Also referring to her "big donors" in Napa Valley(?).
Roths are having domains in Napa, growing grapes for their wine and need workers (cheap labour).
Also referring to her "big donors" in Napa Valley(?).
Roths are having domains in Napa, growing grapes for their wine and need workers (cheap labour).
Why would Peolsi leave the country for a seven day excursion?
This is the important question, Potus asks here.
(800.000 aren't getting paid, not so important in this message, because everybody is aware of that).
He tells us that Nancy has big donors in Napa.
He says that farms an vineyards will still have workers, when the wall is build (easy access, but vetted and regulated).
>He is telling us that her grape vineyards are easy access for illegal aliens who are trafficked.
I think this is factually true.
But he also tells us that there will be still workers for farms & vineyards,
after the wall has been build.
Her big donors in Napa want open borders to have access to people,
who would work for cheap money and don't rebel out of fear of being deported.
He tells us that the Dems/ Pelosi are lobbying
for these big donors and their interests.