Anonymous ID: 6492a3 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.4538292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8302 >>8360 >>8374 >>8419 >>8489 >>8762

>>4538054 (lb)

A little CONSTRUCTIVE criticism…..


>2. Trump visits troops.

That's an accomplishment? He has a nice plane.

In that case Obama was an american hero.


>3. NoName no more.

An old man dying of cancer or extrajudicial killings are good things now?


>4. timberpuppy no more.

is that Bush? see above


>5. Justice Kav

BAD actor; you got fooled


>6. Thank you, Sessions, Huber, Brave 470.

for being imcompetent? no thanks


>7. Honk heard round the World.



>8. 53-47

sure, but the house was lost; you're about to find out why this does matter


>9. Wall going up, some parts already up.

a fence


>10. msm fakenews more and more obvious.

Fake news is good?


>11. Anons #2



>17. Trade deals

basically renamed NAFTA, in a trade war with China


>18. GDP

cooked numbers; only slightly better than Obama


>19. record unemployment (employment?)

again, cooked govt numbers


>21. China stocks -25%, German stocks -20%, Mexican stocks -15%, French stocks -12%,

S&P down 15% off the high, down 6.6% on the year.


>London stocks -12%, Canadian stocks -11%, Nasdaq -4%, 2018 sucked less for us.

We suck less; put that on a slogan


>22. POTUS absolutely crushing the media shills in all press conferences

He's PHENOMENAL on press conferences, but too whiny on Twebber.

Someone needs to remind him that he's president now.


>23. Soros is an asshole

Praise Trump


>24. shills prove Q, like cucklord.

Got destroyed by a drunken cat.

Anonymous ID: 6492a3 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:49 p.m. No.4538419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8426 >>8449 >>8489


>>4538192 (lb)

more comments.


>25. millions spent by shillblue protecting status quo, anons making sure that doesn't happen.

Getting attacked is an accomplishment?


>26. Elizibeth Warren dna test

Liz is dumb. Good for Trump, I guess


>27. Trump rallies "USA! USA! USA!" "LOCK HER UP!"

But he didn't lock her up


>28. Cleaning house.

He's firing shitty employees that HE hired.

Better late than never, I guess.


>29. Omarosa caught recording.

TRUMP hired a bad employee


>30. CEOs retiring.

Good for them; I still have to work. Even if they committed crimes 99% will NEVER be prosecuted.


>31. Politicians not running next term.

See above. Also retiring with NICE pensions that we, the slaves will be paying for.


>32. Q crumbs

PsyOps are FUN. They are, even for me


>33. Symbols will be their downfall.

Trump accomplished satanic symbols?


>34. The Economy/Jobs

Even wit cooked numbers, we are about to enter an official recession.


>35. Oh that vape guy melting down. ‘Ginger snap’. Pretty fucking glorious!! (idk that one?)

It's fun laughing at FAGGOTS. Trump accomplished that.


>36. Record number of RINO departures

And more are coming in. They will enjoy WONDERFUL pensions.


>37. FBI/DOJ resignations/firings

See above


>38. Isis got fucked

Yes, by Russia, Syria, and Iran.

Congratulations to them for WINNING that war.


NOT the best list, dude

Anonymous ID: 6492a3 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.4538464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8607


Of course, I like him personally.

I know he's surrounded but still, I wish he would do better.


He's been GREAT at exposing the media and has done a FEW good things but otherwise, he's been pretty ineffective, I'm sorry to say.