God bless sword anon.
The single largest distraction technique on this board has been the Jew slides.
Fun Fact:
The deep state specializes in distraction and misdirection. When you see what is clearly an organized and coordinated effort to pin the world's problems on one genetic group or religion, stop and think.
Most on here can't even separate the difference between Jew, Hebrew, Israel, Zionist, Khazarian, Khaballist, and Satanist.
As humans, we tend to default to blaming groups as a whole for problems, simply because there is something comforting about being able to identify our enemy so simply.
Well I have bad news, it is not, and never will be that simple. You are going to have to think your way through this one.
EASTERN Canada and the Coastal regions are Libtard havens.
The heartland is full of Conservative patriots.
Woohoo! The supremes are finally doing their job.
For those anons concerned about the amount of time it is taking to see the first arrest, consider this:
Anything that can be done quickly, can also be undone quickly.
Procedure and process that is done carefully enough to anticipate any loophole or mistake can save thousands of hours of work.
Do not be dismayed at slow progress, but instead be hopeful that what is being done will be meaningful and permanent.
And a big peanut butter hobbit dildo to you as well.