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>>460602 previous
> promotion that antidepressants are good for you??
It has been suggested that Big Pharm = Water as in one meaning for Q saying "Watch the Water"
There are metabolites that are passed out of the body that are still in active form.
Reverse osmosis use in water treatment facilities can remove some of this, but how many facilities use this technology?
Science paper found describing this - older paper - 2004, but relevant.
https:// www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/08/040826085912.htm
"This is a case where the analytical chemistry is ahead of the toxicology," he says. "Right now, the ecological effects of chronic low-level exposure to many of these pharmaceuticals are unknown." Older article 2004
"Conventional wastewater treatment processes don't eliminate pharmaceuticals and hormones as effectively, resulting in the release of low levels of these compounds into the environment," says Pedersen. "The more advanced processes, on the other hand, do a pretty good job at removing compounds." "This is a case where the analytical chemistry is ahead of the toxicology," he says. "Right now, the ecological effects of chronic low-level exposure to many of these pharmaceuticals are unknown."
> just another layer to control the population