Anonymous ID: 79871d Jan. 17, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.4798258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8841

Anonymous 01/17/19 (Thu) 18:31:155ab741 No.4796890>>4796920


>>4796711 (You)


check out brainstorm media on xfinity, their show line up


nonymous (You) 01/17/19 (Thu) 14:40:47edcc9d No.4793667


>>4793658 (You)


Anonymous 01/17/19 (Thu) 14:20:49 b8c7f1 (1) No.4793371>>4793419


>>4789081 (You) (You) re movie Brainstorm


Will be on TCM on Jan 28 at 3:15pm



Anonymous (You) 01/17/19 (Thu) 14:30:588ab1ae No.4793524




You must understand the story is two levels. One the straight forward plot and the other allegory and archtype. If you did not catch that Alex is God and Micheal is the Arch Angel Micheal you did not really get the movie.


The dialogue between Micheal and Karen over the internet at the end is not directed at the storyline. It is directed at the audience right now in the Great Awakening.


Triad is the Trinity.


The song under the sheet by Natalie Wood is actually the words a member of the Original Q "Brainstorm" team said in real life about what they hoped to accomplish if they won.