Anonymous ID: 0b6bc5 Jan. 18, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.4804902   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Planned Parenthood BTFO by the 5th Court of Appeals.


A federal appellate judge in Texas issued a ruling late on Jan. 17 that dismantles key talking points used by the pro-abortion movement to defend Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby body parts.


The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals case dealt with a decision by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to terminate Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood affiliates in the state. The commission based its decision on a series of undercover videos released in 2015 showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the illegal sale of aborted baby body parts.


When the videos were released by The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life group, Planned Parenthood and its defenders used the same set of talking points to disparage the evidence, specifically focusing on a claim that the videos were “heavily [and] deceptively edited.” The same talking points were often parroted, without evidence, by the news media.


In a 36-page ruling, Circuit Judge Edith Jones noted that a review by an independent forensic firm determined “That the video was authentic and not deceptively edited,” refuting Planned Parenthood’s claims. Jones ruled that the state’s decision to remove Planned Parenthood’s affiliates from the Medicaid provider rolls was lawful.

Anonymous ID: 0b6bc5 Jan. 18, 2019, 7:30 a.m. No.4805107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats cancel Afghanistan trip, accuse Trump of jeopardizing its safety


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi canceled plans Friday to take a multi-day trip to Afghanistan and other countries, accusing the Trump administration of leaking sensitive information about her itinerary.


“In light of the grave threats caused by the President’s action, the delegation has decided to postpone the trip so as not to further endanger our troops and security personnel, or the other travelers on the flights," Pelosi’s d eputy c hief of s taff, Drew Hammill, said Friday.


President Trump on Thursday surprised Pelosi’s delegation of lawmakers who were just leaving for their trip abroad by revoking their use of military aircraft, forcing them to return to the Capitol.


Hammill said the group had planned to proceed with the trip using commercial aircraft, but then had to cancel altogether after Trump leaked those plans to the press and jeopardized the safety of the trip.