Anonymous ID: e7ab3e Jan. 4, 2019, 1:36 a.m. No.4591744   🗄️.is 🔗kun








Fantasy Traveling Slight Of Hand Parlor Clock Slight Of Word Fortune Creators/Tellers


What happened to "Trust But Verify" - can you pls verify evidence of being truthful and factual? Why is evidence so hard to provide?


Don't hate the Love of Q and Trump we have…. I'm sure we are on the same side….but…I only ask for factual validation of your Clockfag so called "Truthful" self created fantasies are in fact REAL… Thats all… Or could it be I am the only one to speak truth that not once could a past Clock event be verified as happening as you all stated?


Pulling any 1 - 2 digit code out of 1000 doc's starts your story. The you add in a 2nd 1 of 1000 to carry on your theory, so you know have a 1 in 10,000 different storyline you can create… Then you add in say 1 in 10,000 (limiteless) document with a single word in it and say its veified again, well now you have the odds of 1 in 100,000 as being real… So you control the storyline as you see fit, and the more 2 digit secret codes you can add that sorta get close, well you twist it as fact… Thats all. You can't and you are upset because someone caught you in your scheme of BS? if its real, whats so hard to show 1 event in your entire history as being real..? If everything all you Clockfags are real, why can't you prove just 1 clock of being real…. Simple answer would do, but you don't seem to have one, and you don't want your Dark secret to be known by your readers? Notice I didn't say anything about not a single bread crumb nor tip being used for DC swamp charges?


I send this with Love for Q and Trump,but I'm confused by 8ch knowingly mixes up their words to push a different agenda outside Q and Trump using lies…


Why you hate the Love being sent? I only want love back via evidence and if one is truthful, truthful evidence should be plenty to give in return…


1 simple example of truthfulness shouldn't be impossible now should it, if you only provide truthfulness? Any Truther speaking for Light Truth can provide evidence of their loyalty, yet no one in the entire Clockfag world here can provide it? So one must stay in the Dark when asking for a beam of light to show the Light path out?


SO when will any Clockfag believer PROVE A SINGLE PAST EVENT AS ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE? Didn't think so, so you continue to play and push your fantasy stories…


Anyone can view anything as fact, when you only rely on 2 digits in 1000s of documents.


REMEMBER GUYS - "MATRIXING" means you have the ability to change anything words/numbers etc. TO ANYTHING YOU WANT! Their are NO RULES/LAWS AND MATH CAN BE TWISTED TO ANYTHING - INCLUDING WORDS!


1+1 can in fact to Clockfags, mean 30! Or 23 or ANYTHING! Any word can be ANY NUMBER to Interject the fake link! THEY ARE INFINITE and all mathmatics can be twists trillions of times over and over until they get their result needed. Thats "Matrixing" and only ones imagination is the limits to change anything, and make anything link to something else!


Qp x9

Anonymous ID: e7ab3e Jan. 4, 2019, 2:01 a.m. No.4591842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1925



Love all the straight out OPINIONS GUYS, but its all speculation as to what you want to create in ones minds. Only your minds infinite thought in creating any story by 2 digits of a single word in a 20 page document IS YOUR PROOF OF REALISM! Seriously?


Let's take "Run Spot Run". What is your meaning? Can it have more then 1 meaning?


If one is in a negative mindset, upset, or encountered something bad - ONE WILL THINK SPOT IS RUNNING AWAY FROM TROUBLE!


If one is in a positive, loving mindset, and in a peaceful state of mind - ONE WILL THINK SPOT IS RUNNING TO LOVE!


Understand how "Slight Of Hand Parlor Trickery" works? Its like ones "Horiscope" they read each day. It is WRITTEN so vague and generalized, yet millions of people "Feel" their Predictions WERE REAL AND THEY BELIEVE! Yet others reading the exact same "Horiscope", it was not predicted correctly! SEE - ITS ALL 100% HOW YOUR BRAIN PROCESSES THOSE WORDS!


That is why, to this very day, NOT A SINGLE CLOCKFAG "slight of hand parlor word trickery" HAS NEVER BEEN VERIFIED AS REAL AND HAVE HAPPENED AS STATED!


See how now some 8ch now "Flip" Truth for Disinformation or "Mirrored"? How can 1 be truthful, and 1 be Disinformation and FAKE? Which is which? How do you know then what is TRUTHFUL and what is LIES? YOU CAN'T NOW CAN YOU? So then, what is the "CODE" that "FLIPS" Q's code?


Lets take JFK Jr. Someone asked Q if they were dead or alive. Q replied "Dead" so? Yet, now the boards are chalked FULL OF HIM BEING ALIVE AND DEAD! So now 8ch Clockfags are still placing JFK Jr into wheels AS TRUTH, yet Q said he was "Dead". Then others now CALL THIS Q MOVE A "MIRROR"! Understand? So how do you really KNOW what is TRUE and what is FAKE?


So my "Trust But Verify" was NOT SO OFF NOW WAS IT? I was only looking for Truth, which EVERYONE SAID EVERYTHING WAS, yet still not a single proof of evidence in 8ch's and Clockfag's entire history can 1 event clock be proven AS BEING VERIFIED Outside fake fantasy code! GET IT?


And what about all the Bread and Crumbs? Again, all the 10,000+ tips and links to criminals went into a Dark Bottomless Pit yet not a single atom of information you all given was used in any Light charge or arrest now has is? This is also in its entire history nothing was ever used… So are you serving Dark or Light? If Light, why not a single DC swamp charge for a parking ticket? Or could you be giving all this info to Dark Deep State so they can get a headstart of charges coming their way to protect them from Light?


See how anything can be interpretated as one wants. Words/Statements have duel meanings , yet 8ch, ONE MUST BELIEVE AS THEY DO! If you think or question like I have, you are anti-Trump and a SHILL! Why? For only telling the truth - something you do not what the readers to know?


So what was your interpretation of "Run Spot Run"? Were they running to someone with love, or away from someone for hate/evil? This is 100% how anyone can play this "Slight of hand parlor word trickery". So why not ask for VERIFIED EVIDENCE OF TRUTH TO WHAT ONE SAYS? IS THAT RIGHT OR WRONG?


This word game is also played on street corners by picking a playing card. They show you the cards face up so you can view the words, and then flip them over, and mix them up. Then say Pick the card. Same thing.


They purposely lay out all their fantasy storyline, and use slight of hand trickery of words/numbers to link it together… But shouldn't they be placing all the FACTUAL EVIDENCE 1st - THEN THE STORYLINE THEY WANT? See how its done.


Love Q and Trump, but Trump, time to throw a bone to the masses…


Qp xkj