well with all the jobs coming back we need more private sector employee's. and a wall stops the job stealers on a high scale. 5 D and getting better.
You ever see the buildings they build up close? All junk and not built to last. Just like most houses these days. It's meant to be destroyed after the cleanse that is being stopped from happening.
I think He could just pick "some small town USA" and do it there. Surprise them and rock their world. Great PR too.
I'd date her in a heartbeat. I think the dates would be the the most looked forward to thing I could ever do. She's fascinating AND smart. And obviously a very beautiful woman. But she's married and wouldn't have a reason to even look my way twice if she was single.
FFS I wasn't even think on the Trolling nothing burgers with 1000 BURGERS! I can be so dense sometimes.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes to all but the last. A wall frees resources to counter the other borders. And last but not least… Clean up the coast "guard" letting anything and everything through for a buck. This shit is so deep it's going to take time. This is not lost on me. They will self deport and have great opportunity in their home country… They will want to go to their home countries happily.