Anonymous ID: 1ef483 Jan. 4, 2019, 9:53 a.m. No.4595288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5308 >>5344 >>5441

Swiss woman breaks Afghan migrant’s nose after he sexually assaults her


A 20-year-old Afghan migrant will probably think twice before sexually assaulting a woman next time. The man’s nose was broken after he inappropriately touched a young woman, Austrian newspaper Heute reports.


The incident happened at 1:30 am at a square in front of Vienna’s townhall, Austrian police say. The Afghan touched several women’s buttocks during NYE, but met the wrong victim when he did the same by a 21-year-old Swiss woman.


She struck back in a reflex and hit the man in the face. As a result he suffered a broken nose, police say. The man was reported to the police and then taken to a hospital for care.


According to Heute the woman was also reported on suspicion of assault. It’s unclear how the case continues as she flew back to Switzerland on Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 1ef483 Jan. 4, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.4595516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maybe Q's post will hep people understand the relevance of this article. Try and remember this is World Wide


Beware, Iranian mullahs! There’s a storm coming!


Jan. 4, 2019 - This year like every year on December 30, the ruling mullahs in Tehran set up street demonstrations and theaters to celebrate the fact that their regime wasn’t toppled during the 2009 popular protests and to pump up their disillusioned and depressed base of supporters.


But this year, the celebration and joy of the speakers for not losing their rule back in 2009 didn’t last long and quickly turned into anxiety and fear about the future.


A great number of personalities among the different ruling factions in Iran expressed their horror and concern about the immediate fate of the Islamic Republic, considering the level of discontent among Iranians, the economic misery that ordinary Iranians are going through, and a continuous stream of protests over the past twelve months.


Jahanbackhsh Mohebinia, an Iranian MP, said in his address to the parliament on December 30: “Brothers, sisters, scholars, university professors, government elites, judiciary, don’t paint the year eventful. This year [2018/2019] hasn’t come to an end yet and we already say that 2019/2020 there will be a catastrophe.”


Attaching the people’s uprising to foreign enemies will put one in a vulnerable position, since it’s just untrue, and force him to talk an incomprehensible soup of words.


Case in point is Ahmad Alamolhoda, Mashhad’s Friday prayer leader, who acknowledged that the people’s discontent has roots in economic misery and cultural suppression.


“The roots of revolt may be in cultural movements or economic movements. But the root of the revolt is inside the society and the source of the revolt is the enemy. The enemy either incites the revolt from the outside and sends its fire into the society and explodes the society with revolt or creates the revolt in the society itself in the first place and it spreads in the society and becomes epidemic,” said Alamolhoda on December 30.


So, it seems that the economic situation in Iran is so miserable that even Alamolhoda, who is a pathological liar, has to admit it while still trying to somehow drag foreign enemies into the equation.


While remembering the 2009 uprising, Alamolhoda couldn’t conceal his fear of the coming uprising and said: “This story isn’t the story of 2009. This story is much stronger and is the story of us now.”

Anonymous ID: 1ef483 Jan. 4, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.4595566   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fed Chief Powell Erases $5 Trillion from Markets, Destroys Middle Class 401(k)’s and Keeps His Job – Ain’t America Great!


The Fed and its Head – Jerome Powell – have mandates to”promote stable prices” and “maximum employment” and to ensure a “healthy economy”. However, Powell’s recent radical and consistent rate hikes are destroying the economy, increasing US debt interest payments and eliminating working Americans’ life savings.

Anonymous ID: 1ef483 Jan. 4, 2019, 10:32 a.m. No.4595800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Technocrats: Left To Their Devices, There Is No End In Sight


This is an insightful look by a doctoral candidate at the nexus of industry, Technocracy, Christianity and Christian Humanism. The book he cites, The Year of Our Lord 1943

Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis, concludes the “reign of technocracy has become so complete that none can foresee the end of it while this world lasts.”


In President Eisenhower’s farewell address, most readers stop after his warning about the military-industrial complex. If you read just a little further, you will hear, “Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” Yes, Ike knew about and understood Technocracy! ⁃ TN Editor