtone to it.
…sworn mission to …[protect] our way of life…? Sworn mission is to support and defend the constitution against all enemies Foreign and Domestic … and bear true faith and ALLEGIANCE to the same
… at its best when the times are most difficult…? Booming economy, Generals given the ability to defeat the enemies, troops coming home, record DoD budgets for new eqpt, largest military pay raise (2.6%) in 10 years … What are the difficult times for our soldiers?
…and hold fast, alongside our allies … ? Say what? Still beating that drum? He's trying to make it an issue for the troops, when in reality, it's a personal issue, or at best, very high-level DoD (top 0.01%). Troops are sworn to 'observe and obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me.' [veiled sedition?]
I bet POTUS declares Mattis a Goat in 2019!
This may all be part of the Big Show, but these 3 letters from Mattis indicate fireworks for him in 2019
Also…"high honor to serve at your side" Mattis is SECDEF, the civilian control of the military - he is not SERVING at their side (any more than you or I…intentional attempt to gain/RETAIN influence over troops? Subversive?). SECDEF is civilian appointee and serves at the pleasure of the POTUS…POTUS gives the [legal] orders.
Let's watch / listen to see if Mattis attempts to influence military troops after he leaves office - tell tale sign…keep your popcorn handy