Anonymous ID: 80b494 Jan. 29, 2019, 12:34 a.m. No.4949532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9558 >>9657 >>9756

Seeking only to assist… Attached is the s/sheet we have been using on ATS for almost a year.


It has evolved to include:

1) @realdonaldtrump tweets since Nov 2016

2) All Q posts

3) For both (1) and (2) it contains all:

a) Post2Post, Tweet2Post, Post2Tweet, Tweet2Tweet Deltas

b) Timestamp checksums

c) IntraDeltas and MirrorDeltas

d) Timestamp2Acronyms and TimeDelta2Acronyms

e) CAPS only decodes

f) Guccifer decodes for "q", "Q", "p", "P"

g) StartOfLine and StartOfSentence decodes

h) Biblical verses

i) Search on any punctuation

j) Q signatures

k) MagicSqare tool upto 40x40 for COVFEFE decodes using HH:MM, MM:SS or Intradelta for grid size

l) Qclock Easy Search tool highlighting 3 mirrors and dropboxes by date

m) Cryptex tool that allows individual lines or whole Post/tweet to be rotated left/right

n) Simple Gematria tool gives results for each word and line for whole post/tweet

o) Posts per day calendar that shows weekly focus messages such as CAM4 over last SOTU

p) Overlay tool - allows you to see only common characters when 2 posts/tweets are overlaid

q) Quartered posts shows side by side of all posts divisible by 4 such as 1600 gives 1200, 800, 400

r) Logic variable glued posts - groups lines from different posts with same [killbox] contents

s) data sheets for ASCII, Morse, Periodic table, reserve banks, SkullnBones members 1831-2006.



It deliberately AVOIDS any Visual Basic Macros, instead using formulae only.

Separate s/sheets avail with pictures from all Q Posts.


Subject to crediting ATSanons you're welcome to:

1) Use as-is

2) Copy part or all and evolve

3) Have weekly updates of it (subject to requesting)

4) Totally ignore it


It is available at dropbox (12MB):

Anonymous ID: 80b494 Jan. 29, 2019, 12:38 a.m. No.4949558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Forgot to mention that the "Main Decode Results" tab shows all Q posts ad POTUS tweets on one sheet in chronological order.


Allows search of both plus their main decodes for strings etc.

Anonymous ID: 80b494 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:13 a.m. No.4949912   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Here's a URL to part 15 of our thread that has been going since Oct 2017:

Anonymous ID: 80b494 Jan. 29, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.4949936   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An example post on ATS proving Q told us Jan 5th, gubmint wld reopen 25th: