Anonymous ID: 39f49c Jan. 9, 2019, 9:57 a.m. No.4681744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1931 >>2123


I bet Anons don't know that Japan has paid reparations to Korea 3 times.


And that the Korean government kept these payments hidden and squandered the money to corrupt politicians. The Korean government agreed, on 3 occasions to never ask for payment again.




It needs to be noted that Korea was not a signatory state of the Treaty of San Francisco, and as such, was not entitled to the benefits of Article 14. However…


Twenty years after World War II, South Korea and Japan re-established diplomatic relations with the 1965 signing of the Treaty on Basic Relations. In 2005, South Korea disclosed diplomatic documents that detailed the proceedings of the treaty. Kept secret in South Korea for 40 years, the documents revealed that Japan provided 500 million dollars in soft loans and 300 million in grants to South Korea as compensation for the reign of Japan. South Korea agreed to demand no more compensation after the treaty, either at a government-to-government level or an individual-to-government level.[20] It was also revealed that the South Korean government assumed the responsibility for compensating individuals on a lump sum basis[21] while rejecting Japan's proposal for direct compensation.[22]


However, the South Korean government used most of the loans for economic development and have failed to provide adequate compensation to victims, paying only 300,000 won per death, with only a total of 2,570 million won to the relatives of 8,552 victims who died in forced labor.[21][23]

Compensation for Korean victims of sexual slavery and forced labor remains a divisive issue. One easily exploitable by the ruling parties of each country.