Anonymous ID: 9cedd3 Feb. 22, 2018, 4:19 a.m. No.460286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0330 >>0408



>What are we learning here anons? UNITY? The power of that? Also the "dark" side of UNITY which is division.


>Look at our world? Why are we divided? Can you name ONE division that is not false/created? Could it be that these "divisions" are contrived?


>What happens when the world is united? Really think on that one we need police? Not if we are united! Do we need war? Not if we are united! Do we have crime? Not if we are united!


>Division at the core of the worlds problem…a UNITED world looks very much like heaven on earth..just sayin'


There has to be a foundational basis for unity - a commonly held system of beliefs, if you like, which underpins the larger part of any society. Multiculturalism destroyed that. Instead of promoting integration into the host culture it fostered competing cultures and thus division. There is no such thing as multiculturalism because it breeds competing cultures which will always end with one particular culture dominating all others - usually the culture whose adherents breed fastest and thereby overwhelm with sheer numbers. Multiculturalism was and is a disaster to the nation state.

Anonymous ID: 9cedd3 Feb. 22, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.460441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0523


> I have lived in places myself where a variety of distinct cultures co-exist absolutely fine, and have done so for generations now – they abide by the same underlying laws, which are understood as applicable to all.


Exactly my point - if these diverse cultures abide by the same, host country laws, then they have adopted the host culture. I suppose we could argue semantics in terms of what we each understand by the term "culture" but my understanding goes way beyond mere dress and food preferences. Culture encompasses laws and traditions which are usually based on religious beliefs - e.g. The Ten Commandments that underpin British Common Law v Koran that underpins Sharia.

Anonymous ID: 9cedd3 Feb. 22, 2018, 5:49 a.m. No.460690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0720


> "Jackie was the most mercenary person I've ever met. She thinks, talks, and dreams of money, nothing but money.


UK Anon here.

Sounds like Cherie Blair. Can't wait until POTUS catches up with, and exposes, Tony and Cherie Blair's venality.

Anonymous ID: 9cedd3 Feb. 22, 2018, 6:04 a.m. No.460762   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Sicko is a 2007 American documentary film made by filmmaker Michael Moore. The film investigates health care in the United States, focusing on its health insurance and the pharmaceutical industry. The movie compares the for-profit, non-universal U.S. system with the non-profit universal health care systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba.


Has anyone ever investigated which system is most profitable to the Pharmas - the not-for-profit UK NHS style system or the US insurance based system? It could be revealing.

Anonymous ID: 9cedd3 Feb. 22, 2018, 7:02 a.m. No.461100   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>With regard to the first question, as with many issues, we need to see a more nuanced language developing. We need to talk about actors and networks, perhaps, rather than in terms of countries and institutions. Of course, some institutions are more infiltrated and dominated by the deep state network(s) than others, but there are white hats and people of integrity and honour in even the most corrupt of the major institutions.


The problem is it only needs one or two rotten apples in positions of authority to turn a whole institution from good to thoroughly corrupt.

Anonymous ID: 9cedd3 Feb. 22, 2018, 7:07 a.m. No.461130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1146



100% with you. It is the Gospel message of salvation and regeneration of the human spirit by the Holy Spirit that changes the heart and mind of an individual so as to desire to follow the path of righteousness. Unless people are changed at an inner, conscience level, no amount of law making can legislate goodness.