Anonymous ID: e26045 Jan. 16, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.4785007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4784753 lb

an 'army' incapable of doing anything close to what we need to have done.

since 'patriots' can't pick anyone but our enemies to fill its ranks.

we see the picture.


the stream is moving too fast for them to catch up, and people are suffering for it.

It's not the highest denominator that matters, it's the lowest.

And boy does the 'high command' know how to throw the 'losers' to the dogs at their convenience. With as much contempt as our enemies have for them.

israel. jewry. mossad and their little helpers. muzzies, niggers, spics, shit skins, chinks, gooks, anything really.


Q is not doing much domestically, ignoring what is happening. People didn't just fucking insist on harsh measures early on for no reason.

They can keep their noses up and ignore reality as much as they can. It doesn't even fucking matter what 'truth' is so much as what is being done to people.

Killing and terrorizing is the only way to win. Removing our enemies lethally is the only solution.

Keep your fucking noses in the air for all you want. Nothing will change until our enemies are dead, and at present or future, the 'army' won't do jack shit.

People will have to fight it out themselves, and Q will just chalk it all up to numbers.

We are all just numbers in war