learn to navigate the board (opening post has all important infos and links to important threads)
learn to navigate the board (opening post has all important infos and links to important threads)
>#3- Several Anons posted on Night Shift that they had taken 8Chan stock advice and LOST money 2 weeks ago. These Anons were angry.
use your own brain instead of trusting in random internet posts might help, but you can go on of course blaming it on someone else
yeah i don´t give a fuck, keeping an eye on the market is no bad thing, acting on it is, as i said. (Your) problem
tits or gtfo
can´t teach stupid
remember that time you posted
"Rememer that time Q told us a bunch of things, and we all believed those things, but those things never happened, even when Q gave specific dates?
I feel embarrassed for fags that still believe a faceless man who constantly lies to them."
I feel embarrased for fags that still post on a board they don´t believe in to save muh fags from theirself
got your strategy wrong