Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.4659858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9864


>According to Fulford, Harry Ried is next on the chopping block.




NYT: Dying of Cancer, Harry Reid Doesn't Regret His 2013 'Nuclear Option'


A new feature story in the New York Times Magazine reveals that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is dying. We knew that the Nevadan had been diagnosed with a particularly aggressive and lethal form of cancer back in May, but it now appears as though the end is near. Reid offers that candidly grim assessment himself early in the piece, which runs more than two dozen paragraphs:


Reid, who is 79, does not have long to live. I hate to be so abrupt about this, but Reid probably would not mind. In May, he went in for a colonoscopy, the results of which caused concern among his doctors. This led to an M.R.I. that turned up a lesion on Reid’s pancreas: cancer. Reid’s subdued and slightly cold manner, and aggressive anticharisma, have always made him an admirably blunt assessor of situations, including, now, his own: “As soon as you discover you have something on your pancreas, you’re dead.” I had planned to visit Reid, who had not granted an interview since his cancer diagnosis, in November, but he put me off, saying he felt too weak. People close to him were saying that he had months left, if not weeks

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 3:42 a.m. No.4659933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9969






>>What do Anons want for XMAS?


>>Merry Christmas, Anons!










>Justice Ginsburg Dead on 01/07/2017


Obituary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Please write the details of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's obit here and tell us as much as you can about the biography below.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg (born on March 15th, 1933)[1] was a Civil-Servant who was best known for something. Ruth died on Tuesday January 08, 2019 and her death was due to complications arising from cancer and recent fall in which she broke three ribs.

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 3:48 a.m. No.4659969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9974








>>>What do Anons want for XMAS?


>>>Merry Christmas, Anons!










>>Justice Ginsburg Dead on 01/07/2017


>Obituary of Ruth Bader Ginsburg


>Ruth Bader Ginsburg


>Please write the details of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's obit here and tell us as much as you can about the biography below.


>Ruth Bader Ginsburg (born on March 15th, 1933)[1] was a Civil-Servant who was best known for something. Ruth died on Tuesday January 08, 2019 and her death was due to complications arising from cancer and recent fall in which she broke three ribs.






Quiet preparations are underway within conservative legal circles and the White House counsel’s office in the event that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg retires, two sources familiar with the process tell The Daily Caller.


YEP GUISE, SHE'S DEAD!!! It’s all schematics for when they want to formerly announce it. Remember GHWB? He was dead a couple weeks before they announced.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead and never recovered from her surgery but they won’t tell the public you probably won’t hear about it until spring

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 3:50 a.m. No.4659974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0023 >>0149



“According to sources, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been dead for over three months, but Democrats have been spraying Febreze on her every day in hopes that no one else notices she’s no longer alive.”


Ah, I love the internet.

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 3:55 a.m. No.4659999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0009 >>0032 >>0052 >>0063


>Remember Rubio's 2016 campaign slogan? Pretty obvious where his loyalties are


The Project for the New American Century

(PNAC) was a neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy.It was established as a non-profit educational organization in 1997, and founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 4:08 a.m. No.4660060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0535


>Ginsburg is fine and well, and will serve many more years on the Supreme Court, goy


Jimmy Kimmel: ‘We Must Protect’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘at Any Cost’


ABC Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel expressed concern over the news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg was taken to hospital on Thursday, declaring that she needs to stay on the court for “another 80 years.”

This week, 85-year-old Justice was hospitalized after reportedly fracturing three ribs in a fall at the court, sparking speculation she may be forced to retire her seat. Such a decision would allow President Donald Trump to appoint, and likely have confirmed, a third Supreme Court Justice within his first two years in office.


“For obvious reasons, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is someone we need to protect at all cost,” Jimmy Kimmel said during his monologue on Thursday. “We need her to keep going for like another, maybe, 80 years.”


“We’ve been developing this over the last year,” Kimmel continued, showing the audience what he described as the “Ruth Bader Gins-bubble” designed to protect her from harm. “We’re sending this to Washington to protect Justice Ginsburg from injuries, for criminals, from bears — this thing is actually grizzly bear-proof.”


“We are going to have to figure out the bathroom situation,” he added.


Kimmel was one of many liberals to express concern over the news, days after Democrats experienced relative success in the midterm elections by taking back control of the House of Representatives. Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano even offered Ginsburg her ribs and her kidneys to keep her alive and well.


Ginsburg has experienced various health problems over the years, having already survived two bouts with cancer and stent implant to open a blocked artery. However, Ginsburg’s nephew Daniel Stiepleman revealed on Thursday that his aunt was “doing great.”


“The last I heard she was up and working, of course, because what else would she be doing, and cracking jokes,” he said. “I can’t promise they were good jokes but they were jokes.”


Every time I see Kimmel, I am convinced that man can have a vigina without surgery.


Desperate little cunt shill aren't ya!!

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 4:14 a.m. No.4660088   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>The Project for the New American Century is also linked to the Alliance for Security Democracy.


>"Neo-con Frens"



Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 4:39 a.m. No.4660217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0238


>'Prime-time Trump' is trending on twitter


>Today is going to be an all day whine-a-thon from the left


>Kek. Ought to be notable just for the memorable phrase "all day whine-a-thon":


>>>4660180 MSM kicks off all day whine-a-thon in anticipation of POTUS primetime speech


>Good. The more they whine about it, the more people will be likely to tune in and hear it for themselves.

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 4:52 a.m. No.4660285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0351


>It's OK by me that it's not OK by you.


>Your loss.


>Try reading the bible one more time without all the bullshit that filled your delicate mind by those who think they know all, but obviously know fuck all.


>Read that verse about Lucifer and think on it, anon. Think on it for a long time.


How about you read Genesis 6:4 re: The Nephilim and LURK MORE till the summer then come back here and you won't spout your luciferian BS.

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 4:57 a.m. No.4660320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0356 >>0380

Interesting updates spewing in reality from Ben and the other likes…


“The Roman Curia is supposed to rule over their creations—trusts, foundations, C Corps, S Corps, LLCs, and so on. Now, to their credit, the Curia has weighed in and liquidated a great many municipal corporations involved in criminal activities. This includes the UNITED STATES, INC., which has been subjected to Chapter 7, Involuntary Bankruptcy. They are now in the process of ‘vacating’ the premises and have to shut down and leave D.C. for 90 days,” was what Judge Anna Von Reitz had to report on the situation.


Like a dream come true for many, we are also now seeing moves to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and fold the Federal Reserve Board into the U.S. Treasury Department, the sources say. Among other things, this means income taxes will be abolished and replaced with a sales tax on non-essential items, they say. Some independent confirmation of this can be found here:

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 5:10 a.m. No.4660377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0487


>How about if you're gonna make LURK MORE a big caps thing, you actually spell it as written in the dictionary of chanculture? DO NOT tell me it was autocorrect. If you do, you should LURK MOAR.


>It's summer all year round here. It seems as though it is, anyway.


>Let's face it, anon. You know nothing of Lucifer apart from the fact that filth think they own him. Well, they don't. You might find that you're very, very wrong about Lucifer. Not to say that the "Luciferians" have it all figured. They're just a bunch of assholes who hijacked something of great importance and blinded you from it.


>Go figure.


>But you don't want to know, do you?


> You won't go there because you've been so poisoned against it by poison people who have no claim of Lucifer, only that which you and those who came before you allowed them to have.


>Seek knowledge, anon. You can't lose.


It's OFFICIAL GUISE: We have a NEWFAG ….welcome him that he wil first LURK MORE until then >Filter his luciferian BS!!

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 5:21 a.m. No.4660439   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>New Pence Tweet


>"Last year, 17K individuals w/ criminal histories were apprehended at our southern border. Billions of dollars of narcotics flow through our southern border. 90% of all heroin that comes to the US that claims the lives of 300 Americans every week comes through our southern border."


Yeah I'd say 9pm EST tomorrow: National Emergency to Build The Wall!

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 5:29 a.m. No.4660494   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>I'm not sure how deep you are down the rabbit hole, anon. To most of us, it's obvious. They will use anyone and anyone will succumb.


>People are cheap, these days.


>>>4660377 (You)


>That's pretty desperate, anon. You're looking for backup and you're not getting any. Damn, for you. Oh well, some you win, some you lose.


>Lucifer isn't so bad, and those that you refer to as Lucifarians do not have copwrite, nor registration, patent, etc over Lucifer.\Some use God to do awful shit. No shit anon. I dare you to go back through history and see how many people were killed in the name of God.


>You're ignorant and ill self educated. You would do well to develop a mind of your own and some of that good ol' critical thinking.

Anonymous ID: 806b0c Jan. 8, 2019, 5:33 a.m. No.4660525   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>They'll believe anything that comes from Trumps mouth, and if they're faced with cognitive dissonance then they'll just believe that it's disinfo.