Oh, so did Bill get a new supply of Children's blood in Puerto Rico…and ???
Human Trafficking isn't recognized as a crime, poverty stricken people to take advantage of…orphans, sexual consent is 16 yrs old…get all these pedos, fake organizations, UN NGO's out of the territory.
One of the main reasons why the left is pushing legalized pot in any form….gun confiscation. Beware, know the laws and your rights.
That is all "bored Anon"
But while on that subject…
100% correct…they do not have to
And it should always be considered against unconstitutional.
ooop's considered unconstitutional to deny anyone's right to defend themselves…except in very extreme and rare circumstances.
Yes, it needs to be taken to the supreme court along with every state right to conceal and carry w/o a permit…and the right to blast anyone that breaks into your home "stand your ground laws" not the democrats you have to hide or try to avoid your intruder before defending yourself…they're called libatards for a good reason!
Now they are pushing Red Flag Gun Laws that stripes people of their 2nd and 4th amendment rights and making private gun sales illegal.
And a record of you purchasing a gun