Asked about numbers in a dream LB, still puzzling over that. But Hamilton came up LB and brought to mind this dream.
Dream about Hamilton & Q Research Board
I often get information in dreams but not very often and only in symbolic form. This dream was sometime after 911. Seems to refer to this exact moment in time and what goes on here in QResearch. Like a pointer.
I am in a bustling marketplace within a bakeshop. There is a baker and an enormous mound of rising bread on a square wooden table.
Then I see a carnival ride with Disney-like teacups with 3 seats arranged in a triangle. You get in, and it goes into a dark area, like a scary ride.
On the other side is a bank; has a 1776-ish feeling. For some reason, two things come to mind: Alexander Hamilton and $25,000.
I must make a decision: to be involved or not. I guess I say no (although I don't remember it). I am returned to the marketplace, but now it is all boarded up and deserted. I try to go to the front of the bank, but it is secured with a very heavy chain.
I feel completely desolate. Like it was a failed test. As a result, I never forget this dream. Six months ago, I come onto this board and realize it's all about the American Revolution, bakers, bread (both real and money), and banks.
In the last month, "Hamilton" has become a big deal. Why? Many theories. For me, it's a link to the dream.
The teacup ride into the dark has something to do with children in danger, I think, and going down the rabbit hole. You can't go into the bank directly, only thru this secret back way.
I never knew what the $25,000 meant. Until today. Just add six zeros: $25,000,000,000. The price of the Wall.
Interested in any thoughts you have, anons. Can be for a larger group at times.