I've been wondering for a long time now… what the hell has POTUS done to undermine American ideals? did he force everyone to buy a product (health insurance) did he sign executive orders shutting down private business (coal mines) did he confiscate land for the enrichment of others wealth (bundy land seizures) did he kill a US ambassador by refusing to rescue him (stephens) did he ask the high ranking admirals and generals if they would fire on us citizens and fire them if they said no, did he sell weapons to the cartels to be used against border agents, did he spy on political candidates during an election… I guess I just don't know what they are talking about
what's the vineyards address? I can look it up on ewg.org and it will tell you how much anybody In a certain zip code or county gets in farm subsidies
what I can't figure out is why the normies can't see this… they are told again and again and again we have the best intelligence agencies in the world… yet we can't find proof of POTUS colluding with the Russians or anyone else for that matter
must be a laid off federal worker… well I hope the RIF rumors are true… and in the words of your hero and the real anti-American president… those jobs aren't coming back so get used to it.. go kys shill
it doesn't matter anyway… it's a internal policy… just like the nuclear option… if they want to break it they can break it… which I assume they would because the chance of revenge after all these judges are appointed is nill…
should be in notables… the bust by the FBI on RPG's being used for a terror attack on the white house… the date for the attack was yesterday.. as the demonrats were flying out of country
come on anons… I don't like RBG anymore than the next anon… but what has she done that would be tantamount to treason? age and cancer will take care of this liberal… but treason?
Vietnam…. she could have done something there alright… but not even a rumor from Q on what she did..
ok I'm not going to shit up this board… but the SC IS THE ONE THAT SAYS CONSTITUTIONAL OR NOT… therefore she can't do anything unconstitutional as far as her rulings go… now if she did it and was bribed or something that is a different story… but like I said age and cancer will be her undoing…
treason is a very high standard… her thoughts on sex with minors although immoral is not treason… anons don't be like the other side let's do this correct
which means they are totally anti-POTUS… they know what they are doing… Hunt for Red October… the Russians don't take a shit without a plan son…
fuck I've never seen a gov't agency work that fast.. in less than an hour they re-assessed.. to bad they didn't do that for ambassador stephens..