It's hard to believe some of these shills who think a missile hit the pentagon, are intelligent enough to navigate their way here.
Q tells them a plane hit the pentagon.
We tell them a plane hit the pentagon.
We show them videos.
We show them pictures of the wreckage.
We show them pictures of charred bodies inside, still strapped in seats.
(((They))) call US the shills.
I would kill myself if my own mind was so fragile and MkUltra'ed from youtube vids and Chinese tech that I still felt I had to argue the point … even though a missile makes no sense at all, isn't physically possible and would have taken just about every intelligence source in the world to be in on it, when it's simple for a couple hijackers to simply run the plane into the building, or remotely take control of the plane though sub ILS systems using only a few people and set the heading to the exact point of contact.
Once again, a missile does not and physically could not cause the damage that was done without blowing a huge crater in the ground and tossing the building 100's of feet into the air.
Simple ballistics 101.
If this missile was a dummy with no explosives, then it still could not have pierced 3 wings of that building and cause the damage it did. There is not enough of mass to create such damage in any type missile, short of an ICBM.
A plane however, has enough mass, weight and velocity to do exactly what was done.
There's nothing to challenge, there's no point to argue.
Please, just stop with your retardation, you're making us look bad, unless of course you really are a paid shill, which would make more sense and we then could understand why you're trying to make us look foolish.
Just stop. It is okay to be wrong. Millions of youtubers, the keepers of sacred information are wrong every day.
We are better than that here.
If you're not convinced now, with all we've shown and explained, then you cannot be convinced because you cannot absorb the information being presented to you.
You are being mind controlled.