Anonymous ID: 913086 Jan. 3, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.4581675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1708 >>1759 >>1782 >>1828 >>1934

2019 is here.


Last year brought new hope to all of humanity. President Trump will be the most-celebrated leader in history. Not since Moses lead Israel out of Egypt–while the Lord himself parted the Red Sea, has humanity witnessed such a move of God.


The first official day of a newly-elected democratic House and the seething mass of corrupt politicians (even GOP swamp-things like Romney appears to be), are already chanting "impeach-impeach-impeach".


I am over 50 and have NEVER seen a president attacked like Trump. Never. If he wasn't on the verge of actually DRAINING THE SWAMP, would the outrage, the out-of-control emotion–the name-calling, the outright lies–the MSM bald-faced LIES and deceptions be so very fierce? I think not.


It is hard to wait on justice–that has become obvious. But, as our Q reminds us–we must put emotions aside–use logic. Logic says it would take substantial time, money, resources, expertise, interdepartmental cooperation–SECRECY–and leadership to actually DRAIN THE SWAMP.


So–we wait. Patiently. For justice.


Remember–"waiting" is a verb. It takes energy, focus and sheer will to wait. Especially during stretches of no new information and/or encouragement from Q. But–we wait. We believe–we hope and trust our great leader (and the good Lord who sent him), to execute the Plan.


CHARACTER is only truly demonstrated in times of hardship. Only during times of "testing" can one's true character be evidenced. It is during those times of human trials and/or suffering can one demonstrate a noble character–by disregarding the suffering and doing what is right, (rather than what the situation may excuse).


I for one, will wait with faith and hope in both God and the leader he sent us for this historic time. Shills, MSM and corrupt, evil individuals attack the hardest during the calm before the storm. But faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for and the EVIDENCE of things unseen.


Be encouraged this day, as we know OUR VERY BEST DAYS ARE AHEAD!


God Bless President Trump, Q and the real Anons who believe and trust in the Plan!