Anonymous ID: 5325f2 Jan. 9, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.4681760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1767 >>1798 >>1811 >>1931 >>2123 >>2137





In Regards to all the [RR] Shenanigans, my take on the grey hat theory


1.) Look at what has happened, Sessions gone, Kelly gone, Mattis gone, and now RR. Why?


Think about the following:


-RR blocked the initial release of the IG report redactions. Why?


>Because he was finishing up the active international crime organizations involved in those redactions. Think logically, if MS-13 is acting for the deepstate why have RR investigate?


"The program’s strategy, which currently operates under the direction of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, aims to “focus federal drug resources on reducing the flow of illicit drugs and drug proceeds by identifying and targeting the major trafficking organizations, and eliminating the financial infrastructure of drug organizations.”


In October 2017, Sessions announced that he was designating the international criminal gang MS-13 as a priority for the OCDETF. Sessions came under some criticism for his actions, with many noting that MS-13 didn’t represent a significant force in the drug-trafficking business. But Sessions himself acknowledged this, while at the same time, noting the strength of the program’s reach:"


-RR got calls from DS per Q drops


>This could have very well been the BAIT Q is mentioning, why was the final meeting on AF1? Secure comms w/ POTUS and RR? Wrapping things up?


-Mueller has still only indicted known plants and people connected to the DS so how do you re-enforce that RR is "bad"?


>POTUS twitter, specific drops, Media circus. Notice there have been NO LEAKS from RR


-How could RR be good?


>One of two things, either he has been repeatedly threatened and was one of the original opposer's of the FISA but was forced and/or his resignation allows him to testify in his OWN case (need lawfag to confirm). Also, how do you protect a witness of the FISA DECLAS? Think about it.


-The only wildcard is his wife Barsoomian which could go either way.


TLDR; I don't believe that RR isn't a bad actor but, I am not going to limit my thinking to just one side of the argument. There is still ALOT of evidence pointing to him being a black hat. These examples are just some that I am considering.


At any rate the concernfags should BTFO because all of the resignations point to the final moves before the…


FISA Declas

Anonymous ID: 5325f2 Jan. 9, 2019, 10:01 a.m. No.4681798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1818




Much appreciated Anon. One thing I forgot is mentioning how massive of a political vacuum would be created if POTUS released the FISA that implicated most of the staff within GOV't. They have to either resign or get fired regardless if they are good or not.

Anonymous ID: 5325f2 Jan. 9, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.4681861   🗄️.is 🔗kun



My thoughts exactly..


Makes you think about the RED LINE drops too. POTUS baiting the media into believing that he would fire RR when really they were just wrapping things up for him to resign once the process was finished.

Anonymous ID: 5325f2 Jan. 9, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.4682239   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They took the BAIT


idk but it seems like the RR is bad has almost reached a tipping point in the shilling etc.


I can go back and forth