Anonymous ID: 98fb3c Jan. 9, 2019, 10:13 a.m. No.4681942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1966 >>1981

News about $37 million seized by US (a la Trumps EOs?) as part of Malaysian money laundering scandal. Rapper Pras Michel claims he’s innocent due to ignorance and of course racism.


Back in November, prosecutors alleged that Pras' work with Malaysian investment company 1Malaysia Development Berhad was part of a grand international money laundering scheme. After $4.5 billion of companies funds were reportedly misused, the money was reportedly laundered into bank accounts in the U.S. and elsewhere. Court documents claim that Malaysian financier Jho Low, who was charged for being part of the plot by bribing officials, recruited Pras. From there, authorities believe, Pras then brought on former Justice Department official George Higginbotham to help disguise campaign's connections. The defense alleges that Pras was paid for his part in the scheme by millions of dollars, which were illegally funneled in by Higginbotham through shell companies and falsified documents.


Mr. Michel is an innocent owner of the property who did not know of the conduct or circumstances giving rise to forfeiture.


Pras claimed that racism played a role in the government's investigation.