Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.4538443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9015



These scrolls will never be released to you in full format. They remain under the control of the Elite

and the Zionists at any rate. I have already told you that the reason for the holding from the public is

that they give historic information which will prove many things: Truth of the Biblical lies and

tampering, history of the times in an accurate manner, revelation regarding transference and

immortality with integrated reincarnated personages. In other words, information which would

destroy the entire Zionist movement and cause immediate movement into a nuclear devastation to



enemy has been able to do such a thorough job of deceiving you-the-masses, THEY have the

information and THEY are again trying to mass an army to use against GOD!


As a matter of fact, and now I will blow some of you totally “out”–it has happened so many times

that each sequence is CORRECTED earlier in the scenario to allow for the adversary to WIN. The

games only get more and more sophisticated and that is WHY, in this major cyclic change–the

plans on OUR part must be more sophisticated also, and total evacuation prepared for–in case the

adversary starts a chain reaction which will this time blow the whole planet to bits.

Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.4538447   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How did the ancient ones, the “Humans” (Indians by your labels) KNOW WHEN? By their

records do they know–they have but to add two and two. They have the oral input and the markings

of civilizations past–and they only have to add time probabilities for a sequence to cycle around to

an expected “frame”. In this “time” there are a lot of Godly people caught in a “planetship”

(biosphere) where the adversary has come into great rulership. You, therefore, are experiencing in

the midst of great confrontation of God Creator who WILL reclaim His children and creation

(planet). Those beings who are in the service of the adversary will choose their own journey but the

encounter will be indeed great. God does not have any need to “punish” nor to annihilate either

places or persons. This being of Creator is beyond all limitation and He needs no form of

destruction of the “physical” to make His point. He does not counter nor correct the changes of

Nature (Mother) for they are the Universal Law in motion and manifestation. He will, further, allow

the man species to do or undo themselves.


Where comes the thought that there would be a “lift-off” of God’s people? Why would a thing like a

“rapture” be thought of in the first place? Think about It and then look very carefully at that which

the “teachers” are telling you. The evangelisis tell you that there will be a “rapture” to the clouds,

etc. It is wholly without “reason” or “logic”. Further, it is totally without “reason” or “logic” that a

murdered man 2,000 years ago would take away your responsibility to abide within the Godly laws!

The most wondrous gift given Man by God was his “reason with logic” and “choices in freewill”. If

you fail to use these gifts-it is of your doing so stop blaming God for your plight and also STOP

accepting the LIE of your absolution.


It becomes obvious that the FACT of some kind of a “liftoff” has been done before and the Truth is

known. This causes oral truths to confirm happenings of ancient experience–and WE DO NOT


who moves within the teachings of Truth and Godly Laws are welcomed into the higher

dimensional experiences and those who continue to desire the physical manifestation will be left to

experience whatever comes. That appears to be near destruction in holocaust (consummation by

fire). This is a description given by the elders to fit that which man brings upon himself as wars and

experiences get more and more sophisticated. The ancient Zionists knew and know how the story

unfolds. They simply wrote your instruction book to suit the needs of enslaving you–if you have the

knowledge of that which came before–in Truth–you have but to change the scenario to suit the

desired outcome. This that is expected is what is called in some circles–HELL. “Good” or “bad”

have no meaning except as perceived by individuals and societies. Godliness and Evil DO EXIST.

One is the direction by guidelines of behavior which God lays forth to maintain balance and

harmony. Evil is a thing produced by physical man and can only exist in the physical compression.

Ponder it for I have taken hundreds of pages to explain it and I trust you will search out such a

message of importance.


At any rate, I do not wish to further discuss the Dead Sea Scrolls at this time, either. You have

plenty of things to note which are right under your noses and you have missed them.


Name some? Please, chelas, you do try my patience.

Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.4538538   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I have spoken much on this subject in these immediate days, i.e., Matthew 10:16–You must be “wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves”.


You must understand that your enemies ARE the SERPENT- PEOPLE. They called themselves by this title as they established themselves for WORLD CONQUEST. Their symbol remains “the serpent” and is used in public places as a “sign” just as you would use the Christian sign of the fish.


“Wise” is not the appropriate definition, however, as CLEVER and SHREWD are more suitable for your would-be rulers.


You must understand that in EVERY instance–you are not allowed to see facts–even as with the $10 billion guarantees to Israel. The facts are that the $10 billion is more nearly $50 billion and 60% of the funding is to go directly into the coffers for shoring up the Israeli economy with only some 20% going for the housing. We have, or will, give you input on that subject from outside sources, shortly. I ask that you pay very close attention to the numbers and the clever manipulations involved. It is the reason that Bush got himself totally crossways with the Israelis–he found out the intent of the use of the funds requested and he couldn’t find a way to allow for the “accounting” of

same to Congress. You see, the Camel is already taking up all the space in the tent–even after having shoved the “master” outside to freeze.

Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.4538618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I guess it is appropriate to speak of that while we are on the subject. As I write I ask that you keep in

mind that almost all the labels used are not accurate. Christ is a state of being, “israel” simply means

“chosen”, Jew actually will be referring to Zionists, etc. But if you keep our true definitions as given

in “No. 1” dictionary meanings in mind then this will make a lot more sense to you as you read. I

weary of having to take the space to explain each term each time I use it.


When we speak of “British Israel” you will find that most people believe it. Very few have ever

heard the term. Almost every church in America teaches some aspect or some part of British

Israelism. All of the TV evangelism preaches British Israelism but never utter the word.

Fundamentalist Christianity is a grassroots groundswell “ministry” for British Israelism, but

fundamentalist preachers never say “British Israel”.


What is British Israel? What is this mystery religion that has infiltrated religious America? British

Israel is not an organization. British Israel is not visible in whole or in part. British Israel has no

expressed or stated purpose as to its true existence. British Israel is not limited by national and

international law.


British Israelism is an organism: invisible, international and informal. It may function legally or

illegally within the law or above THE LAW. IT HAS NO ETHNIC, SOCIAL, LEGAL OR


British Israelism is a subversive Pharisaic doctrine which has infilrated Christianity with the

religion of racial and national salvation. It is also the “kingdom message”. The kingdom message is

the Pharisaic doctrine that there is coming yet a future 1000 year reign of Christ (specifically the

one called “Jesus”) on an earthly throne in earthly Jerusalem to rule the world.


Well, the few people who are barely aware of the racial aspects of British Israelism recognize the

Herbert W. Armstrong Worldwide Church of God as the main British Israel cult in America. Others

see variation of British Israelism in the Identity Cults. (Remember: I use the term “cult” as I would

“group” or “church”, which is, after all, the first definition of the word itself. You of the world have

been deluded and deceived by those who change the meanings of words to suit their own particular

needs for disinformation or even partial truths. In this instance the people call themselves “Anglo

Israel”. No, I jest not–go look it up!)


I do realize you have a problem in looking up things that you are not supposed to see. How many of

you noticed on yesterday’s news that Texas is in an uproar over history textbooks for the schools.

Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.4538639   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The term “Israel” in British Israel and Anglo Israel is an attempt to make a Biblical claim that the

white race and the nations of Britain and the United States are chosen, modern Israel. They claim

that the nation of Israel is just one of the twelve tribes. Now our friends in the local Baptist Church,

the Methodist Church and all the protestant churches and most of professing Christian define the

British Israel group in this form. To them it is obviously not Christian and does not in any way

apply to them nor affect their Christian beliefs. To them it is just another “doctrine”.


You will note a big splash as ones like Bush denounce David Duke for his “racist” views when

those ones doing the yelling are the very ones who hold the same, only more intense, bigoted views.

Anyone from Yale’s Skull and Bones is worse, by far, than any member of the KKK. You can go

look this one up also! As a matter of fact–Bush quietly is in full support of David Duke. It is almost

like there is a massive church with a doctrine based on the Kol Nidre throughout the world, isn’t it?

You would be better off to turn everything stated by the media, press and politicians in complete

reverse and you would have it just about right.


True to human nature and true to nominal Christians they are only looking at the form of

British Israelism and not the “spirit”. They perceive an organization but discern not the

organism of British Israel which has silently infiltrated their own religious beliefs and,

through a long process of patient gradualism, turned their once Christian faith into

Pharisaism. Any good preacher can tell you that the Pharisees were the evil people of their

own pronouncement.


The fact is that the British Israelism is an organism, a pseudo Christian Doctrine (meaning

“false”), which is the basic propaganda of world revolution. The International Elite raise up nations

and destroy them with British Israel propaganda. Nazi Germany was no less a victim of British

Israel propaganda, though no more than a handful of Germans ever heard the term “British Israel”.

Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.4538662   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Simply stated, British Israelism is a master race theory. For example, Israel today is based on a

master race (chosen race) theory exactly as was Nazi Germany. Why can’t people see this? It is

because they look at names, forms, organizations and they do not understand the power of an

organism. They cannot discern its spirit mainly because they believe it themselves. They are

doubleminded. Can anybody tell you what is the difference in a religion of racial and national

salvation that applies to Nazi Germany and one that applies to Israel today? There is none. Israeli

Nazism and German Nazism are interchangeable if you understand the organism and discern the

spirit of British Israelism. If the whole Israel cult could be justified Biblically today, so could Nazi

Germany, for they are identical. Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other.

Israel’s existence today is based on race and nation. Nazi Germany was based on race and nation.

What, then, must you conclude? The whole of professing Christianity today has been deceived with

British Israelism into a religion of racial and national salvation. They condemn German Nazism but

embrace Israeli Nazism or Jewish Nazism. A very pivotal example of doublemindedness. British

Israel Pharisaism was created by “Satan” based on a racial (physical) and national RELIGION

which is totally intended to deceive Christians into another gospel of some kind.


The fundamentalists and multiplied millions of nominal Christians would respond that they believe

in salvation by grace for themselves, but salvation by “race” for the so-called “Jews”. They might as

well believe it for themselves. There is but one salvation for ALL people of all ages and that is by

grace–OF GOD CREATOR. This relegates “National” Israel to the dump heap–or–world



And what else is British Israelism besides racial and national salvation? It is the kingdom message.

The kingdom message is the Jewish Doctrine of millenialism, or the belief there is yet a future 1000

year earthly reign of a Christ. Professing Christians today believe this earthly reign will come soon.

The kingdom message is political propaganda clothed in the Christian religion to bring about so

called “divine” world government. It is the kingdom message propaganda which has infiltrated

professing Christians and made of them one voice for world pharisaism. This is British Israelism

because this conspiracy originated with the British Empire.


You may have never heard of British Israelism, but you have heard the kingdom message from

every radio and television in America and almost every church in America. The kingdom message

comes from the British Israel world propaganda ministry to prepare all professing Christians for a

world political messianic kingdom. GO BACK AND READ THAT AGAIN!!


By understanding British Israelism as an organism, as a doctrine or philosophy that is not limited to

an organization or cult, one can see how British Israelism influences every man, woman and child in

America. One can believe in racial and national salvation and the kingdom message without ever

having heard of British Israelism. Organization is outward form only. Organism is the substance and

power of a doctrine to get into any church of whatever name or persuasion.


Have you not heard much propaganda about star wars defense and the Russian threat? Have you

ever been warned by government authorities about the British Israel conspiracy to subvert the

United States into a New World Order by using the Christian church and Christian evangelism and

the Elite Banks? On the contrary, government supports this British Israel “religious’ propaganda,

“tax-free” This is nothing more than a “state” “nation” being a “religion” and setting up itself

wherever it wishes–as a tax-free entity as that “religion”. Remember those billions of dollars? Dear

ones, a rose by any other name is but a rose! Will you awaken?


Finally, British Israelism is the means by which “authority” causes the people to be doubleminded.

Doublemindedness is the belief of two opposing thoughts at the same time, i.e., that JudaeoChristian is actually a meaningful term instead of directly in opposition one to the other. This is an

altered state of consciousness created by authority to control and use the people without their

knowledge, a modern system of slavery. One cannot believe in racial and national salvation and the

“kingdom message” of British Israel AND ALSO believe the gospel of Christ at the same time,

even the tampered-with version of same. Millions are efforting to do so.


Perhaps this can give meaning and understanding to the command to “Seek ye first the kingdom of

God”? Only by a true understanding of God’s kingdom can you escape your authoritarian induced




Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.4538721   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Unfortunately “Judaism” is another misrepresented term. It does not mean what it once did nor are

“Judaists” even recognized, as in “Judean”. So, we had better look at the many faces of “Judaism”.

Do not be confusing Judaism and Talmudism-although both are linked inseparably by intent to

mislead you good masses of world citizenry.


Let us just say if that which the Israelis, Talmudists, Zionists, British Israelis, Christians, etc., etc.,

etc., call Judaism IS, then World Government is a CERTAINTY. Judaism “means” a political

Messiah ruling over the earth from Jerusalem.


What might take a thousand more years to establish a worldwide Jewish Zionist Kingdom under the

name of Judaism, can be established as the “false kingdom of God on Earth”, as defined by the

Talmudists, much sooner in the name of “Christianity”. All of you so-called, self-styled

“Christians” will do it for the “master plan”. This is exactly what is being done by placing a so called “Jewish” interpretation upon Old Testament prophecies. The very word “israel” vs “Israel”

gives you all the clue you need to prove this statement to self.


Why Judaism? Judaism is being used by the One Worlders because it is the perfect vehicle for

spiritual and political control. If men can be brought into Judaism through whatever means, they

become perfect slaves. Once this concept of conspiracy is understood then you can understand

“Spiritual Communism”. Spiritual Communism simply states that if a man believes in his heart that

Christ will return to establish a World Government, then he can in no wise be patriotic. He is then a

One Wonder regardless of anything he might say or do to save his country, his freedom and/or his



The art of Judaizing has many twists and most important many reverse twists. Many come into

Judaism through Masonry, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, the vast majority of Protestantism,

Catholicism and so on ad-infinitum. Note all the above identify themselves as generic “Christians”.

What is the common denominator of all these so-called “Christians” (they certhinly do not like nor

respect each other as groups, or as they sometimes actually call themselves by that impossible label:


Anonymous ID: 7f1b01 Dec. 31, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.4538737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8758

The reverse twist of Judaizing is getting an “anti-Jew” movement started with “Jew-bait” (I use the

term because it is valid even though it repulses my very being). It seems that honest people who

escape every other trap fall for the so-labeled “Jew- bait”. The Jew-baiters are actually promoting

the scheme of One Worldism by fostering the propaganda that there are “Jews” physically in the

world today. There are NO “JEWS” PHYSICALLY IN THE WORLD TODAY–BUT THE JEWBAITERS CONTRIBUTE TO THE HOAX THAT THERE ARE, therefore aiding the Judaizers and One Wolders who must have “Jews” to stage their Jewish kingdom of God on earth. All socalled Jews today are PHARISEES who practice the Jew’s Talmud religion, the millennium.


The pattern of the “Jew-baiter” is to attack the “Jew” on one hand and promote Judaism on the other

through premillennialism, Masonry, and so forth. The One Worlders do not want the Jew’s religion

to be rightly identified as Pharisaism. They must at all cost make the Jew’s religion synonymous

with Christianity. The faster this can be done the faster we will officially have One World

Government from Jerusalem. So to unravel the tangled mystery of “Jew-bait” you must simply

expose the “Jew’s” “religion” (their millennium) as that which it is and which can be recognized by

any “Christian Biblical” scholar, as PHARISAISM.