Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.4792791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2825 >>2841





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Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.4792810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3241

US House Approves Resolution to Block US Sanctions Relief for Russian Companies


The US House of Representatives on Thursday endorsed a resolution to block the Treasury Department from moving forward with its plans to ease sanctions on three Russian companies, EN+, Rusal and Eurosibenergo.


The House voted 362 to 53 in favour of the resolution which disapproves of a Trump administration decision to lift sanctions on three Russian companies after they agreed to sweeping restructuring to reduce the control of Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska.


The move comes just hours after the US Department of the Treasury reportedly extended the expiration date of certain general licenses related to Russian companies En+, Rusal, EuroSibEnergo from January 21 to January 28. The move followed the US Senate's failure to secure enough votes to bar the Treasury from lifting sanctions on the three companies.


The Treasury first imposed the sanctions on April 6, and the move against Rusal, the world's second largest producer of aluminium, swiftly created turmoil in global aluminium markets. As a result, the United States' European allies urged the Treasury to reverse its course on the sanctions.


Although the three firms have agreed to take steps to reduce Deripaska's holdings to under 50 percent, Democrats in the US Congress have sought to oppose the Treasury's rollback.


The Senate on Wednesday attempted to pass a resolution blocking the move, but fell short of the required number of votes.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.4792820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2975 >>3343 >>3521

Shutdown standoff: Pelosi renews call to delay State of the Union, Trump says Dems 'hijacked' by 'fringe'


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi renewed her call Thursday to delay the State of the Union address, saying the date is not “sacred” and President Trump should wait to deliver his message to the nation until the partial government shutdown ends.


The president, for his part, fired back minutes later during a missile-defense speech at the Pentagon as he alleged the Democrats have been "hijacked" by the fringe and Pelosi is holding up talks.


"While many Democrats in the House and Senate would like to make a deal, Speaker Pelosi will not let them negotiate," Trump said. "The party has been hijacked by the open-borders fringe within the party. The radical left becoming the radical Democrats. Hopefully, Democratic lawmakers will step forward to do what is right for our country, and what is right for our country is border security at the strongest level."


On day 27 of the shutdown, the rhetoric continues to show both sides of the standoff refusing to step off their positions that triggered the funding lapse shortly before the holidays last month. Trump wants upwards of $6 billion for a border wall, while Pelosi and the Democrats now describe such a project as immoral, and the two sides have been unable to strike a deal that both bridges their differences and re-opens a slew of shuttered agencies. Hundreds of thousands of federal workers have been furloughed or are working without pay in the meantime.


The debate over the State of the Union address is the latest twist in the rocky, at-times nonexistent, negotiations.


The president has been slated to deliver the annual televised address to a Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 29. But with no compromise in sight, Pelosi suggested Wednesday that Trump either delay the speech until the standoff resolves or deliver it in writing.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.4792826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2887 >>3343 >>3521

Lebanese Intelligence Detain US Suspect Of Infiltrating From Israel


The Lebanese military intelligence have arrested a U.S. citizen who is suspected of entering Lebanon from Israel through a hole in the separation fence.


“After continuous search operations an army intelligence patrol was able to find the American citizen ‘Colin Emery’ hiding in one of the alleys in the city of Tyre … He was arrested over suspicions of entering on 15/01/2019 from the Occupied Palestinian Territories [Israel] to Lebanon territory,” the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) said in an official statement on January 17.


Last week, the Israeli media reported that a man wearing an Israeli military uniform and holding a box full of Hebrew documents entered the southern Lebanese village of Ayta ash Shab through a hole in the separation line. Tyre, where Emery was found, is located some 20 kilometers from Aita al-Shaab.


Lebanese sources said that Emery was arrested while he was trying to buy clothes from a shop in Tyre. Apparently, the man’s trousers were shredded while he was crossing the barbed wire on the separation line.


While some Lebanese activists believe that Emery was engaged in some sort of sabotage operations of Israeli or American intelligence, others believe that the man was simply looking for an adventure. The LAF will likely reveal more details on this incident in the upcoming few days.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.4792834   🗄️.is 🔗kun

B’tselem: Israel killed 290 Palestinians in 2018, most of them innocents


NGO claims only 90 of 254 killed in Gaza took part in violence; IDF has no comment; Israeli officials say they seek to prevent civilian deaths, accuse Hamas of using human shields


Israeli security forces killed 290 Palestinians in 2018, the majority of whom did not “take part in hostilities,” B’tselem, an Israeli human rights group, said Thursday.


In a brief report, the group said that Israeli troops killed 254 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including two women and 47 minors; 34 in the West Bank and East Jerusalem; and two in Israel.


In the coastal enclave, it said 149 of those killed did not “take part in hostilities,” while 90 did. The report added that B’tselem was unable to determine whether the remaining 15 of those killed in Gaza “took part in hostilities or not.”


An IDF spokesman did not respond to a request for comment about B’tselem’s findings.


Israeli security officials maintain that they only employ force when absolutely necessary and take exhaustive precautions and pains to prevent Palestinian civilian deaths. At times, however, they have admitted to making mistakes, resulting in Palestinian civilian deaths.


Security officials also maintain that terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad use Palestinian civilians as human shields to protect themselves and their military assets.


B’tselem said it collected the data on the Palestinians killed by troops last year through eyewitness accounts, official documents and photographs and video footage. It also said it cross-checked its information with the reports and statements of Palestinian and international human rights groups, the IDF, Palestinians terrorist groups and media reports.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.4792847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3343 >>3521

Child Sex Offender Nabbed Crossing The Border With Migrant Caravan Families


Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents were able to apprehend a previously deported child sex offender who tried re-entering the country with a group of other foreign nationals.


A CBP camera operator on Jan. 11 discovered 24 individuals illegally crossing into the United States near the San Luis, Arizona, Port of Entry. The caravan, which was made up mostly of Central American family units, immediately surrendered when confronted by agents.


Among the group was Marcos Velasquez-Taperio, a 37-year-old Guatemalan national who was convicted of aggravated indecent liberties with a minor in Ford County, Kansas, in 2009. After serving 32 months in prison, Velasquez-Taperio was deported to his home country. CBP, which reported the arrest Wednesday, said Velasquez-Taperio will now be prosecuted for re-entry after deportation.


News of the arrest immediately followed the apprehension of Wilfredo Perez-Aguilar, another sex offender from Guatemala. Perez-Aguilar, who was caught Monday trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in Southern California, was convicted in 2005 of sexual abuse and rape of a minor under the age of 12 in Kentucky.


“I am proud of our Border Patrol agents for making this arrest,” the chief patrol agent of the El Centro Sector in California, Gloria Chavez, said in a Tuesday statement. “Deported sexual predators seeking to illegally enter the U.S. will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


News of the arrests come as the U.S. federal government remains in partial shutdown over immigration enforcement.


President Donald Trump has demanded a budget that includes funding for a wall on the country’s southern border. However, most congressional Democrats remain fiercely opposed to the concept of a massive wall, suggesting it to be immoral and a waste of taxpayer money. The standoff has resulted in what is the longest government shutdown in history, with no apparent compromise on the horizon.


“We’re not going back until the Democrats do what they know they have to do,” Trump said during a Tuesday conference call. “Stay together — we’re going to win.”

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.4792869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2924 >>3149

Johnstone: War Whores Scramble To Say Syria Attack Means US Troops Must Remain


A suicide bombing in Manbij, Syria has reportedly killed 19 people including four Americans, two of whom were US soldiers and two of whom worked with the US military. ISIS, which has an extensive history of falsely claiming responsibility for attacks it had nothing to do with, has claimed responsibilityfor the attack. Despite the fact that ISIS would claim responsibility for a housewife stepping on a Lego block, and despite the complete absence of evidence that it had anything to do with the deadly explosion, all the usual cheerleaders of endless war are pointing to the Manbij suicide bombing and shrieking “See?? Trump said ISIS is defeated and it’s not!”


“ISIS is still a very real threat here,” CNN international corespondent Clarissa Ward told Jake Tapper from northern Syria.


“And the real concern that we are hearing over and over again on the ground, Jake, is that when US troops withdraw, a power vacuum is created, and that only gives them more strength.”


Virulent Syria war pundit Charles Lister, who is notorious for praising Al Qaeda and is a senior fellow at the Gulf state-funded neoconservative think tank Middle East Institute, told AFP that this attack invalidates Donald Trump’s order last month to withdraw troops from Syria.


“Trump’s order was reckless and driven far more by domestic political concerns than it was by facts on the ground,” Lister said, adding,


“To suggest ISIS is ‘defeated’ because it no longer controls territory is to fundamentally misunderstand how ISIS and similar organizations seek to operate.”

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.4792884   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mechanical Issues Cause Back-to-Back F-15 Emergency Landings in Kadena


Two F-15 Eagles from Kadena Air Base, Japan, experienced mechanical issues and were forced to make emergency landing using arresting cables, the Air Force told Wednesday.


One of the F-15s had a problem with its landing gear and the other "experienced a hydraulic issue," said Air Force Capt. Victoria Hight, spokeswoman for Pacific Air Forces.


The jets were returning to Kadena when the incident occurred Tuesday, Hight said in an email.


"Both pilots followed proper procedures and landed the aircraft safely without incident," she said.


Various media outlets noted that the jets landed on the same runway, but in the opposite direction of one another. The news was first reported by the Okinawa Times.


The separate incidents have not forced the base to order a stand-down of its fleet, Hight added. The base flies F-15C/D models.


"Our airmen are well-trained to execute their missions under any conditions, and they handled this particular incident in a professional, safe manner," the spokeswoman said.


In July, the base paused all F-15 flying operations after a pilot crashed off Okinawa during a routine training flight.


The lone pilot "successfully ejected" and was rescued by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.4792968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Final Steps in Syria’s Successful Struggle for Peace and Sovereignty


The war of aggression against Syria is winding up, and this can be observed by the opening of a series of new embassies in Damascus.


The situation in Syria evolves daily and sees two situations very closely linked to each other, with the US withdrawal from Syria and the consequent expansionist ambitions of Erdogan in Syria and the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) takeover in Idlib that frees the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Russian aviation to liberate the de-escalation zone.


Trump has promised to destroy Turkey economically if he attacks the Kurds, reinforcing his claim that Erdogan will not target the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) once the US withdraws from the area. One of the strongest accusations made against Trump’s withdrawal by his opponents is that no Middle Eastern force will ever trust the US again if they abandon the SDF to its fate, that is, to its annihilation at the hands of the Turkish army and its FSA proxies. This, however, is not possible; not so much because of Trump’s economic threats, but because of Damascus and Moscow being strongly opposed to any Turkish military action in the northeast of Syria.


This is a red line drawn by Putin and Assad, and the Turkish president likely understands the consequences of any wrong moves. It is no coincidence that he stated several times that he had no problems with the “Syrians or Syrian-Kurdish brothers”, and repeated that if the area under the SDF were to come under the control of Damascus, Turkey would have no need to intervene in Syria. Trump’s request that Ankara have a buffer zone of 20 kilometers separating the Kurdish and Turkish forces seems to complement the desire of Damascus and Moscow to avoid a clash between the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the SDF.


The only party that seems to be secretly encouraging a clash between the SDF and Turkish forces is Israel, criticizing Ankara and singing the praises of the SDF, in order to try and accentuate the tensions between the two sides, though naturally without success. Israel’s continued raids in Syria, though almost constantly failing due to Syrian air defense, and the divide-and-rule policy used against Turkey and the SDF, show that Tel Aviv is now weakened and mostly irrelevant in the Syrian conflict.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.4792998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3048

Heidi: Scientology proprietary info was secreted to Keith Raniere – at his request


[Editor’s note: I think it is extremely interesting and typical of Keith Raniere that he encouraged – even insisted – that Gina Hutchinson get her sister Heidi to get him Scientology material, which he later used in Nxivm. In short he stole from Scientology. Then a few years after he started Nxivm, he began his longstanding pattern of suing anyone who divulged his “proprietary information.” He began by suing Rick Ross, who ironically was a bitter enemy of Scientology. Here is Heidi’s story. It dates back to 1989, – 9 years before Raniere started Nxivm.]


By Heidi Hutchinson


In 1989, a then-devout member of Keith Alan Raniere’s small “harem” had a sister living in Los Angeles, who was the lead singer for a Scientology rock band that practiced after hours in the Scientology “Celebrity Center” in North Hollywood.


That sister was asked, begged by the KAR “harem” member to procure top secret Scientology course material for KAR.


That sister, in fact, took Scientology courses paid for by the band’s agent, a Scientologist, who convinced her Scientology was an easy road to stardom paved by Armando Anthony “Chick” Corea (a famous jazz pianist who took a liking to the sister), Priscilla and Lisa Presley, Tom Cruise, etc.., including the introductory “audit” whereby the “Sea Org” ranks of Scientology collect “collateral” or blackmail material much in the manner KAR did later.


After obtaining this material, passing it on to KAR, and breaking up with the band’s lead guitar player, that sister escaped from Scientology altogether, fortunately, but is still listed as a Scientology member from 1989 in member blacklists that can be found online.


Can anyone guess the names of the KAR “harem” member and sister who procured Scientology materials for KAR to model what would eventually become ESP/NX on?


There were other Scientology material procurements made by other KAR Harem members who followed suit and may yet be listed as former Scientology members if any detectives out there search these “blacklists,”

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:50 a.m. No.4793030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Frenchman jailed for 6 months for attempting organize Yellow Vest protest


A 28-year-old Frenchman has been sentenced to six months in jail after he published a Facebook post attempting to organize a ‘Yellow Vest’ blockade of a local petrol refinery, according to local reports.


Hedi Martin was arrested in Port-La Nouvelle, southern France on January 3, shortly after publishing the post on Facebook, la Dépêche reports. In his post, Martin called for a ‘Yellow Vest’ blockade of the petrol refinery in the coastal town, urging people to “stand up to the CRS [riot police],” according to WSWS.


State prosecutors noted video footage of Martin on his Facebook page at several Yellow Vest protests in the region, and criticized him for allegedly resigning from his short-term contract at a chocolate factory to “spend between four and seven hours every day” demonstrating.


The state prosecutor had reportedly sought a harsher penalty of two years imprisonment and a three-year protesting ban. However, the fact that Martin had not actually committed any violent acts, but rather “participated in a violent movement,” saw his sentence significantly reduced.


The arrest and sentencing come on the heels of French President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to crack down on the surge of protests and violent riots, which have now rolled into their ninth week, spreading across the country from the capital.


The movement began in mid-November over increasing fuel prices, but has since grown to encompass an overall dissatisfaction with Macron’s policies. The administration did suspend fuel tax hikes in light of the protests, and Macron pledged to raise the minimum wage, but refused to reinstate a tax on the wealthy.


The rallies were marred by chaotic clashes with police, and at least 10 people have died in connection with the Yellow Vest protests in France. More than a thousand have been detained by police.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.4793074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3113

Pics of new Mexican President with Sinaloa cartel lieutenant


He hasn’t even taken office yet, but Mexico’s new President Enrique Peña Nieto has already got some ‘splainin’ to do.


Mexico City newspapers today reported the discovery of pictures of the not-yet-inaugarated new President in which he appears chummy with a man arrested yesterday in Madrid and charged with importing 337 kilos of cocaine into Spain from South America.


The pictures, on the Facebook page of the arrested man, Celaya Rafael Humberto Valenzuela,came to light after the Interior Ministry in Spain held a press conference detailing his arrest in Spain in the company of a cousin of Sinaloa cartel honcho Chapo Guzman.


Spanish police, working with the FBI, say the men were conspiring to establish a beachhead for El Chapo in Spain. Spain's national police, in a joint investigation with the FBI's Boston Division, "aborted an attempt by El Chapo Guzman to settle in Europe."


“Rafa” Celaya, as he is known to his friends in the PRI, is shown in photos with future Mexican President Pena Nieto at campaign events in Mexico City and Sonora.


By themselves the pictures prove little.But the context in which they appear is extraordinarily revealing, and speaks volumes about the active participation of elements of the Mexican elite in drug trafficking.


“Rafa" Celaya, the new Mexican President’s friend, wasn’t living rough in the mountains of Sinaloa.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.4793099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3120 >>3202

China Central Bank Just Injected RECORD Amount of Money Into Markets To Prevent COLLAPSE!


China central bank injects record $51.6 billion in open market operations


China central bank injects record net $83 billion in open market operations | Reuters

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.4793117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3224

Facebook Shuts Hundreds of Russia-Linked Pages, Accounts


LONDON—Facebook said on Jan. 17, it removed hundreds of Russia-linked pages, groups and accounts that it says were part of two big disinformation operations targeting users outside the United States.


The social media company said its latest effort to fight misinformation came after it found two networks “that engaged in coordinated inauthentic behavior” on Facebook and its Instagram service.


Facebook’s head of cybersecurity policy, Nathaniel Gleicher, said in a blog post that one network operated in countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltics, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. The other focused on Ukraine.


“We didn’t find any links between these operations, but they used similar tactics by creating networks of accounts to mislead others about who they were and what they were doing,” Gleicher said.


U.S. tech companies have stepped up their work against disinformation campaigns, aiming to stymie online troublemakers’ efforts to divide voters and discredit democracy. Facebook’s purge is part of countermeasures to prevent abuses like those used by Russian groups two years ago to sway public opinion ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.


Though much of the attention has been on Russian-linked campaigns in the United States, Facebook has identified and blocked such tactics around the world. The Menlo Park, California, company has been disclosing such purges regularly in recent months, as its systems get better at detecting and removing malicious accounts. But those behind the campaigns are sharpening their attacks, too.


According to Facebook, the people running the accounts represented themselves as independent news sources and posted on topics like anti-NATO sentiment and protest movements.


Gleicher said one network of 364 pages and accounts was linked to employees of Sputnik, a Russian state-run English-language news site. About 790,000 accounts followed one or more of the network’s pages. The operation spent about $135,000 over six years for Facebook advertisements, which it paid for in euros, rubles, and dollars. The most recent ad ran in January.

Anonymous ID: 0ab504 Jan. 17, 2019, 11 a.m. No.4793135   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Businessman Who Survived 9/11 Among The Dead In Nairobi Terror Attack


In a shocking new development regarding Tuesday's brazen terror attack on an upscale hotel in Kenya's capital of Nairobi which left 15 dead as Somali-based al-Shabab militants stormed through the complex with automatic weapons, the lone American citizen identified among the dead was a 9/11 survivor.


The victim, Jason Spindler, was confirmed by family members to have survived the terror attacks in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. “It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that my brother Jason Spindler passed away this morning during a terror attack in Nairobi, Kenya. Jason was a survivor of 9-11 and a fighter. I am sure he gave them hell!”, his brother Jonathan posted on Facebook.


Described further as managing director of an investment firm that attempts to grow small businesses in emerging markets such as Africa, Jason Spindler was one of 15 killed after four gunmen from the al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabab militia stormed a Riverside luxury hotel in a posh area of Nairobi.

