Anonymous ID: 2508f5 Jan. 18, 2019, 6:06 a.m. No.4804439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4551

>>4804055 (last bread)


Pilot's rest story is bullshit. Ramstein is 1/2 hour further. if it's a military flight the pilot goes to Ramstein, not some private airport. Brussels is private and SHAPE uses a private airport nearby, I think. Only have to look at procedure flying troops to AFG to check out what policy is. Yep, I'm calling bullshit on pilot's rest.


Pelosi supposed to meet Morgherini, who keeps yapping about Iran sanctions and how the EU will disregard them. New congress chick supposed to go with Pelosi is a Navy vet specialized in nukes (according to the night crew w/ wiki sauce). Hello?


Deep shit here, guise, I'm pretty sure.

Anonymous ID: 2508f5 Jan. 18, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.4804542   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Potus canceled that last week. I actually thought he had canceled everyone, but yesterday the news popped up (after Pelosi trip axed) saying some of his guys (financial guns) were going. I'm wondering if that report was put out there because they knew Pelosi would demand he cancel that and they'd get a free concession to trade off.


POTUS can't be too happy with the EU now, either (Pelosi related). Might as well shut down info coming from US side and let them squirm wondering what's coming next.

Anonymous ID: 2508f5 Jan. 18, 2019, 7:24 a.m. No.4805051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5111


>Could Americans who need jobs do this work?


You have the problem that it is not a full time job and the high season is at at time when US kids are back in school. So not good as a full time or part time for a US worker. Resort workers, fall season, are the same. Trump knows this first hand.


There were always workers from Mexico during picking time. It may be now that illegals will work cheaper than the visa'd pickers.


POTUS calling out Pelosi's donors about this shit in today's tweet. ICE is coming, boys, and if you're in a conspiracy to keep the flow of illegals going you're assets will be seized. Pelosi will be radioactive by the time POTUS is done. They're going to have to find a way to shut her up before she crashes the whole game. By my speculation, anyway