Simply stated, British Israelism is a master race theory. For example, Israel today is based on a
master race (chosen race) theory exactly as was Nazi Germany. Why can’t people see this? It is
because they look at names, forms, organizations and they do not understand the power of an
organism. They cannot discern its spirit mainly because they believe it themselves. They are
doubleminded. Can anybody tell you what is the difference in a religion of racial and national
salvation that applies to Nazi Germany and one that applies to Israel today? There is none. Israeli
Nazism and German Nazism are interchangeable if you understand the organism and discern the
spirit of British Israelism. If the whole Israel cult could be justified Biblically today, so could Nazi
Germany, for they are identical. Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.
Israel’s existence today is based on race and nation. Nazi Germany was based on race and nation.
What, then, must you conclude? The whole of professing Christianity today has been deceived with
British Israelism into a religion of racial and national salvation. They condemn German Nazism but
embrace Israeli Nazism or Jewish Nazism. A very pivotal example of doublemindedness. British
Israel Pharisaism was created by “Satan” based on a racial (physical) and national RELIGION
which is totally intended to deceive Christians into another gospel of some kind.
The fundamentalists and multiplied millions of nominal Christians would respond that they believe
in salvation by grace for themselves, but salvation by “race” for the so-called “Jews”. They might as
well believe it for themselves. There is but one salvation for ALL people of all ages and that is by
grace–OF GOD CREATOR. This relegates “National” Israel to the dump heap–or–world
And what else is British Israelism besides racial and national salvation? It is the kingdom message.
The kingdom message is the Jewish Doctrine of millenialism, or the belief there is yet a future 1000
year earthly reign of a Christ. Professing Christians today believe this earthly reign will come soon.
The kingdom message is political propaganda clothed in the Christian religion to bring about so
called “divine” world government. It is the kingdom message propaganda which has infiltrated
professing Christians and made of them one voice for world pharisaism. This is British Israelism
because this conspiracy originated with the British Empire.
You may have never heard of British Israelism, but you have heard the kingdom message from
every radio and television in America and almost every church in America. The kingdom message
comes from the British Israel world propaganda ministry to prepare all professing Christians for a
world political messianic kingdom. GO BACK AND READ THAT AGAIN!!
By understanding British Israelism as an organism, as a doctrine or philosophy that is not limited to
an organization or cult, one can see how British Israelism influences every man, woman and child in
America. One can believe in racial and national salvation and the kingdom message without ever
having heard of British Israelism. Organization is outward form only. Organism is the substance and
power of a doctrine to get into any church of whatever name or persuasion.
Have you not heard much propaganda about star wars defense and the Russian threat? Have you
ever been warned by government authorities about the British Israel conspiracy to subvert the
United States into a New World Order by using the Christian church and Christian evangelism and
the Elite Banks? On the contrary, government supports this British Israel “religious’ propaganda,
“tax-free” This is nothing more than a “state” “nation” being a “religion” and setting up itself
wherever it wishes–as a tax-free entity as that “religion”. Remember those billions of dollars? Dear
ones, a rose by any other name is but a rose! Will you awaken?
Finally, British Israelism is the means by which “authority” causes the people to be doubleminded.
Doublemindedness is the belief of two opposing thoughts at the same time, i.e., that JudaeoChristian is actually a meaningful term instead of directly in opposition one to the other. This is an
altered state of consciousness created by authority to control and use the people without their
knowledge, a modern system of slavery. One cannot believe in racial and national salvation and the
“kingdom message” of British Israel AND ALSO believe the gospel of Christ at the same time,
even the tampered-with version of same. Millions are efforting to do so.
Perhaps this can give meaning and understanding to the command to “Seek ye first the kingdom of
God”? Only by a true understanding of God’s kingdom can you escape your authoritarian induced