HRC lost the 'purse,' purse being the ability to trade influence for money, and then more influence. HRC likely had a mid-level managers grasp of the real game coupled with inflated ego; some of these asshats actually thought they were making the 'total' future better, by selling us out @ Globalism
We knew, because you knew; and the play had a logical roll-out as an option about a year ago; it was revisited twice and then 2 more times; Q reminded us several times starting 3 months ago.
POTUS: "I like Acting" Re: Cabinet
double meaning, not lost…
further, Acting Secretaries/Chiefs can assess CoC/Communications breakdowns, report and assess, and build foundation for their replacement, or become permanent. In a sense, its also a great way to condition someone very capable for the position: 'Hey, you'll only be here awhile…' etc.
Sometimes those 'break-downs' have names and those names are leakers, gossipers, which is a level of disinfo/warfare, whether intentional or careless… I couldnt put my finger on why, but I like Mulvaney; he's capable.
What a freak…
Those plans dont work in any utopia; unless… Robots. Oh yeah..
Q, are you quite sure about Snowden? Can you tell us some of the depth of your exchange with him? "He answered smartly," etc. @ "May you never be silenced." I get some of the nuance. I did not think he was a traitor; and I wondered at your suggestion then and now…
Once an Agent , Always an Agent. NOT [AS] but [ES]
It fits, but then still not /ourguy , part of C_A ;
It's a bit much, further specificity and reaching is useless @Where's Waldo, hence my question.
@Posse Comitatus Act
Hussein signed EO overriding it; EO's work the public and against the public depending on which angle is used;
EO can protect POTUS against uprising from fake Antifa, GS Cells. or Comitatus Act protects Patriots who protect POTUS from Rogue MIL, uprising, or Congress. Whichever one used is based on SC Ruling.
Still thinking on watch… referring to past corressponding dates since delta reference given. No doubt an anon will cover the watch itself or times (of day)
CD Arrival time + Time zone difference(-) = Watch time?
Happy New Year Q,