Anonymous ID: 65ecef Jan. 23, 2019, 1:52 a.m. No.4871949   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Alchemist’s Threefold Path of Initiation; Philosophicum, Theoreticum and the Praticum

The traditional path of initiation consists of three phases or degrees; The Philosophicum or historical philosophy, the Theoreticum where spiritual and pratical principles are revealed in a way to achieve personal gnosis, and the Praticum or pratical application by the alchemist in the temporal world.


The objective for an initiate is to develop the power of Alchemical Thinking, in order to access that which is inherit within you but lies dormant. You have to spark the “Secret Fire” of consciousness to receive personal gnosis. In a way combining logi with feeling so that the fire is percolating from deep within, otherwise you will face great difficulty accessing the deeper levels of the Work.


That is to say, by following the outlined formula you can achieve the desired result and become a Hermes Trismegistus, the perfected man.

Anonymous ID: 65ecef Jan. 23, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.4871980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1986



In truth, beyond the shadow of doubt this message can not be more genuine.


Everything below parallels everything above, just as everything above corresponds to everything below and when unified in this way, it will express the procedure of the absolute.


Everything emanates from the absolute, undifferentiated consciousness; becomes conscious of itself, so everything manifested from undifferentiated consciousness is an exhalation connected to the source.


It is given life from the father (sun, fire), and the mother (moon, water),


And the vital life force is nourished by the earth.This process gives birth to everything in the temporal world.


It maintains integrity because it is still linked to the absolute even in splinted form on earth, so you should discern earthly experience from the great initiator, and the esoteric from the exoteric in appreciation while using discretion.


It ascends from the temporal world back to unity and again emanates to the temporal world and receives again the experience to comprehend this cyclical miracle of the one.


Thus you will become conscious of the miracle of this experience. As a result you become illuminated with a conscious of the highest harmonic.


This is the highest power you could ever know, transcending beyond beyond the mental and penetrating through all that is concrete. Through this power the material world was created.


With this understanding of creation, will come more manifestations, because this pattern is the principle procedure.


And thus I am called Trismegistus, having the three parts required to give manifestations form. All that I have said concerning the creation process of fathering is fulfilled.

Anonymous ID: 65ecef Jan. 23, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.4872071   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Your nescience is not my concern.


Your battle is on the surface and exposing the matrix and I commend you on that part Patriots.


The battle I fight will not be understood as it is by the light I fight.