Anonymous ID: 8656a9 Jan. 8, 2019, 3:35 a.m. No.4659909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9915 >>9923 >>9976

Anons: This is Extremely Interesting


From 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life'

by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Year: 1990

Page 144-145


[RE: Akhenaten of Egypt.]



"When the people were forcefully told that they could no longer do certain religious acts, this caused great animosity toward Akhenaten. It would be like our president saying, "Okay, there are no more religions in the United States; there's just the president's religion." And if the president brought all the military back onto American soil with an isolationist point of view, he wouldn't be very popular. Neither was Akhenaten. But he knew he had to do it no matter what, even if it meant his own death. He had to do it to correct the pathway that our collective DNA had encoded into the reality. In addition, he needed to put into the akashic records the memory of the sacred purpose that Christ consciousness held."



Roughly: what POTUS is doing is the same thing Akhenaten did in Egypt when there were numerous different "religions" worshiping false idols. There were multiple priests teaching multiple conflicting things and creating expansionist wars. Akhenaten, changed all of this and dismissed all of the priests, went straight to the people and sad "You don't need priests, God is within you. There is only one God, and you can access God within your own self."


Could POTUS be doing what Akhenaten did in Egypt?

Anonymous ID: 8656a9 Jan. 8, 2019, 3:47 a.m. No.4659962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0054 >>0160 >>0173 >>0305 >>0507



Thanks bought the book.


Lucifer is not evil - Satan is.


Lucifer is the carrier if light that is unpolarized until polarized (either positive or negative). If positive: Christos Lucifer. If Negative: Satan.


Former raises kundalini, latter grows kundabuffer (reptilian tail in 4th dimension).


This Lucifer is evil lie is going to be hard to dispell from the masses.