Now why would they want to do this….
>>4687159 Findings from the 9/11 Papers released this am w/o ransom being met>>4687159 Findings from the 9/11 Papers released this am w/o ransom being met
for a million reasons, this is nothing unusual.
a little information in the hands of an "autist" can make for a lot chatter.
don't you ever tire of being little hamsters on a wheel?
>How about this..
>The port authority took out a $1.5 billion dollar insurance policy >on June of 2001 for EACH of their properties.
How about this: sometimes it's an embarassment to see how gullible this board is. its insatiable paranoia feeds on innuendo, half-truths, incomplete information and outright mis-information in order to sustain its vaunted view of itself as latter-day messiahs (saviors of the world).
Really. An insurance policy, children, is responsible business. I get that "responsibility" is a foreign concept to most of you. I get that the most responsibility you've ever been given is to clean the fucking cheetos bags from your filthy basement-bedrooms, and you've failed at that. I get that, because your heads are up your asses, you think the entire world is in darkness. I get that.
But it's a fucking insurance policy. On. A. Building. That. Has. Been. Attacked. By. Terrorists. Repeatedly. One. That. Terrorists. Have. Vowed. To. Attack. Again.
And you morans make it "notable", as if you've just found the Missing Link.
A fool sees trouble ahead and fails to prepare. Go ahead, stealthy internet sleuths, dig on that.
A fucking embarassment.
muh children