>Somebody get this bitch outta here!
You fucking retard. You're exactly like (((them))).
Suppress meh view on things! Orange man bad!
Fucking hypocrite. Look in the mirror.
>Somebody get this bitch outta here!
You fucking retard. You're exactly like (((them))).
Suppress meh view on things! Orange man bad!
Fucking hypocrite. Look in the mirror.
Low IQ post.
Ohhh, you sound triggered, to my great pleasure! Moar proof you are exactly like (((them))).
>Eat shit and die!
Lol, not an argument, you ignorant faggot.
How utterly noble of you.
Oh my son! Yes, yes I am. Don't tell your father.
>sure, here ya go.
>difference is, mine is not off the net like your chicken shit pic is.
Well, I see you have NOT done your homework. Fucking cuck. Or is it cock? You sure as hell did not show me yours, now did you? You are a fucking pussy, and a coward to boot.