Anonymous ID: 9996bf Dec. 31, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.4538349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8359


Sauce is from the Kikey Post itself, outing the hebe SOP. Cry out in pain while stabbing you in the back.




A Palestinian court in Ramallah sentenced a Palestinian-American to life in prison with hard labor on Monday, after finding him guilty of selling a house in the Old City of Jerusalem to a Jewish Israeli organization.


The man was identified as Issam Akel, a resident of east Jerusalem, who was arrested by Palestinian Authority security forces in October.


The story of the incarceration of the 53-year-old Akel, a US citizen, was first reported by The Jerusalem Post earlier this year.

Akel worked for one of the PA ministries and a hospital in east Jerusalem, according to Palestinian sources.

It remains unclear how he was arrested by PA security forces. As a resident of east Jerusalem, he holds an Israeli ID card that gives him immunity against being arrested or prosecuted in a PA court.


Some reports said that Akel was arrested while he was staying in Ramallah. Other reports, however, claimed that he had been kidnapped from east Jerusalem and taken to Ramallah.


Akel was accused of acting as a broker in the sale of a house jointly owned by the Alami and Halabi families in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem. Palestinians claimed that the house was sold for $500,000 to Ateret Kohanim, a Jewish organization that has been purchasing Arab-owned properties in east Jerusalem for several years.


The PA, the Palestinians said, has frozen the bank accounts of Akel and the two families.


The PA’s official news agency Wafa reported that Akel was convicted of “selling a house to the enemy in Jerusalem.”


The court ruling is part of the PA’s campaign to deter Palestinians from selling properties to Jews – a practice that is punishable by death in accordance with Palestinian law.


Palestinian religious authorities have repeatedly warned against the involvement of Palestinians in real estate transactions with Jews and organizations, saying that anyone who ignores the warning will be accused of “high treason.”


Akel was sentenced in spite of protests from Israel and the US. In November, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman wrote on Twitter that Akel’s incarceration was “antithetical to the values of the US and all those who advocate the cause of peaceful coexistence.” He called on the PA to immediately release Akel.


David M. Friedman


The Pal Authority has been holding US citizen Isaam Akel in prison for ~2 months. His suspected “crime”? Selling land to a Jew. Akel’s incarceration is antithetical to the values of the US & to all who advocate the cause of peaceful coexistence. We demand his immediate release.



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Israel Police has launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the arrest of Akel. As part of the investigation, the police arrested the PA “governor” of Jerusalem, Adnan Gheith, and a senior PA intelligence officer, Jihad Fakih. The two were later released on bail.