Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 4, 2019, 6:01 a.m. No.6043841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4792 >>5564



Q has called many things the key or key.


The key = therapist. (1636)

The map is the key (262)

ES is key (1504)

Timestamp is key (985)




It seems to be an oft used term that changes meaning based on circumstance. Therefore to say that one particular thing is the "definitive" key is problematic.


That said, if one takes a step back from the myopic view focused on current political puppets to see the long term control mechanisms, all roads lead to Rome.


That broad view shows the Vatican attempting to establish global temporal power by any and all means. While projecting a pretense of holiness, it has been ruthlessly working behind the scenes with the Nazis, CIA, Masons, International Banksters, and Mafia. QANON supplied a linked PDF (below), the SMOM section, in particular, is quite illuminating:


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




With that as background, fast forward to Joseph Mifsud of (surprise) Malta and the formation of the Russia dossier. He (surprise again) taught at the Link Campus University in Rome, a center for U.S. and European defense, law enforcement, and intelligence officials -


Not just the mechanisms of the attempted coup trace to Rome but so does the satanic pedophile cult. Notice QANON said "travel to Rome" when referencing the Podesta artwork and Vanderbilt pool and charm. See screenshots.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 4, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6047417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0325 >>6107



> B.. but them nazi vatican..


Learn to read Mr. Clown Shill… The information QANON supplied is corroborated by many other sources: >>5276091


You have tried every tactic to discredit it, including calling it KGB propaganda. However, it is apparent to anyone who reads this thread who the real propaganda artist is - lol.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 4, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.6052458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9350



> Calling KGB propaganda KGB propaganda is shilling.


You repeat your claim that the PDF document QANON linked and told us to "learn" is KGB propaganda: >>5035275


As I pointed out way back here, you are a liar, it was actually written by CIA whistleblowers: >>5036227


> In regards to project paperclip


First of all, you denied any Nazis survived at all after the war: >>5266145


Only AFTER I pointed out Operation Paperclip and the Vatican Ratlines did you acknowledge any did. Then you retracted the admission and went back to denial: >>5427618


Now you are once again admitting the Vatican moved their Nazi stooges, but are attempting to assign noble motives. You have neglected to mention that many of the high ranking Nazis, including those guilty of the worst atrocities, were moved to safety by the Vatican (mostly to South America) but they were not scientists or useful to America.


You also neglected to mention, as the SMOM section of the document QANON provided shows, Vatican knights were instrumental in the creation of the CIA and they used it to continue "evil" programs such as MK-Ultra. It is ironic that the CIA is ostensibly supposed to guard America against invasion and control by foreign powers but is itself, in large part, controlled by a foreign power.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 5, 2019, 5:34 p.m. No.6065735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2272


> You know the KGB defector who declared that your covert action magazine was part of KGB propaganda operation


So you are saying that QANON is supplying KGB propaganda because Mithruskin told you? First off, it is not MY Covert Action magazine it is what QANON linked and told us to learn. Second, it was written by CIA whistleblowers which was already shown. Third, since you believe this Mithruskin source over QANON, then perhaps you should go have your meds adjusted.


> How many times have you repeatedly ignored this clear statement by Q?


Not once have I ignored it. I said it was a subgroup just like Q did. >>5267132


How many times have you tries to ignore or discredit Q's information - many - you are doing so right now with the document and posts given here: >>6061323


Why are you trying to divert away from Q's linked PDF and discredit it as KGB propaganda? You can't handle the truth?

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 6, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.6073271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7345





> Spectacular book cover by the jew Avro Manhattan


So because he is a Jew his writings are automatically invalid in your mind? Is that why you don't believe the Bible, because it was written by Jews (Romans 3:2)? Christ was of Jewish descent, so his words mean nothing as well? How about salvation, do you despise it because it comes through the Jews (John 4:22)?


Since you automatically discount anything written by Jews, I will give you a source with a French Catholic background. His book corroborates Manhatten's work as well as the document QANON supplied (which you claim is KGB).


The Secret History of the Jesuits

Attached - just click the paperclip


> You mean the Graphic from the Mithruskin archive? You know the KGB defector who declared that your covert action magazine was part of KGB propaganda operation


You have supplied no evidence that Mithruskin made the declaration you attributed. You posted a graphic which does not even mention the Covert Action Quarterly that QANON linked and told us to learn. If you want people to believe that QANON is peddling KGB propaganda, shouldn't you supply proof of some sort? Something? Anything?


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)



Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 6, 2019, 6:04 p.m. No.6078491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3527




> i don't speak Russian.


Then you have no idea what the archive says yet are claiming it shows that QANON is peddling KGB propaganda.


Your characterization of Philip Agee is lacking in shall we say balance. He was a CIA whistleblower, harassed and vilified by the CIA and deep state. Why dont you post a real link that gives a more balanced view of him, rather thancherry pickthe mud slung at him to do ahit job`.


Video Interview and Article


Official Site with Links




What seems to be the point of contention for Glow Clown Shilltards like you is that the CIA was formed by Vatican Knights and has been an agent of evil in the world. Philip Agee and company sought to expose this evil just as JFK started to do before he was assassinated. Just as QANON is doing right now.


"The magazine was founded by former CIA officer turned agency critic Philip Agee and others in 1978. It was created in order to carry on the work of the preceding publication CounterSpy Magazine, which had been shut down as a result of CIA harassment. Contributors included well-known critics of US foreign policy such as Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and Michael Parenti. …In 1992, with the issue #43, the magazine was renamed as CovertAction Quarterly,] In 1998, the magazine won an award from Project Censored for a story by Lawrence Soley in the Spring 1997 -


In the particular issue that QANON referenced, Francoise Hervet, wrote a damning article called “Knights of Malta Examined.” Peter Dale Scott wrote another damning article entitled How Allen Dulles and the SS Preserved Each Other``. William Preston Jr. wrote ofThe Real Treason, a conspiratorial alliance between various American corporationsand their Nazi collaborators, a betrayal and subversion of US national interests by afraternity


These authors and the magazine's founders are not KGB agents, they are whistleblowers exposing the corruption in the Vatican and its CIA and Nazi creations. They are heroes exposing the evil that you defend. The evil that clothes itself in robes of righteousness and claims to represent God on earth.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)



Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 6, 2019, 9:03 p.m. No.6080897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769 >>3669




Since you seem to be interested in playing reindeer games here are a few pics that seem to be missing from your collection. Vatican bankers. a dead SCOTUS justice, weird parties. Nothing to see here!


After all, the tales of hunts in the Black Forest and Bohemian Grove are just tales and the hunters becoming the hunted is just a play on words,

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 7, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.6085049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7398


> "However, after his death the KGB, who gave him the codename PONT, acknowledged his true affiliation."


So I gave you three links which made many positive and negative comments about the man and his work. The negative coming from the CLOWNS he was exosing who villified him and mischaractorized his work and intentions. So of course you again cherry pick a negative statement, ignore the positive, and declare a hollow victory. How predictible.


However, objective people can read both sides, make a balanced and informed opinion, and see that your accusation that QANON is peddling KGB propaganda is a complete lie.


> So what's your excuse for ignoring the order of Memphis-Israïm


Masonry was covered here: >>5381430

Here: >>5576890



This was linked before:

The Jesuit Connection to Freemasonry

Attached (just click paperclip)


So rather than flog a dead horse and repeat myself only to have you accuse me (yet again) of being repetitive. why don`t you read what is already posted. I am not ignoring them, you are ignoring previous posts. All roads lead to Rome and it is easier to crush the head of the snake than wrestle its body or wade though all the secret societies, knighthoods, and orders of filth that flow from its bowels.


> So what's your excuse for ignoring the IWA


I am dealing with an Idiot With Agenda every time I respond to you. So you can hardly accuse me of ignoring the IWA - lol.


> He (Hitler) was being sarcastic


Read what QANON linked and told us to learn and you will think differently.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)



Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 7, 2019, 9:21 p.m. No.6092954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8178


> You claim to be a protestant, So are you run by the Vatican ?


Personally, I am not run by the Vatican. However, many of the Protestant Churches are and no longer protest. A prime example is that futurism from the Spanish Jesuit Francisco Ribera (around 1590) is now taught by 95% of Christendom even though it is a counter-reformation deception. Historicism is the classic Protestant eschatology but it has been almost completely supplanted by Jesuit lies.


> Learn the difference

I already know the difference and you are repeating yourself. This idiocy was already refuted. >>5212100


> b. but they have a red color in their logo

Again, this idiocy was already refuted. >>5212100


> So If you believe Freemasons are Jesuits

I did not say I believe Freemasons are Jesuits, so do not mischaracterize my assertion. For one thing, they are not monolithic, there are different factions. However, the greatest divide is between the top and bottom. Most masons are like most Catholics, decent enough but deceived by those at the top. The Jesuits wrote the higher degrees of Freemasonry. Click the paperclip for evidence. The top levels of the Masons are Gnostic Luciferians like their Jesuit masters. What they project to the public (exoteric) is quite different than their secret (esoteric) craft.


The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants. John Daniel, The Grand Design Exposed (Middleton, Idaho: CHJ Publishing, 1999): 302.


It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fessler's Rite, the "Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West—"Sovereign Prince Masons," etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsay, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf, and numerous others who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris Helena Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (Los Angeles, CA: The Theosophy Company, 1968): 390.


If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person! James Parton (1855), as quoted in M. F. Cusack, The Black Pope (London: Marshall, Russell & Co., 1896): 76.


The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. Albert Pike, "Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World" (July 14, 1889), as recorded by Abel Clarin de La Rive, La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-maçonnerie Universelle (1894): 588.


Mr. Rogers (from the children's TV show) has a question for your boss - see graphic.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 8, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.6099925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1861



> The history books changed..


==Buy a history book published 20 years ago.

Buy a history book published 10 years ago.

Buy a history book published this year.


Focus on WWI/WWII

Something ALARMING will be discovered.



So in your view, QANON is not only peddling KGB propaganda but is also lying about history being changed? Fatal to your view is the fact that what QANON has said (and linked) is verified from many sources. Not only regarding events long past but also recent history which has been preserved by whistleblowers and by digitized records.


The Papacy is built on lies and deception. The history they promote, including apostolic succession to Peter, is a blatant fraud. The most famous (admitted) forgery they used to revise history is the "Donation of Constantine" quoted by numerous Popes and official Vatican documents -


That revisionist history has always been employed by Rome is well known as the following quotes show:


“For 300 years past the Church of Rome has striven by an unceasing torrent of false histories, pamphlets, and lectures to conceal from the nation [i.e., Great Britain] and the world the true face of her terrible history before and during the Reformation.” Albert Close (Jesuit Plots from Elizabethan to Modern Times; Page 7)


The Vatican has for centuries instructed its “agents” (e.g., Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, etc.) to infiltrate governments, other religious denominations, intelligence agencies, universities and colleges, school board committees, publishing houses, etc., in a carefully planned and orchestrated effort to “erase”, as much as possible, the Vatican’s history of religious genocide and persecution, of fomenting revolutions and wars, of assassinating heads of State, and of torture and Inquisition – and also to “rewrite & revise” history textbooks and encyclopedias. This effort has been immensely successful.)) Revisionist History - Darryl Eberhart


They have corrupted many of the ancient fathers, and reprinting them, make them speak as they would have them. . . .They have written many books in the names of these ancient writers, and forged many decrees, canons, and councils, to bear false witness to them." Ephraim Pagitt Christianography, part ii. p. 59, London, 1636.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 8, 2019, 5:19 p.m. No.6102264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6614


> The change in History books is the Marxist influence


You are throwing out a "red herring" to divert from the truth. The document that QANON linked and told us to learn was called:


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




It has very little to say about the Marxists and a whole lot to say about the Vatican being in cahoots with the CIA, Nazis, and Masons. It corroborates what many other sources say about this unholy alliance and their evil deeds.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 9, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.6107433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7615 >>9235 >>6368



Stop using CLOWN shill tactics to divert people away from the truth and I won't have to keep reposting the truth.


Your narrative is that QANON is peddling KGB propaganda and lying about history being rewritten. You say that Philip Agee is a KGB agent but in reality, he and others were exposing the Vatican, along with Skull & Bones "Poppy" Bush and the CIA's crimes, in the Covert Action bulletin that QANON linked. The articles show that the CIA and subversive elements in American were being used to enforce the globalist agenda of the Vatican. The CLOWNS fabricated a KGB frame-up against him, just as they tried to taint Trump with the Russian collusion narrative. Talk about "repeating" the same old same old.


Former CIA agent Philip Agee, author of Inside the Company: CIA Diary on the CLOWN tactics used against him. "the C.I.A. tried to put the blame on me because at that time I was involved with quite a lot of other people in a guerrilla journalism campaign to expose the C.I.A.’s operations and its people, especially in western Europe at that time.


George Bush’s father came in as C.I.A. director the month following the Welch assassination. As director he presided over the agency as they mounted a campaign throughout western Europe trying to make me appear to be a security threat, a traitor, a Soviet agent, a Cuban agent… In fact it was in all based on lies… the U.S. policy at the time executed by the C.I.A. was to support murderous dictatorships around the world, in Greece, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil. That’s only to name a few, and we oppose that use of the U.S. intelligence service for those dirty operations.


The true account of history is that the Papacy is just what the bible describes in prophecy, the anti-Christ system. It is the political machine of the Roman Empire, living on through the Vatican and Black Nobility who have ruled Europe and much of the world for centuries. It orchestrated WWI-WWII and most of the wars of Europe over the centuries. The document QANON linked shows that the CIA was created by Vatican Knights and is rightly called by some "Catholics in Action" because it carries out the agenda of the globalist cabal in Rome, rather than legitimately serving the interests of Americans.


In a certain sense, America has been functioning as "Darth Vader", carrying out the evil agenda of the Emporer in Rome. The CIA has supported murderous regimes guilty of cruel tortures and mass killings, such as the "disappeared" in Argentina under Operation Condor. Wars based on false intelligence like in Iraq and Afghanistan. False flag operations like 911 which are the continuation of Operation Gladio into Gladio/B and its offshoots. Whistleblowers reveal that even ISIS is an American creation, just as General Flynn and President (then candidate) Trump have said.


"US "counter-terrorist" agencies have in fact been working very closely with leaders of the same "terrorists" they are officially opposing. This substantiates other claims that the rise of ISIS was a "willful decision" of the US government, such as those (claims) of Michael T. Flynn and Paul Williams. Edmonds has stated that 9-11 was a Gladio/B Operation and that Osama Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri worked with the key U.S. government officials for 3 months after 9/11 to coordinate false flag destabilization operations in the Caucus region."


There is a great interview between Paul Williams and Kevin Shipp (plus some links) that cover much of this stuff here:>>6106614

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 9, 2019, 7 a.m. No.6107615   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oops - link got messed up in last post. My bad.


Again. There is a great interview between Paul Williams and Kevin Shipp (plus some links) that cover much of this stuff (Vatican-CIA-Gladio) here:


BTW - I used to embed the youtube version but they keep taking it down no matter who puts it up. Therefore, I've linked to a site the CLOWNS don't control.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 9, 2019, 3:50 p.m. No.6112857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5555 >>5564



Thank you for pointing out what Tupper Saussy said. "the Roman Catholic Church really does run the world, including the United States government, and this is openly declared in monuments and emblems and insignia as well as official documents…” Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy (page xi foreword). Click paperclip for PDF download. On page one of the book a reaction to the very event your graphic addresses is given:


When a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter announced in his 1992 Time Magazine cover story that a “conspiracy” binding President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II into a “secret, holy alliance” had brought about the demise of communism, at least one reader saw through the hype.


Professor Carol A. Brown of the University of Massachusetts fired off a letter to Time’s editors saying, "Last week I taught my students about the separation of church and state. This week I learned that the Pope is running U.S. foreign policy . No wonder our young people are cynical about American ideals. What Brown had learned from Carl Bernstein I had discovered for myself over several years of private investigation: the papacy really does run United States foreign policy, and always has


In fact, when the holy alliance story hit the stands, there was virtually no arena of federal legislative activity, according to The 1992 World Almanac of US Politics, that was not directly controlled by a Roman Catholic senator or representative.


In 1984, under Reagan, the United States and the Vatican had established full diplomatic relations for the first time in 117 years. The already highly compromised American government was overrun by Rome. The CIA director under Reagan was William Casey a Vatican Knight (SMOM). Catholics dominated the cabinet and key positions but were they loyal to the interests of Americans or to Rome's global temporal power? After all, many were members of Rome's secret societies swearing blood oaths of obedience and secrecy.


Important to note that the result of this Geo-political meddling was to Rome's benefit. The Papists gained even more control over America and the constitutional separation between Church and State was weakened. America became, even more, the Emporers "Darth Vader" on the world stage. It has structured itself for world government using the City of London Corporation (Crown) to cook the books and America as its military might. Unlike the dark ages, it now rules covertly, through knighthoods and secret societies. A conspicuous Egyptian obelisk marks each of its three primary power centers. Washington DC is built on land donated by the Jesuits and used to be called Rome, Maryland. The financial district of London is a Roman enclave older than the British government.


A noted Catholic commentator and consummate Vatican insider Malachi Martin wrote Keys of this Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion Between Pope John Paul II, Russia, and the West Commenting on the struggle between the super-powers and who would ultimately gain global control, we wee that it is not America the Pope had in mind, but the Vatican. Martin wrote of the Pope in Chapter 33 In the Final Analysis "He knew, as they knew: There could only be one victor in that competition. He had already decided to join that competition. For he also had his ambitions in the vital matter of a new world order…"


A few of the many pompous claims to power by the Papacy:


"…has set down the Chair of His Vicar on earth, in this city of Rome which, from being the capital of the wonderful Roman Empire, was made by Him the capital of the whole world, because He made it the seat of a sovereignty which, since it extends beyond the confines of nations and states, embraces within itself all the peoples of the whole world.” Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Letter UBI ARCANO DEI CONSILIO (On the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ), December 23, 1922


"We define that the Holy Apostolic See (the Vatican) and the Roman Pontiff hold the primacy over the whole world." - A Decree of the Council of Trent, quoted in Philippe Labbe and Gabriel Cossart, "The Most Holy Councils," col. 1167.


"We hold upon this earth the place of God almighty" - Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter of June 20, 1894

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 10, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6120589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1228 >>1648 >>9467 >>7117 >>2612




Since the Jesuits wrote the upper degrees of Masonry, which has already been shown over and over again, then you just made my point for me - thanks. Rome is the hub of the globalist cabal and behind the corruption of governments worldwide including the American political system.


Masonry was infiltrated long ago and turned into another form of Vatican control. The Vatican's official position is that they are bitter enemies, yet behind the scenes, they work together. Somewhat like Clinton, they have both a public and a private policy. This was exposed on page 34 of the document QANON supplied, in the Knights of Darkness: The Sovereign Military Order of Malta section, under the heading SMOM and P-2 (see screenshot). You will also find in the footnotes of page 37 connections between SMOM, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and Opus Dei


Again, I hate to be repetitive but this is all in the document QANON told us to LEARN but which you seem desperate to discredit and divert from. Are you afraid the public will learn the truth?


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




Masonry was already covered here: >>5381430

Here: >>5576890


Also, in numerous other posts.


This was linked before:

The Jesuit Connection to Freemasonry

Attached (just click paperclip)


Sorry but it is time for clowns to frown and owls to scowl. Protectors of the Poop, I mean Pope, best start worrying about protecting themselves. When the truth comes out, what will be your fate?

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 10, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.6121648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1773



I have supplied plenty of evidence that you ignore, dismiss, and divert from. Since you are still repeating your bullshit, I will repeat some info already given.


This was exhaustively covered in the document already linked above several times. Also, by many quotes from expert researchers in this field. It was confirmed again by the document QANON supplied. Click the paperclip in this post, study the links, read the graphics. >>6120589


The Jesuits wrote the higher degrees of Freemasonry. The top levels of the Masons are Gnostic Luciferians like their Jesuit masters. What they project to the public (exoteric) is quite different than their secret (esoteric) craft. Serious researchers know this.




The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants. John Daniel, The Grand Design Exposed (Middleton, Idaho: CHJ Publishing, 1999): 302.


It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fessler's Rite, the "Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West—"Sovereign Prince Masons," etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsay, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf, and numerous others who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris Helena Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (Los Angeles, CA: The Theosophy Company, 1968): 390.


If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person! James Parton (1855), as quoted in M. F. Cusack, The Black Pope (London: Marshall, Russell & Co., 1896): 76.


The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. Albert Pike, "Instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World" (July 14, 1889), as recorded by Abel Clarin de La Rive, La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-maçonnerie Universelle (1894): 588.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 10, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.6122227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5577



In 2019 a CLOWN shill tried to discredit info supplied by QANON and corroborated by many sources. He tried to divert away from the truth and talk instead about Communism, Jews, IWA, and Memphis-Israim. Anything and everything but the topic of the thread and the TRUTH supplied, exposing Rome as the hub of the globalist cabal.


Geez, I wonder what the pattern is here?

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 10, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.6128808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5164 >>7230 >>5564



So now the CLOWN shill who made a zillion posts against the Jews now says it is not about religion - lol.


The PINK BUNNIES who you are "vilifying" agree it is about evil, NOT religion, but some of the worst evil is done in the name of religion or using religious pretense as a cloak to hide evil. Like Priests gang raping helpless disabled children who live in their orphanage and getting away with it because they are protected by a corrupt Church and a corrupted government their Church controls.


Linked at the bottom of the "About Us" page of the site given to you before ( is a google document that has always stated the following:


__"Our enemies attempt to associate our symbols and memes with racism and false narratives to influence public perception against us. Ignore them, we believe the battle is between good and evil - not red and blue for politics, black and white for race, rich and poor for class, or any of the artificial divisions they impose upon humanity.


The war against evil crosses all lines, all creeds, all races, all classes, all institutions. Any form of racism, bigotry, or xenophobia are antithetical to our goals and values. We oppose the Vatican not on the grounds of religious bigotry but because they are at the center of a criminal cabal steeped in corruption, pedophilia, political manipulation and religious deception."


You are "cherry picking" quotes from QANON to push a false narrative. Was it him or I that posted the PDF and asked people to learn about the history of the Vatican working with the Nazis, CIA, Masons. and Mafia? It was Q.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




Was it QANON or I who posted this in response to the over 1,000 kids molested in Pennsylvania by Roman Catholic priests?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f074d6 No.2606371

Aug 14 2018 23:05:27 (EST)

House of GOD?

Only the beginning.

Those who you are taught to trust the most….

Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.



The choice to know will be yours.



Was it QANON or I that commented on that post with this post?



"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."



Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….



I could go on and on, there are many QANON posts about the Pope, the Vatican, the Church, and none of them complimentary. So are you saying since QANON said it is not about religion, that a criminal cabal that uses religious pretense to hide their crimes should get a free pass? I have news for you - judgment is coming (Rev. 17-18) and judgment starts in the Church (1 Peter 4:17).


I will type something below from the document QANON linked and told us to learn since you apparently won't read it, or look at screenshots from it, since you said QANON is peddling KGB propaganda - lol.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Page 3 -

"For 900 years the Knights of Malta (SMOM) have built up a Military and intelligence organization designed to protect the established order and the privileges of the ruling classes throughout the world, yet most people are unaware of their existence. Little is known of their role in the Third Reich, or along with the Vatican and the CIA, in the protection of Nazis after the war, or today in the wars in Central America."


None of the attached screenshots exposing the Roman Catholic Church were made by me, they were made by QANON. So are you saying he is trying to "divide and alienate more than a billion Catholics from the Q movement"? QANON is exposing the Vatican, it is why the PINK BUNNIES find congruence with the movement. We know what the Priests and Bishops do behind closed doors and there is no evil worse. Do you think the biggest pedophile ring on the planet, guilty of satanic ritual abuse and horrors beyond description, which has been corrupting governments worldwide, is going to escape judgment by hiding behind religious pretense? Those days are gone, it is no longer the dark ages, deception doesn't work so well when digitized evidence of unspeakable crimes exists and is weaponized.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 11, 2019, 6:51 a.m. No.6135164   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> "Rome will fall and those who cling to it along with her."


God has said it and it will come to pass.

Rev. 18:4 "Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her.


Apparently, you don't like what God said and rather then in love try to wake people up so they can escape the evil system that enslaves them, you would rather they continue to feed it their children, their money, and their allegiance, to their own destruction.


Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


Apparently, you don't like the information QANON supplied because you called it KGB propaganda. >>6062918

You have also fought, denied, and diverted from every post Q has made that exposes the Vatican and its cult of satanic pedophiles and political controllers.


Q is obviously Christian because of the Bible quotes and messages. I am also Christian. Neither of is attacking RELIGION by exposing the EVIL disguised as a Chruch. Romanism does not represent authentic Christianity or religious morality by any "sane" definition of the term.


The Papacy has been exposed by reformers for over 500 years as the anti-Christ system of prophecy, the evil system God warned us about. >>4901313


House of GOD?

Only the beginning.

Those who you are taught to trust the most…

Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.



The choice to know will be yours.



2 Corinthians 11:13-15 They are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 11, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6141155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4814



> i was citing Jewish leaders


You posted quotes from Hitler and Goebbels his propaganda minister here >>5635773

Are they the Jewish leaders you are referring to? kek.


> doesn't make me the divisive one

Blaming everyone and everything from the Jews to the Communists for what Rome has done is beyond divisive. It is dishonest, disingenuous, and deceptive. It is a CLOWN shill tactic.


> I am a Catholic.

That is absolutely true by the original definition. I am part of the UNIVERSAL Church or body of believers. The term was NOT associated with Rome until the Papacy developed centuries after Christ came. Orthodox Catholics, for instance, are not Roman Catholics but are still Catholics even in their official title. A Protestant Bible-believing Christian is neither Orthodox or Roman Catholic but as a member of the body of Christ is a Catholic by the original use of the term. That is the universal sense -


This is explained in context here and there is an embedded video that is very enlightening on the subject and of Rome's apostasy from the true Church. >>5262700


> I am a Protestant Christian

Absolutely true. Explained here >>5480908


> I am not a Jew

Absolutely true, neither by birth or by belief. Like all authentic Christians I belong to Christ by faith so am reckoned as Abraham’s seed, and an heir according to the promise. There is no more Jew or Gentile, all are one in Christ (Galatians 3:16-29).


> I have actual facts to support my claims whereas you only have insinuations, gossip and hearsay

I have provided reams of evidence to support my positions, including a Q post you have maligned as KGB propaganda - kek. What have you provided beside CLOWN SHILL tactics, lies, and anti-semitic propaganda?

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 13, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6172238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5057


>posted quotes from Hitler and Goebbels his propaganda minister


You still see nothing wrong with promoting Nazis ideology. I thought you said no Nazis survived after the war and Nazism was dead? You are living proof "they live" - kek


> Elite jews go to…


Rome's scapegoating of the Jews was covered in the original post >>4901313


This thread is about Rome being the hub of the globalist cabal.

Why don't you start your own thread for neo-Nazi Catholic CIA shills who hate Jews and think the Papacy saved us from communism? kek.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 14, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.6175487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9873 >>6107 >>7893 >>8135



> quoted nazi's,

> I also Quoted Marx, Trotsky, Lenin, Soros, etc…


Yes, you have attributed quotes to all kinds of people but they all have one thing in common. They divert attention from Rome being the hub of the globalist cabal, the actual topic of the thread. You are shitting in the bread. Not one of the quotes does anything to erase the record of Romes crimes. They do not absolve a single priest, bishop, Cardinal, or Pope. The only thing they prove is that you are an anti-Semitic propaganda artist, promoting a revisionist view of history, and a delusional view of reality. You have more "spin" than a washing machine, Goebbels and William Donavan would be proud of you.


You also made this statement which really shows your brainwashed "warrior monk" mentality


> b..but Catholics killed communists..

> Yeah we also killed Muslims , Protestants, Witches and Satanists,

> We are looking to go to heaven but if you insist on seeking Hell, we'll eventually show you the way.


I already answered your violent madness here -


Quote: "You have proved my point with your words. Rome has been vilifying and killing those who oppose its heresies and corruption for centuries. It still does so through its agents and schemes like Operation Gladio. The Popes emissaries have also been raping innocent children the world over as has been proven time and time again. However, judgment is coming, Rev. 17-18 will play out and Rome will be destroyed just as God said.


The body of Christ is formed of Christians, not Catholics. Popery is apostate, a syncretism of Christianity with paganism that developed into a corrupt political control system. The Vatican sullies the name of Christ with its despotism and depravity.


Rev.18: 5-8 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities… Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 14, 2019, 6:15 p.m. No.6180009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6107

The oak leaves symbology goes back to ancient Rome and to the occult. The Maltese cross the Pope wears goes back to Babylonian times, and was also worn by the Nazis as the "Iron Cross". The Stag with the lighted cross of St Hubertus was also a Nazi emblem. Interestingly, this weird Catholic cult surrounded supreme court justice Scalia when he died under mysterious circumstances. The hexagram on the Pope's mitre (fish head hat of Dagon), is dark occult. He wields the pinecone staff of Osirrus, Bachus to the Greco-Roman culture. The Popes audience hall is a giant snakehead and a prominent dragon adorns the Vatican museum. These are just some of the occult symbols associated with the Papacy. Let us not forget that Rome was the major center of the mystery schools and pagan religions. It was pagan before it became Christian and when Christianity became legalized it was blended with these cults to achieve political unity across the empire. Church and state became one, political power and immense wealth followed.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 15, 2019, 7:04 p.m. No.6193999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0783




> You mocked the image of Christ… Demonized St.Mary… etc., etc.


You are promoting a false narrative and what you have linked you are misrepresenting.


> You aim is to destroy the Catholic Church and all the Catholics with it.


Rome will fall and all who cling to it because God will bring it into judgement for its many crimes. This is outlined in Rev. 17-18. It will happen with or without me.


Rev.18: 5-8 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities… Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.


The Roman Catholic Church is the anti-Christ (in place of Christ) system we were warned of in Prophecy. This has been taught by Protestants for over 500 years. Rome has tortured and killed MILLIONS of Christians who opposed its heresies and corruption:


Protestant - a member of any of several church denominations denying the universal authority of the Pope and affirming the Reformation principles of justification by faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, and the primacy of the Bible as the only source of revealed truth.:


Go ahead and draw your sword. I am not hard to find and I do not resist. Slay another Protestant - what is one more compared to the blood guilt of the inquistions, wars, and crusades.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 16, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.6203306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9980



kek just means lol - "laugh out loud". It is just board slang, NOT WORSHIP. I don't know of anyone who sees Pepe as anything but a humorous meme useful for communication purposes. I don't know of anyone who makes idols of Pepe and bows down and worships them as Catholics do with Mary. You speak of Egyptian worship but see mo problem with your Pope carrying the pine cone staff of Osiris or having an Egyptian Obelisk in the center of St. Peter's Square, inside a gigantic pagan solar wheel. His Church and even his vestments are full of pagan symbols.


Protestants respect Mary as the woman who bore Chirst but we do not assign divine attributes to her because the Bible does not. She is not Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix or Advocate as Rome claims. She was not sinless, a virgin all her life, or bodily assumed into heaven because those things are all inventions of Rome that are not found in the bible.


Making an idol of her (or anything else) and worshiping it is idolatry, explicitly condemned by the word of God. We are to worship God alone. Christ is the ONLY mediator between God (1 Timothy 2:5) and we don't need to go through Mary to access him as Rome claims. Mariology was already covered several times with you including here:


This video does a very nice job of explaining the Protestant position:

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 16, 2019, 5:09 p.m. No.6204140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0924 >>9660 >>7117




It isn't just a CIA hacking program like Angelfire and Wolf Creek which are, by co-inky-dink, also ski resorts near the creepy Denver Airport and its underground facilities. KEYSTONE became RUSTY which became ZIPPER which is associated with the demise of JFK. It took various names but is the Nazi - CIA collaboration which the Vatican has run through their Knights, just like Gladio (now Gladio (B), which has little to do with its stated purpose and everything to do with Catholic power.


Isn't it interesting that the Catholic-born Nazi, General Reinhard Gehlen, the intelligence chief who founded KEYSTONE was awarded the Grand Cross of Merit by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta? It is the Catholic Order of Knights who are guardians of the elites and who are heavily involved with international banking, military, and intelligence services.


The order figures heavily in the PDF QANON linked which exposes the Vatican's ties to the Nazis, masons, and mafia. Reinhard Gehlen himself is found on page 33.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA



Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 17, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6210354   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> stands for "Kill Every Kike"

So the neo-Nazi Clown Shill that likes to quote Hitler and Goebbels says kek doesn't mean lol but "Kill Every Kike".

Then lectures on spreading false narratives while opposing the truth and spreading false narratives with virtually every post - kek.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 17, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.6211015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3412 >>9401


I'm so happy you believe in selling off gold to feed the poor. Perhaps you will pass that on to the anti-Christ you serve?


Instead of twisting scripture to your own destruction, why don't you answer the questions here? Oh, I know, because your CIA shill manual doesn't cover that - kek

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 18, 2019, 8:36 a.m. No.6225149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8064 >>2770


> Y pope no give to da po


Mr. Clown Shill, your narrative was already destroyed by a document QANON told us to learn but which you conveniently dismissed as KGB propaganda. Once again, the information QANON supplied is corroborated by independent sources and you are shilling CLOWN disinfo.


The Vatican "cooks the books" and makes it look like Catholic charities are not fronts for evil when in actual fact they are. Your figures are meaningless, pure fiction to fool the public. For example, there is a state and federal investigation currently underway into the "Papal Fund", a charity where proven pedophile Cardinal McCarrick built a "slush find" for the Vatican and many big-name Catholics are involved. White envelopes abound - good luck with that one - kek.


In 1983, in response to a highly publicized scandal, the Vatican set up a "supposedly" independent commission to look into the relationship between its bank and the criminal fascist P-2 Banco Ambrosiano. Two of the men assigned were Hermann Abs the former paymaster of Hitler and Joeseph Brennan, a Knight of Malta, even though the scandal involved the Knights of Malta and their involvement with the P-2 Masons. This particular trail of corruption ended with the ritualized killing of Roberto Calvi which spawned the movie The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair


It was also highlighted in Godfather III with Al Pacino, a movie QANON has repeated referenced. You will find the background of this corruption on page 35 of the document Q supplied. After characterizing two relief agencies as fronts and later showing money trails to hell and back, this quote (which is really indicative of ALL "Catholic Charities") is given::


"SMOM (Vatican Knighthood) advertises itself to those who believe in the tooth fairy - as a "charitable" organization greatly concerned with the suffering of the poor and sick around the world.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Learn. (Page 35)



The Catholic Church has paid out over 4 Billion to sex abuse victims in the US alone. The Catholic faithful (dupes) pay in money thinking that it does good. Instead, it pays for orphanages where Priests rape the helpless, schools where they brainwash their future legions of dupes, lavish lifestyles for their leaders, hush money, and slush money to corrupt political systems -


For example, $200,000 in funds raised to support a pediatric hospital in Rome was re-routed to pay for upgrades to the swanky pad of Monsignor Giuseppe Sciacca, the former No. 2 in the Vatican City State administration -


Tebartz-van Elst, dubbed the “bishop of bling”, spent $43 million on his residence -


Another proven pedophile, Cardinal Pell, the Vatican treasurer no less, was exposed as funding a very lavish lifestyle for himself, blowing half a million on himself in 6 months while supposely acting as the Vatican's financial watchdog - kek.


"Avarice," by the La Repubblica newspaper's Vatican reporter Emiliano Fittipaldi and "Merchants in the Temple" by Gianluigi Nuzzi, were two of the latest attempts to expose the corruption but the Vatican's response was to seek arrests, even though they were just journalists doing their job -


Fortunately, the Panama Papers are not the only documents the elites have lost control of. Owing to car bombs and the like, such information has been weaponized instead of being immediately publicized. Timing is everything! Some things are best said by metaphor -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 18, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.6225564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2175



> I just discovered its Benedict that wore the red shoes.


In actuality, all of the Popes have red shoes but Benedict was fond of wearing his. Some previous posts here have touched on the topic a little.







The graphics I am attaching are helpful in understanding what is going on behind the scenes. One of them directly deals with the shoes. However, if you are trying to see the big picture, I would suggest you take QANON's advice and "learn" the PDF he posted. That more that anything gives persective on who the power players are and how they operate. With that backgound, it becomes easier to understand what is happening NOW. If it seems too long and boring skip to the SMOM section page 27.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA



Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 18, 2019, 2:44 p.m. No.6230022   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>what intellectual level he views the readers on the board.


Here is one specifically geared for your staggering intellectual level - kek


Once upon a time there was a Knighted Nazi who knew a Knighted Clown. The Clown developed a rusty zipper because he drank too much sacramental wine which made him P-2 much.


JFK got in the way of the future they sought to give their dark master and things went uphill from there. Instead of a flag to honor the past, now the keystone has become like a millstone around the necks of those drowning in a SEA of clown tears.


Laughter is heard from deep underground, making the clown's tears all the more salty. Soon they will realize that Angelfire will consume their dark master and them along with him. Their tears will turn to fears and they will shit enough bricks to build a thousand walls.


Still, the real TEMPEST is yet to come because data has more than one way of escaping and the waters are deep where the big sharks swim. A Thousand Points of Light lead to a Thousand Islands, one where hunters prize deer antlers but little else. It was here they made their biggest mistake, they thought they were the hunters - kek. 0011 0010 0010

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 20, 2019, 2:12 p.m. No.6255741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3091




> "Nazi", "fascist", "clown", "shill", "CIA shill", "neo nazi clown", "neo-nazi catholic cia shill"


I finally figured out what Clown propaganda department you shill for. Your never-ending supply of bullshit can only mean you are a RODEO CLOWN - kek

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 20, 2019, 2:52 p.m. No.6256107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7065 >>2175 >>3091


Your Babylonian Priesthood has been trying to resurrect the Roman Empire for how long now? You finally got lost and starting going in a big Circle kek. No deed has been too wicked, no alliance too evil, all for wealth and power that will be stripped from you. Don't you know what is coming? If there is anything of God left in you, come out before it is too late (Rev. 18:4).


Rev. 18: 23-24 “With such violence the great city of Babylon (ROME) will be thrown down, never to be found again. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”




Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 20, 2019, 5:04 p.m. No.6257468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9765 >>2175



> Have you figured out which order of "Maltese knights" you are actually referring to?


As I stated previously, I know the difference but you are trying the same deception again, repeating yourself >>5212100


Here is their website look top left for their symbol:


Here is a quote below you can find public source, one of many they say much the same thing: In fact, it corroborates the document QANON linked and told us to learn. (You know - the one you said was KGB propaganda - kek).


Interestingly, the keystone intelligence program of Roman Catholic Nazi Reinhard Gehlen (also associated with Le Cercle) who was a Knight of Malta (Catholic NOT Protestant branch), gave the KEYSTONE to another Knight of Malta (also NOT Protestant branch) Dulles the founder of the CIA. His predecessor Wild Bill Donovan of the OSS - also a Knight of Malta (Catholic).



"There was also a considerable amount of Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM, more commonly referred to as the Knights of Malta) in the upper echelons of Le Cercle as well. SMOM, which has direct origins to the Crusader Knights Hospitallers, is a far older and seemingly more exclusive order than Opus Dei. In Their Kingdom Come, researcher Robert Hutchison indicates the Opusians and the Maltese knights did not always have the most cordial relations. Still, Opus Dei and SMOM appear frequently working in tandem with one another. One such instance is in the case of Propaganda Due. As noted during my extensive examination of P2, it appears to this researcher that the upper hierarchy of the lodge was totally dominated by Opusians and Maltese knights."


> Babylon is not Rome


That was addressed here already. Since you KNOW it was, you are being deceptive.. >>4950547

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 21, 2019, 6:35 a.m. No.6262199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6863




That looks like a pagan, not Christian ritual, are you trying to make my point for me? Unlike you, flesh is not my arm (Jeremiah 17:5) and God's arm has not been shortened (Numbers 11:23). I don't worship your false God Osiris and his missing Phallus, so I am not part of your club of dickless wonders. Keep putting up Egyptian obelisks with your pagan Pope and maybe your sex magic will become strong enough to grow back your other missing part, your brain - kek.


Rome is a biblical codeword for Babylon which scholars have known and taught for centuries


Unless you are also missing the appendages required to click and read, the post here already covers this: >>4950547

Here is yet another which has more info and related graphics: >>4963121


> Because unlike you neither Peter nor the Angel in revelation had problems with Geography.


Apparently, your false God can't find his missing phallus and you clowns "can't find your head with both hands"… You are lost but no worries, QANON provided a map. Instead of going around in Le Cercle, like circle flies around a horse's ass, stop making Rome the hub of the new world order. It is a synarchy, combining Christianity with the occult. A syncretism - Chrislam, Gnosticism, Satanism, anything and everything as long as Rome is the head and the Pan-European elites control the globe. It won't work, what fellowship can light have with the darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14).


Washington DC used to be called Rome Maryland for a reason. Rome's knighthoods and secret societies have been corrupting America from the beginning. Like Darth Vader, America was turned to the dark side and made to serve the Emporer in Rome. A fate shared by many nations during the dark ages but now judgment is nigh. Revelation 17-18 was written for a reason, we know how the story ends. Get out now while you still can.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 21, 2019, 1:11 p.m. No.6265307   🗄️.is 🔗kun





If you reach 5 out of 5 at the Guggenheim and climb to the top of the Chrysler building only to find yourself on the Isle of Man, beware of sharks. All islands are surrounded by water and some swim in Le Cercle - kek.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 22, 2019, 8:16 p.m. No.6280545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7951 >>9485 >>7893



> It appears your image recognition software has some difficulties


It appears your reality sensing apparatus is having some difficulties. If your disturbing image by Matthew Barney, I Die Daily, from Cremaster 3 is supposed to convey something it does. It means you are a "sick puppy". Take a look out the window, there is a storm brewing for your kind…

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 23, 2019, 5 p.m. No.6289660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9485 >>7893 >>0952



You said the document QANON linked which exposed the Vatican as in cahoots with the Nazis and CIA (not to mention Mafia and Masons), was KGB propaganda. Which I addressed here: >>5036227


Then you tried to argue that no Nazis survived after the war. When I showed you Operation Paperclip you admitted some Nazis did survive but argued that they were only scientists brought over because they were useful to America. You also tried to deny the Catholic Church smuggled their Nazi stooges to South America, which they did by the thousands.


If your false narratives were true, how did hundreds of Nazi intelligence officers end up absorbed by the CIA (if only doctors and scientists were brought over)? Are you denying that Catholic-born Nazi, General Reinhard Gehlen (and his operatives), survived the war, or are you saying they were scientists? Keystone isn't Paperclip, they were separate programs. Stop lying and diverting Mr. Shill. >>6204140


So what form does keystone take now? Why are Masons told the "Royal Arch" symbol means one thing but on a higher level it means something different? Why does the SEA have a SES with a keystone symbol? Why does the Keystone Institute use a child trafficking logo for its child education program? Since the Nazis are a sub-group, what are they a subgroup of? How are the Vatican run secret societies and knighthoods involved? What is Le Cercle and what are they trying to form? Who is involved? Luckily, the world won't have to wait long to find out the answers. Meanwhile, here is some entertaining reading - kek.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

>Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851








Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 25, 2019, 8 p.m. No.6317893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2175





The last time Knights ran into the guardian of the Black Beast of Arrrghhh it cost them the "Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch". This time around it will cost the "Scepter" -


Not just any scepter. Knights will soil their armor until the pine cone staff of Osiris is no more. >>6175487

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 25, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.6319093   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Below the surface lie secret societies and knighthoods rooted in antiquity and steeped in blood. They serve an ancient evil that rules by deceit and treachery, yet cloaks itself in robes of righteousness.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 27, 2019, 7:39 p.m. No.6342175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6505 >>0952

Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 851




Page 3 "For 900 years the Knights of Malta have built up a military and intelligence organization designed to protect the established order and privileges of the ruling classes throughout the world, yet few people have heard of their existence."





Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 28, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.6346505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8473 >>0952 >>8101

Want to play a Game? Look at the board game image linked above. If it disappears, find it here:


If you are trying to "connect the dots" or "see the big picture" this may help. In post 851 QANON posted a link to a PDF and said one word "LEARN". >>6342175


That was given for a reason. Most people think of the Vatican as just a Church but it is also a sovereign country in its own right, even though it is on a tiny parcel of land. It may surprise you to learn that it has its own intelligence and military services.


High ranking Jesuits serve as the intelligentsia, working in tandem with groups like the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei. In fact, various orders, knighthoods, and secret societies infiltrate all levels of society, including the military and intelligence apparatus of other countries. An article here gives some background that corroborates what QANON linked -


It is time to wake up!!! The Bible reveals that Rome is the seat of the anti-Christ system and the reason most people don't understand that, is they are being lied to about prophecy. Most formerly protestant churches are now teaching Jesuit futurism, a counter-reformation deception. They are under Rome's spell. Also, the horrific deeds of Rome are in large part covered up. The current pedophilia scandals are just the tip of the iceberg, it gets much deeper and darker. Money, power, blackmail, intimidation, deception, assassination, secret societies, and even certain laws ensure many things are kept hidden, buried, or classified.


Still, you will soon discover that Rome's operatives are embedded in the five eyes countries (FVEY), which actually includes many more countries than five. The Vatican has rogue agents everywhere and those involved in the "Russia Gate" plot against Trump are tied to Link Campus University in Rome. It is not Russia or Britain, but Rome who is behind this political intrigue. They have corrupted governments for centuries and ruled over the kings of the earth through wars, inquisitions, crusades, obscene wealth, and political intrigue. The Nazis and WWII were but one of their political power plays. The EU is another. The trail is winding but all roads do indeed lead to Rome in the end.


You will also soon discover that the Catholic Church, its orders, and charities, are a front for money laundering, child trafficking, political subversion, and every form of evil. This includes Satanic ritual abuse and pagan rites. You should not be surprised since God warned us in the Bible and Protestants have been tortured and killed for exposing Romanism for over 500 years now. Still, the brainwashing is so great, their control of education and media so pervasive, that this seems unthinkable to millions of people. Yet it is the cold hard truth. As QANON said, they must avoid the "conspiracy" label and reveal in small bites, lest people experience cognitive dissonance and reject the truth.


Here is where you can jump ahead of the myopic politics of the day. Real power disguises itself. It uses proxies and fronts to remain in the background. It is the "hidden hand" orchestrating the puppet show and like a magicians trick, it gets you to look elsewhere. It's the Russians, it's the Jews, it's the British, it's the bankers. Look past the puppets and their controllers. Look past the moneymen and the knighthoods. Follow the red shoes and the yellow brick road to Rome. Pull back the curtain, you will find an old "wizard" in flowing robes, pulling the levers of power. To use another analogy, take the red pill. You have been living in a dream world, a Matrix, it is the world pulled over your eyes. Wake-up!!!

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 29, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6360952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"For 900 years the Knights of Malta have built up a military and intelligence organization designed to protect the established order and privileges of the ruling classes throughout the world, yet few people have heard of their existence." (Page 3 of Q post 851)


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Or click the paperclip to download here.


Read the "Knights of Darkness - Knights of Malta Examined" section starting on page 27. Find out how the Vatican created the CIA using their SMOM Knights. We were told to learn this background for a reason. The treason and treachery being exposed today is an outgrowth of past events and the same evil power is behind it all. In case you don't already know, the CIA also absorbed the Nazi Intelligence program KEYSTONE. The Godfather III reference will make sense to you too, if you read about Calvi (the "Banker of God") and the interplay between the Vatican, P-2 Masons, Mafia, and IOR.






Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 30, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.6369906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I uploaded a video (click to play) in case this youtube video disappears -


What it shows is who created the department of homeland security after the 911 event. It was indirectly the same people who caused the event since they are all a part of the same organization. This group has been infiltrating America from the beginning, as evidenced by the capital building being built inside a giant owl laid out in the street design, on land donated by the Jesuits, which used to be called Rome, Maryland. Now they are attempting to tighten their control, using fear to get people to trade freedom for security. However, like a protection racket, they create fear and simultaneously provide safety. In return, they get more power and control.


To make sense of that statement you need to understand "Operation Gladio" and its modern incarnation Gladio B, which gave us 911 and ISIS. Not to mention many other false flags, excuses for conflict, and spin-offs like "Operation Condor". The fastest way I know to get background on this is to watch this interview and follow the links beneath it -


If you have been following this thread you know QANON supplied a document showing the Vatican colluding with the Nazis and CIA, not to mention the Mafia and Masons (Post 851). In fact, it shows Vatican Knights of Malta were instrumental in the formation and subsequent control of the CIA. Likewise, the department of homeland security was formed and is dominated by Jesuits and Vatican operatives. 911 was a Gladio B operation which gave the Vatican more control over America and simultaneously pressed it into a protracted Middle Eastern war, based on a deceptive false flag operation and false intelligence.


Instead of worrying about a foreign power like Russia, or China, infiltrating America, you should be worried about the foreign power that has ALREADY infiltrated America and has been forcing it to serve its NWO agenda. You will find that the plot against Trump tracks back to Rome through Joseph Mifsud and that most of the evil and tyranny in the world, including WW2 and the Nazis, all originates with the Vatican's desire to regain control and rule as it did in the dark ages. The pretense of holiness is a charade, a mascarade, a disguise to hide behind. It disarms potential opposition while they run operations through their Knighthoods and secret societies.


This is not about religion, it is about good and evil. The majority of rank and file Catholics are good people deceived by a false religious system. They are being USED to give cover and support to evil. The evil will be destroyed so don't cling to it - escape while you still can. (Rev. 18:4 - Come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues).

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 April 30, 2019, 8:15 p.m. No.6378101   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Check out this cast of characters. The pedo protector Hannigan is "squeaky clean" compared to some of his colleagues:


Don't you find the Italian connections interesting? The gang is all here from the mob, to big wall street money, to British/American/Israeli intelligence, to political hacks, to a not so admirable Admiral. Some of them are so far up Wikileaks ass, I can't tell where Assange ends and they begin. Let's also not forget about the plot to take down Trump.


Want to play a game? >>6346505

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 2, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.6391961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2325

Did anyone else notice that Misfud's bud Pittella, smella like hella? He was hanging out with "smelly pants" Clinton and something must have rubbed off - kek

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 2, 2019, 9:47 a.m. No.6393091   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There you are Mr. Rodeo Clown., I missed you. I was worried you tripped up and drowned in a pile of bullshit: >>6255741


Evidence falls into 3 categories as the 3rd post in the thread explains. You were told this before, did you have your head stuck in the dark place where no sound can reach but the buzz of the "circle flies"? >>4904141


If you want to learn about Le Cercle just click the paperclip in this post: >>6256107


If a whole book contains too much proof for you to assimilate quickly, here is a short article -


If reading is not your thing, ask John Bolton to explain it to you - kek.


If you want the strategic files to be released, be careful what you wish for. That is a hammer that will crush the head of the snake but not without making a very big mess. It is better for all involved if a controlled demolition of the Vatican's power structures is brokered. Time is running out on that option and they have only themselves to blame. It is looking like the end will come exactly as described - Rev. 18:21.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 2, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.6395082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0513



Jonathan Aitken looks nothing like Mifsud, not that it matters. No amount of lies or treachery can stop what is coming. The ship is going down - sink or swim, it makes no difference to me.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 3, 2019, 5:39 p.m. No.6407117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1212


>The body of Christ

The body of Christ is made up of those who put their faith in Jesus Christ, not those who put their faith in heretical Popes who usurp his place. Even prominent members of the apostate Catholic Church consider the current Pope to be a heretic. Meaning (by their definition) he has strayed too far from the errors of previous Popes.


>That the Jesuits are behind it all…


That the Jesuits use proxies and frontmen to achieve their goals is widely known. This has already been covered (as you well know) so you are just repeating an already failed argument.

For example, the Rothschilds are of Jewish heritage but serve the Popes as guardians of the Vatican treasure. They are no more representative of biblical Judaism than if they were a family of Spanish flamingo dancers with dysentery.




Another example would be Masons. The higher degrees were written by the Jesuits whose subtlety has turned even the Orangemen into controlled opposition.




Protestants for the most part no longer protest and are heavily infiltrated. Most are teaching Jesuit futurism and some are even run by Masons or Jesuits in disguise. The counter-reformation has been (up until now) very successful. >>5381430


More to the point on Le Cercle, below is a quote by a researcher. Also, take note of the screenshots from this linked pdf (39MB):,_2011,_full).pdf


You will find some of the same players QANON pointed us to in Post 851. The KEYSTONE creator Gehlen, Hitler's paymaster Abs, and Calvi "the banker of God" of Godfather III fame. >>6204140


The Jesuits play all sides. The Bilderberg Group is less in line with their objectives but of no less interest. Past a certain point, there is no left and right or other divisions of consequence. Those are artificial constructs to help facilitate control. There is only top and bottom, the elites with power and money and those without. The left-right farce is best illustrated politically by Bush and Kerry both being Bonesmen. It is also seen by Ratzinger and Bergoglio being opposite sides of the same cankered coin. The money flows and the children get raped no matter who sits in the chair.



"Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer is the highly controversial founder of Opus Dei. Archduke Otto von Habsburg had very close ties to the Opusians ever since the onset of the Cold War. This is hardly surprising, for as David Teacher reports in Rogue Agents, Archduke Otto was the Opusian choice to rule as monarch over a united Catholic Europe (or a new Holy Roman Empire, in other words). Much of Europe's old guard aristocracy (as well as powerful factions within the Vatican) seem to have found a certain appeal in such a notion. As such, it should hardly come as a surprise that Le Cercle has been accused of being under the dominion of Opus Dei as well (cf. Their Kingdom Come, Robert Hutchison, pg. 155)


…There were also a considerable amount of Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM, more commonly referred to as the Knights of Malta) in the upper echelons of Le Cercle as well. …it appears to this researcher that the upper hierarchy of the P-2 lodge was totally dominated by Opusians and Maltese knights. That this would also be the case in Le Cercle is hardly surprising given the extensive overlap between the Le Cercle and P2 circles. …The Vatican-Paneuropean network also gained close contacts with the American deep state during this time as well as it played a key role in establishing the Stay-Behind-Networks throughout Western Europe during the Cold War." Recluse


This reference to "Stay Behind Networks" is, of course, Gladio, now Gladio B, which has given us everything from Operation Condor to 911, to ISIS. A video interview and links give sauce on that statement here -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 4, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.6411212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5486


> Run a society without it (meme)


We had over a thousand years of despotic Catholic rule, it was called the dark ages. They raped, pillaged, sodomized, warred, and subverted their way across the pages of history. They slow tortured and killed Bible-believing Christians by the millions in brutal inquisitions and maintained the political power and wealth by every evil imaginable. They teach false history to conceal their crimes and the true nature of their organization. For instance, they say the current sex abuse crises began in the 1960s, yet they have been raping children for centuries as chronicled here -


As I said in the previous post, the book linked there called "Rogue Agents" reveals some of the same characters exposed by QANON in post 851. Of particular interest are the Nazis Gehlen, and Abs, plus Calvi. This, of course, goes to operation KEYSTONE and Vatican bank corruption made famous in Godfather III. >>6407117


I'm attaching a screenshot from Q Post 851 that mentions the same characters as in the previous post. Godfather III has been mentioned by Q several times because the events and players of those times figure into the events of our time. Same with the KEYSTONE operation, it quietly grew like cancer within American intelligence and power structures. Not unlike "Hydra" in the Avengers "Winter Soldier" movie. None of this has happened in a vacuum, or without an organizational structure that developed over time. The Spygate of today ties back to previous operations by Vatican operatives who are attempting to resurrect the old Roman Empire as the global government. To accomplish this goal, they have their fingers into everything, especially intelligence and banking interests. That is the milieu in which today's headlines have developed.



" Amongst Cercle intelligence contacts are former operatives from the American CIA, DIA and INR, Britain's MI5, MI6 and IRD, France's SDECE, Germany's BND, BfV and MAD, Holland’s BVD, Belgium's Sûreté de l’Etat, SDRA and PIO, apartheid South Africa's BOSS, and the Swiss and Saudi intelligence services. Politically, the Cercle complex has interlocked with the whole panoply of international right-wing groups: the Paneuropean Union, the European Movement, CEDI, the Bilderberg Group, WACL, Opus Dei, the Moonies, Western Goals and the Heritage Foundation." (Page 3 -,_2011,_full).pdf

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 7, 2019, 9:37 a.m. No.6437658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2465



If you are interested in real history instead of revisionist propaganda, learn about how Rome slaughtered the Protestants of Piedmont in Northern Italy. It has not been forgotten by their avengers. There is a French/Italian operative who is sitting on some weaponized data. He chose this symbol from Piedmont to be his calling card -


BTW - The Knights Who Say Ni are soon to hear the dreaded word I.T. Information technology is dangerous to those who work iniquity and hide in the shadows. I.T. can expose their dark deeds to the light. I.T. will bring many tears to the wicked, including a sea of clown tears. The good news is, I can recommend a good brand of tissues - kek.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 20, 2019, 9:21 a.m. No.6543101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3870




I have seen that presentation before and was not particularly impressed. The black nobility is intertwined with Rome, they are part of its power structure. It is Rome, not Venice, which ruled Europe for centuries in both its pagan and papal incarnations. Venetian bankers, knighthoods, and secret societies are just some of the mechanisms Rome has employed to exert its power and influence.


Beware of revisionist history which attempts to separate the Vatican from its affiliations, crimes, and blood-soaked history. The Jesuits produce reams of it. Fake history, like fake news, blinds the masses and allows the system to continue operating.


Buy a history book published 20 years ago.

Buy a history book published 10 years ago.

Buy a history book published this year.


Focus on WWI/WWII

Something ALARMING will be discovered.



On this particular subject, Wikipedia actually has it right (for a change):


"The black nobility or black aristocracy are Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy… Aristocrats who had been ennobled by the Pope… kept the doors of their palaces in Rome closed to mourn the Pope's confinement (after the Papal estates were annexed), which led to their being called the "black nobility".


Despite the relatively recent name, the Black Nobility had existed for centuries, originating in the baronial class of Rome and in the powerful families who moved to Rome to benefit from a family connection to the Vatican. These supported the Popes in the governance of the Papal States and in the administration of the Holy See. Many of the members of Black Noble families also became high-ranking clergy and even Popes. Black Nobility families (in this instance families whose ancestors included Popes) still in existence… Major extinct papal families include… Following the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, the Black Nobility were given dual citizenship in Italy and Vatican City.


If you go to page 35 in this document (below) that QANON linked you will see how the Vatican does "dirty" banking behind the scenes, using organizations and even charities as fronts. Some SMOM, P-2, and mafia connections are laid out, even Hitler's paymaster Abs is there. The Calvi affair, made famous in Godfather III (a movie QANON has repeatedly referenced) is also highlighted.


The point is, the Vatican is not what it appears to be. It masquerades as "Holy Mother Church" but it is actually an extremely wealthy and powerful criminal syndicate. It is a very old and powerful political machine which ruled the Kings of Europe for over a thousand years. The Black Nobility are bloodline families that benefit from their allegiance to Rome. They are NOT the ultimate evil but they are in close partnership with it.


Global government (both temporal and spiritual) is claimed by the papacy as their right (in official pronouncements). Even now, the current Pope is making repeated calls for global government and the Vatican is running ops to brings about that end. Some of their behind the scenes activities are exposed here.


Le Cercle

Operation Gladio (B)


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




These links contain corroborating evidence so that what QANON supplied does not have to stand on its own.




Anonymous ID: 0c5033 May 26, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.6592612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2460


The higher degrees of the Masons were written by the Jesuits. This has already been covered in this thread and in another one. >>6120589


The Masons are just another tool of the system identified in scripture as the anti (in place of) Christ power which is the Papacy. Rome pretends to be enemies of the Masons in official pronouncements but they work together behind the scenes. Sometimes even openly, as in the creation of Washington DC, which is built on land that used to be called Rome, Maryland (property donated by the Jesuits).


"He was a devout Roman Catholic as well as an ardent Freemason. His freedom of action was due to the fact that Roman Catholic Bishop Carroll, stated in a letter dated 1794, that the prohibitory Papal edicts would not be enforced in his diocese. Under Hoban's leadership, a number of Irish Catholics and Scotch Presbyterians organized Federal Lodge No. 1 in Washington, D.C. of which Bro. Hoban was the first Master. That Lodge participated in the laying of the cornerstone of the Capitol by Bro. George Washington. Bro. Hoban was also High Priest of the Royal Arch Chapter in 1799."


Georgetown University is a Jesuit institution and Jesuits dominate key positions in the US government. The CIA was formed and has been dominated by Knights of Malta like Donovan and Dulles (OSS to CIA handoff including the Nazi keystone from Gehlen). By the time of Reagan, Catholics controlled all his key staff positions. The Department of Homeland Security, born of the 911 Gladio B operation, has been Jesuit controlled from its inception. No one today bats an eye at Rome infiltrating and controlling US politics but it is not just a Church, it is a foreign power. It is a sovereign state, like Russia, or China, and by its own words bent on global government.


Click the paperclip for information on:

The Jesuit Connection to Freemasonry


The battle is good versus evil, NOT maintaining a balance between the two. Evil must and will be destroyed, sin will be eradicated. The wages of sin are death (Romans 6:23). The wheat and tares have been growing together but the separation and elimination of the tares is at hand (Matthew 13:36–43)


The Vatican, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Black Nobility, that whole system is going down. The Masons, as one of their control systems, along with them.


The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants.

John Daniel, in The Grand Design Exposed (1999), p. 302


Getting back to current affairs, don't think that the involvement of Mifsud and Scotti that resulted in the firing of 6 Italian intelligence chiefs ended the fallout for Rome. That was just the opening salvo, a shot across the bow. The other red shoe will drop and Rome will reap the harvest it deserves. Not global control but global condemnation and the violent end foretold in scripture (Rev. 17-18).

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 2, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.6658064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2770


As we have been saying in this thread and a previous one, look past local political puppets to see that this all tracks back to Rome. Neon Revolt and some others with large followings are finally waking up -


Take another look at the graphic here, the resting place of Charlemagne. >>6522465


Operation Charlemagne. Le Cercle, the EyePyramid, these are all connected. Some are beginning to understand that corrupt Italian Officials are involved but the piece of the puzzle most seem to be missing is where does the Vatican fit in? Forget the left-right paradigm and look at the structure as a whole. Since the Curia works through front groups it can be hard to make the connections but here is a key that will unlock much for the those willing to dig,


One of the interesting characters in this little drama is Gianni De Gennaro. He is Chairman of the first Italian Defense Group Leonardo which is a rebrand of the company after a scandal tied to the Vatican bank. Go back and look into the Finmeccanica probe and the removal of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi. Why was his home searched and was anything found? What is an insurance policy? Who is implicated? Who has copies?


"But in searching his property, investigators reportedly found a treasure trove that could link the Vatican to all sorts of shady dealings and underworld characters. And the Vatican top brass desperately want to get their hands on it, sternly warning Italian police that because the Vatican is a “sovereign nation” their documents are protected under immunity… What they are reportedly worried about is a secret dossier that Gotti Tedeschi told friends he compiled “just in case something happens to me.” Local press reports say the dossier includes 47 different binders with emails from the pope, letters from cardinals, and notes and reports from various meetings tied to Vatican bank business. He had reportedly planned to deliver the dossier directly to Pope Benedict XVI, presumably as a counterargument to his May 24 firing. The cache reportedly contains irrefutable evidence that could substantiate claims that the IOR is involved in money laundering and tax-evasive practices."


I have repeatedly pointed to QANON's Godfather III reference and the Calvi affair which is part of the SMOM section of the PDF QANON linked in post 851. This was done for a reason >>6225149


The "silent ones" are like meatballs. They make no sound until dropped into the sauce. Then the heat causes them to swell and some even "squeal" as trapped gas escapes. Not that it matters. Sauce leaks and spills easily anyway, staining all who are touched by it. Not all leaks can be contained and not all stains can be laundered clean. If you don't believe me ask a wop sauce expert -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 9, 2019, 6:40 a.m. No.6709772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8525

The Pope is a proven liar


Archbishop Viganò explained:


…what McCarrick said, that he never had relations with anyone, is a lie — just like what the Pope said about not knowing anything is a lie, just like what he said about not remembering what I told him is a lie, when he was the one who asked me.


I posted about Viganò in an earlier thread. Recently his allegations were again corraborated by an independent source and he was publically vindicated in his exposure of the Pope and the top Vatican brass as pedo protectors and liars.


More to come. Some schedule events to Catholic feast days, while others schedule events to moon phases. Whatever clock you follow, the music still plays and the last song still comes -


__Dance monkey dance

Weurl and prance

Put on your red shoes and dance

Truth is the song

That makes the rope stong

And drags you down to perdition__

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 11, 2019, 8:45 p.m. No.6730851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Several large media outlets are now beginning to look at the Italian connections. After the firing of their intelligence chiefs, it looks like the Italian Parliament is preparing to declass information relating to Mifsud. All of this is movement in the right direction but the issue still isn't being properly framed. People have been deceived for so long that the truth is hard to swallow.


Some believe Mifsud to be a British asset, some an American asset, some an Italian asset. As I have said many times, it would be beneficial to take QANON's advice and read the PDF linked in post 851, where just one word was said: "learn". The Vatican is not just a corrupt Church, it is a sovereign country that runs intelligence, military, banking, and political operations. In reality, not just the Italian government, but the American and British systems, along with many others around the world have been corrupted to serve the emperor in Rome.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA 851




The CIA is an arm of the Vatican. It was formed when 3 Knights of Malta (a Catholic order protecting the elites for 900 years), Donovan, Dulles, and Gehlen, rebranded the OSS and integrated the Nazi keystone program with it, absorbing Nazi intelligence officers into the American system. With Masonic President Truman to seal the deal, Catholic control of the already infiltrated and corrupted American system was all but assured. Catholic power in the US goes back a long way. Washington DC is actually built on land donated by the Jesuits. The giant owl that surrounds the capital building sits on land that used to be called Rome, Maryland.


Isn't it interesting that it is a professor from Malta, known for training CIA and FBI agents in Rome, who is at the center of the present drama? Why are American agents being trained in Rome in the first place, by a foreign power? Why are Vatican operatives and money allowed to compromise young men and women who are supposed to serve America? The Vatican owns roughly a third of the property in Rome, including dens of iniquity as documented by Vatileaks. As QANON post 851 shows, it is in bed with the Mafia, the Nazis, the Masons, and even its so-called charities are fronts for evil. They have been caught raping children the world over and covering it up so why does their pretense of holiness still fool anyone?


"The use of Italian intelligence agencies to spy on members of the Trump campaign have roiled the internal workings of the Italian government at the highest levels. Simply put, Joseph Mifsud, who is represented in the Mueller report on page one as a “Russian agent”, is actually a senior Italian intelligence asset."

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 13, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.6741357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think it is time to reveal another layer to this little drama, now that more eyes have finally turned to Rome.


Going all the way back to the (banned from youtube) "Gladio Rap" song, Quantum surveillance and the NSA's Quantum Insert were eluded to in the graphics. This was done for a reason, one that may tie together many loose ends for those who are following.


1) Two siblings tied to the EyePyramid hacking scandal have the family name Occhionero which can be translated as black-eye. Purportedly this involves a high-ranking Mason hacking other Italian Masons, bankers, politicians, and Vatican officials. Of course, many elites have been sporting black eyes and QANON dropped a hint in post 2615, but let's leave that alone for now.


2) Claiming to be set-up by other players, Giulio Occhionero is a vocal and unwilling fall guy. He has written everyone and their dog to draw attention to the alleged plot against him. Only his connection to Malta seems to be strangely missing from his elucidations.


3) The true source of a good hack is always hidden and whether you think this was two siblings working alone or Italian Intelligence assets using them to frame Trump, it really doesn't matter. Fall guys and cover stories abound, the only thing you can "take to the bank" is that a certain section of the NSA has it all and more.


4) QUANTUMTHEORY is not just about Bristlecone computers and trinary logic, quantum mind, or the wisdom of the Vedas. It is a toolbox that ensures that even if PyramidEye was a foreign or even a private operation, the NSA will still have the goods. Go back and watch the banned video again, maybe it will begin to make more sense now -


5) Sauce - Updates to this gallery will shed further light on the Italian/Vatican connections to Spygate -


A couple of articles with more sauce:

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 21, 2019, 2:08 p.m. No.6809701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This can't be stopped or covered-up. Exposure of their current efforts at political subversion is the least of Rome's problems. Damning evidence of widespread heinous crimes has been weaponized.


Trad Cats need to break free of the false history and deceptions they have been taught. Rome was NEVER the "Holy Mother Church". The evils you are railing against today have been exposed for centuries by Protestants. The difference is the crimes of Rome can no longer be covered-up.


Someone tried to argue that Obama installed the current Pope and is behind it all. Actually, the opposite is true. The Vatican hijacked the political systems of many countries, including America, and have a long history of ruling over the kings of the earth.


This is bigger than you think. The judgement of the "great whore" is close at hand (Rev. 17-18). Turn away from Rome and toward God, he is calling his people out of that corrupt system. (Rev. 18:4)

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 22, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.6818924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3047

The Papacy ruled the Kings of Europe with an iron fist for over a thousand years but Napoleon's General Bethier captured the Pope in 1798. He died in exile in Avignon France. Later, Italy annexed the Papal estates in 1861-70.


The Lateran Pact of 1929, signed with Benito Mussolini the fascist dictator, reestablished the Vatican as a sovereign state, with diplomatic immunity for its crimes and a legal structure to house their claimed temporal power over the earth.


Hitler and Nazi Germany were the first to legitimize the Vatican government and their secret societies, knighthoods, and black nobility had propositioned the world for Rome's power play commonly called WWII. When brute force failed they formed the EU and attempted to advance their globalist agenda through political intrigue and infiltration.


America did not grant full diplomatic relations until Jan. 10, 1984. By this time SMOM had created the CIA and Reagan's senior staff positions were dominated by Catholics. The complete control of America, long sought, was another step closer.


The formation of Washington DC on Jesuit land, with the act of 1871 superseding the organic constitution, was a major blow to freedom. The Federal Reserve was another. Now the Vatican's vast wealth and centuries-old network of elite families hide behind a few key front men. Controllers who bribe and blackmail politicians and government insiders.


Their scheme was working - up to now. The technology they had hoped to enslave us with is proving to be their downfall. Heinous crimes can now not only be recorded, stored, copied, and moved, they can reach the whole world overnight when published.


John Adams, the second president, wrote volumes exposing the Jesuits and their subversive plots. He was cognizant of the deadly blow struck against the Vatican by Napolean and Italian nationalists but knew the evil would continue because of the strength of their system. Yet the end of Catholicism, which he labeled cabalistic Christianity, is at last in sight. It is time for authentic Christianity to rise up to take its place.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 25, 2019, 6:24 p.m. No.6842460   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Way back here Google was exposed - >>5788110


No one seemed to pay much attention but now that project Project Veritas has done a video, more people have become aware -


However, the real story is that this is yet another "rabbit trail" leading back to Rome.

Why do you think the leaders of the big tech companies met with the Pope before the big globalist push came?


QANON made many posts like 2992 and 2968 where Google is outed and even their symbols relate to Masonry and satanism. The Jesuit control of Masonry and the shared Gnostic Luciferianism at the higher degrees is addressed many times in this thread. >>6592612


Don't think that censorship and surveillance are the only or even the greatest threats posed by "big tech". CRISPR DNA editing, robotics, nanotech, AI, and quantum computing are some of the many areas where the people who gave us the inquisitions and the Nazis, should not be in control. All roads lead to Rome…

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 29, 2019, 2:11 a.m. No.6872430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3597

Catholic insiders with scruples have always been the most dangerous foes of the Papacy. Luther, Calvin, and even Knox the great Scottish reformer (along with many others) started out as Catholic Priests. After discovering the evils and errors of Popery, they converted to Protestant Christianity and became bitter enemies of the anti-Christ in Rome.


It is interesting that attorney general Barr plays the pipes and is Catholic -


The sickening filth of the Roman Catholic pedophilia scandals and their corruption of political leaders must surely come across his desk. Will he follow his conscience and do the right thing or attempt to defend the institution he is affiliated with?


Time will tell and timing is everything -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 30, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.6883047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3814



Ah - the Grand Wizard of Rosicrucian is back to enlighten us with their "secret" knowledge - lol. I hope you don't fill this thread with foul-mouthed rants and outrageous claims as you did in this thread -


I happen to agree with you that the diplomatic immunity of the Vatican is a big problem and I explained how it was reestablished (in modern times) through the Lateran Pact >>6818924


> still trying to show how protestants are so different from catholics I see… :D


The institutional Protestant denominations are (as I have said before) for the most part corrupted and become harlot daughters of the great whore (Rev. 17). The distinction I am actually attempting to make is between the body of Christ and false religion.


I am against those who take his name but not his spirit, who use religion as a political tool and a hiding place for evil. I am against the false form of Christianity that was enthroned as a powerful theocracy centuries ago.


Its rise was foretold in prophecy but many nominal Christians do not know this because they are deceived by its false interpretations and deceptive doctrines. It gives a bad name to all who follow Christ so your animus is understandable though misplaced.


If you see no distinction between authentic Christians and those who follow the antichrist system then your occult indoctrination has truly blinded you. It is not about denominations but about good vs evil. Those who follow Christ and the Bible and those who do not.


Since you reject everything Christian you leave yourself without hope. You throw out the baby with the bathwater. Christ is the only way, the only mediator between God and man. The Gospel was once and for all delivered to the saints and any other Gospel that contradicts it is false.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 June 30, 2019, 2:14 p.m. No.6883686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This story about Operation Angels and Demons in Italy is so much bigger than currently reported -


1) This particular type of organized crime against children is not limited to Italy, though Rome is the epicenter. The network is worldwide and similar accounts have been reported in the UK, Australia, Canada, the US, and many other countries.


2) The use of trauma-based mind control and sophisticated techniques are not fiction and are widespread. Read what QANON linked in post 851, 2663, and 772.


3) Rome, through the Knights of Malta operatives Gehlen, Donovan, and Dulles set up the continuation of Nazi mind control programs in America. The OSS became the CIA and incorporated Nazi scientists and intelligence officers through Operations Paper Clip and Keystone.


4) The trama based techniques didn't originate with the Nazis. The Jesuit led inquisitions provided millions of victims to experiment on with cruel tortures. The CIA (Catholics in Action) simply continued a program that serves a very old and dangerous system with roots spread far and wide.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 7cfe10 No.38638 📁

Dec 5 2017 16:21:56 (EST)

Godfather III

Be prepared for what you find.


Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 1, 2019, 3:02 p.m. No.6891433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3275


>This "diplomatic immunity" is a right for Catholic clergy to be prosecuted exclusively by their own church tribunals under Canon law


They have been CAUGHT covering up over and over again which even the mainstream press acknowledges. Their "diplomatic immunity" must end, the concordats and recognition of Vatican sovereignty must end. They must be prosecuted by the same secular powers whose children they have defiled and whose leaders they have corrupted.


Statewide AG investigations and even federal investigations are closing in on the wicked scum you are defending at this very moment. The ruse to feign accountability by making the metropolitan bishops responsible is laughable. They have been running cover-ups the whole time and this latest bullshit did not even fool conservative Catholics like the Church Militant crowd, let alone prosecutors, victims groups, or protestants.


Judgment is coming (Rev. 17-18).


QANON post 1950📁

House of GOD?

Only the beginning.

Those who you are taught to trust the most….

Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.



The choice to know will be yours.




"The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law."



Sanctuary against criminal prosecution?

Recipe for …….


Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 2, 2019, 4:16 a.m. No.6895425   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Another one of your antifa pink bunnies.


The PINK BUNNIES have nothing to do with Antifa. Enemies attempt to associate the group with ideologies and movements that they do not represent in order to falsely accuse and discredit. Since you are repeating your lying slander strategy, I will repeat the same response.


The PINK BUNNIES have an "About Us" page for all to read. Their activities, ideals, and agenda are not a mystery -


Toward the bottom that page links to a document from which I shall (again) quote:


"Our enemies attempt to associate our symbols and memes with racism and false narratives to influence public perception against us. Ignore them, we believe the battle is between good and evil - not red and blue for politics, black and white for race, rich and poor for class, or any of the artificial divisions they impose upon humanity.


The war against evil crosses all lines, all creeds, all races, all classes, all institutions. Any form of racism, bigotry, or xenophobia are antithetical to our goals and values. We oppose the Vatican not on the grounds of religious bigotry but because they are at the center of a criminal cabal steeped in corruption, pedophilia, political manipulation and religious deception."


Set all the snares you want, we set bear traps. Bears are so stupid they will chew off all four legs trying to escape even though they are actually caught by the balls. We have a "pit" dug for your illustrious leader. Since he worships a snake, it seems like a fitting end.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 9, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6969260   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Little St. James is indeed a horror show but by no means the only island that should be on your radar. The island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea and Deer Island (of the Thousand Islands archipelago) also have secrets that will not remain hidden. All roads lead to Rome.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 10, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6982770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There was a power shift in Rome in 2013 when wicked Pope Benedict stepped down as Emporer and an even eviler Jesuit frontman was installed. July 2013 was significant for several reasons. One was the MOTU PROPRIO OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF FRANCIS ON THE JURISDICTION OF JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES OF VATICAN CITY STATE IN CRIMINAL MATTERS (click paperclip for download).


Although it was sold as a means for the "Holy See" to extend its power to bring evildoers to justice it was actually a means for them to put themselves above all other law and in effect police themselves. A right they have always claimed but this was a reiteration and modern formal declaration of their long-held position. The legal systems of the Western world operate under Roman law so their pretentious claims are not without historical context.


Their diplomatic immunity and concordats should be revoked. Matters relating to the IOR have left them just as vulnerable, as have the sex abuse scandals. This JULY 19 article is a doorway into a tale of corruption involving money, sex, and power -


These posts provide some context that might help you understand the significance.





The previously known to be gay prelate that Francis assigned to the Vatican bank, Battista Ricca, made headlines because of a sexual affair with a Swiss guard Captain. He was also shamefully caught with a rent boy, of whom there are many who service the Vatican prelates. There are many names that stand out in the shady dealings of the Vatican bank or IOR. Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, Paolo Cipriani, Massimo Tulli, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, Pell, Calvi, Abs. Scandals, sudden resignations, and intrigues abound - that is hardly new. Not so well known, is that in this world where "books are cooked" and filthy lucre laundered from criminal activity flows like rivers, some opt for "insurance policies". Especially when seismic "power shifts" like those of 2013 are occurring. Kind of like the Weiner laptop files but in this case geared toward the "bean counter" end of the cesspool.


How many copies exist? Smart people tend to operate with a deadman switch and 3rd parties holding copies. However, some people are trained to "crash" such parties. Even nondigital records can be surreptitiously copied, a paper trail is still a trail. Micro-cameras and microfiche are "old hat" but still useful, especially against those who avoid digital records because of the security risk. A word to the wise - when insurance files are put on a switch, you never know who is going to turn on the lights.


The money trail is a yellow brick road that leads to the same place as the red shoes. Pull back the curtain and you will see an old man in flowing robes like the "Wizard of Oz" pulling the levers of power. Like his predecessors, a pathetic wretch. An evil conniving satanist. A monster of guilt, a master deceiver claiming to represent Almighty God himself but steeped in evil. Over a billion people buy into the deception and the centuries-old system continues to rape children, corrupt rulers, and pervert doctrine.


(Q - Post 586) Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. Who are we taught to trust?


Some related articles.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 12, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.7015229   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The BSI and BIS have more in common than rearranged letters. Follow the money, Red Cross has more than one meaning and is found in many places. The City of London financial district and the Swiss banks don't just share a flag.


Vatican Knighthoods and the Black Nobility run international finance. Court Jews and Capos, like the Rothschilds and Soros, are just frontmen. The Jews are thus scapegoated while the real controllers remain hidden. It is a very old system, tracing back to the time of the crusades and the Templars.


The central banks are tied to the BIS which is tied to the IOR. The IOR is run like an offshore account that is onshore. Rivers of dark money off the books, not taxed, and not traceable by normal means.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 13, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.7026240   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8955


> through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother, our model in reparation


You are expressing good sentiments, contriteness, humble acknowledgment of sin and need for forgiveness. This is all wonderful.


However, Mary is not an intercessor so you err by attempting to go through her to reach Christ. You must go DIRECTLY to Christ, not through Mary, saints, priests, or popes. The formulaic prayers of Papists tend to nullify the word of God. >>5474230


You are repeating an error taught to you by the anti-Christ (in place of Christ) system which has been perverting the true doctrine for centuries. Mary did not die for you, is not co-Redemptrix, and has none of the divine attributes assigned to her by Rome.. Please watch the embedded video. The elevation of Mary was done to fulfill the Goddess worship of the pagans and became the root of today's Mariology. It is another Gospel which by definition is a false Gospel.


1 Timothy 2: 5-6 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 13, 2019, 8:42 a.m. No.7026354   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This prayer is perfectly fine with one caveat.

Et unam, sanctam, catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam which means "In one, holy, catholic and apostolic church."


The original use of the word Catholic meant universal or all Christians everywhere or body of Christ. As long as one maintains that use these is no problem However, over time many people began to associate Catholic with ROMAN Catholic, which is an entirely different thing. It is a branch or subset of Christianity which formed a corrupt theocracy with the Caesars.


The Orthodox Catholic Church for instance (Eastern Orthodox) is not Roman but is nevertheless Catholic even ion their official title. I am a Protestant and thus not part of the Roman or Orthodox Catholic Church, yet I am part of the "body of Christ" so Catholic by the original use of the term.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 13, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.7026753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862


The casual researcher will draw some false conclusions from Jeffrey Epstein and some of his associates being "Jewish". Is modern Israel Jewish or secular? Who laid the ideological framework and financed Zionism? Of those who claim to be religious Jews, how many follow the Babylonian Talmud which is a corruption of Biblical Judaism? Does the Kabbalah also have a counterpart within corrupt Christendom? Dis both originate with Babylon?


The Mossad is no more Jewish than the CIA is American - Rome buys and sells the souls of men (Rev. 18:13) whether they are intelligence assets or politicians. The hub of the "deeps state" is Rome. Washington DC and the City of London Financial District are two centers of power it works through and the Swiss banks are also highly involved. Israel is "special" because it is not what it appears to be.


You will notice a pattern - Rothchilds, Soros, Epstein, Weinstein, Bronfmans, Schumer. Why? What power hides behind Zionism and uses Israel like a "sock-puppet? Who uses corrupt Jews to vilify all Jews? Who tried to exterminate them in WW2. Who has tortured and oppressed them for centuries? Here is some background -






“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.” The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497)


“The ultra-right wing falsely describes the Rothschilds as “Jewish bankers” when, in fact, the Rothschilds are interwoven with the Catholic Church, and, jointly with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with the Vatican Bank, which was pro-Nazi.” – Sherman H. Skolnick: “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds”.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 14, 2019, 2:57 p.m. No.7041575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8806

QANON is talking about Godfather III again. The money trails and trafficking operations have been traced to the guardians of the Vatican treasury (Rothschilds). Are you still in doubt as to who the Godfather is? What power controlled the Kings of Europe for over a thousand years and eliminated dissenters in cruel inquisitions? What power has been caught raping children all over the planet? What power was behind the Nazis and CIA as QANON already told you to learn about?


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




These posts contain corroborating evidence so that what QANON supplied does not have to stand on its own.





Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 15, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.7048806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5986



This article touched on many of the things covered in this thread. His research corroborates some of the info exposed in the PDF QANON linked in post 851 -


The author is on the right track, one of the few people making posts and videos which center on the source of the evil.




"It is a lesser-known fact that the Catholic Church worked in concert and covertly in support of these efforts in what later became known as Operation Gladio__. These secret armies relied on acts of sabotage, blackmailing and committed acts of terror that were blamed on political enemies with the objective of manipulating public opinion. The Catholic Church has a proven history of connections to the Nazi leadership in Germany during WW2. Powerful CIA directors swore alliances to the church and became part of the Sovereign Military Order of Knights of Malta including James Jesus Angleton, William Colby, William Casey among others. As part of these new deals, the Vatican became not just the recipient of black money but also became the repository of secret military documents. In 2006, Holocaust survivors who claimed the IOR was the repository of gold that had been stolen from them by the Nazis, filed a class action suit in Alperin v Vatican Bank during which classified CIA files related to the development of nuclear weapons were accidentally exposed.


Today, this covert network of well-connected individuals rely not only on blackmailing and false flag operations to achieve their geopolitical objectives but also in human trafficking, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, organ trafficking and more. The sickness and moral degeneration of these institutions have reached apocalyptic levels. The information you are about to see is neither new nor secret. It exists and has existed on the public record for years. The reason why most of us have not heard about some of these scandals is the result of a corrupt mainstream Mockingbird media campaign that lies mostly by omission.


We will also examine in more detail the contemporary works of the Vatican bank as it relates to Wall Street and the world elite and their drive for more political power and their push for a world government. This secret alliance of elites and religious entities is not new and in fact it is a well-documented historical fact."


I will embed a youtube video from the above author, you should download and watch the whole series before it is censored. Here is a link to similar information that was already censored by youtube. The page has links, a privately hosted rap video, and a video interview that are quite informative -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 15, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.7055986   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Operation Gladio was ostensibly created to counter potential Soviet incursions into Europe by leaving stay behind networks in place. In reality, it created a covert army to carry out false flags, human trafficking, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, organ trafficking, and other evils. It morphed into Gladio II which gave us 911, ISIS, mid-east conflicts, and the current Muslim invasion. Dark money flows from illegal CIA ops through the BPF to the IOR.


Frontmen like the Rothschilds and Soros are used to effect control but make no mistake, they are not the true power. Rome's knighthoods, orders, and secret societies are very old and powerful. Corrupting governments and trafficking in the bodies and souls of the children of men are two of its identifying marks in scripture. (Revelation 18:13). They have been doing it for centuries but most people do not know this because revisionist history is being taught. Fake history is as blinding as fake news, perhaps even more so because current events need historical context in order to make sense.


This video is a good primer -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 16, 2019, 3:28 p.m. No.7062750   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All great threads but I hope starts one soon for Epstein's connections to Khashoggi and Dyncorp.


Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy

What do Templar's temples look like? What went on in the temple of Soloman? Do the Knights of Saladin make salad? Do owls fly with passports?

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 17, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.7067921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The light between the horns has spoken. It says there is no weird Catholic secret society of hunters originating in Austria.


It also said that the Bavarian Illuminati who adopted the owl of Minerva as a symbol has no connection to the Jesuits. The light assures all that although Adam Weishaupt was trained by Jesuits he was a defector and hostile to them. This light says that Weishaupt was definitely not an undercover Jesuit seeking to expand the power of the suppressed order by infiltration and co-opting of freemasonry.


I am glad the light between the horns has clarified all this and no Hapsburg Prince is required to sort out what is fake history and conspiracy theory.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch where Scalia died, the St. Hubertus horn heads are planning a hunting party on Deer Island with the bonesmen and the owls from Bohemian Grove. They are all hunting for the bottom of Le Circle. Y can't they find it unless the lightbearer (Lucifer) they follow is actually the prince of darkness and they are all just pawns in the game?

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 19, 2019, 9:48 p.m. No.7107335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6314 >>6404 >>8782 >>7381

More than 200 Italian police officers and FBI agents launched coordinated raids as the result of an investigation dubbed 'New Connection'. It registered the strong bond established between Cosa Nostra (Sicilian mafia) of Palermo and U.S. organized crime, with particular reference to the powerful Gambino crime family of New York.


The timing is interesting, coming on the heels of the Epstein arrest and a 20 ton cocaine bust. The Gambinos were part of the round-up but it is the October 2007 testimony of Tony Gambino that is of profound significance since it corroborates some of the info in Q post 851 and many other Q posts relating to the Vatican.


That article contains a video interview. If it disappears relevant extracts from the video are condensed in a much shorter video here:


Excerpts From Original Interview


Q: (12:45 ) What do you know about the connections between our government, the mob, the Vatican, all of their complicity in 9//11? Do you think they all work together, to bring this about?

A: You better believe they do! And the Vatican is the headquarters! (laughter from the background) The Vatican is the head quarters for that.


Q: And how do you know that?  Q: Do mafia dons all know that?

A: Huh?


Q: Do the mafia dons all know that?

A: Yes they do.


Q: Now I think anybody who doesn't think the Vatican is involved with the mob and also with our government intelligence agencies, ought to listen again to what Tony said.

A: If the Vatican wasn't corrupt, you think they would let these priests rape these boys and get away with it?

A: Yeah…


Q: Tell me, does the Archbishop of Palermo control the mafia families there?

A: Yes they do. 


Q: So therefore the Vatican is in control of the heroin/drug trade?

A: That's correct… That's correct.


Q: (31:52 ) Now you spent some time away and now you’re back again. Is there any particular reason you are talking now? Are you worried about it, coming forward with a lot of this stuff?


A: No, I ain’t worried about it because the United States government ought to be put down, you know what I mean? Because they’re just as… they’re more crooked than the mafia. Its all nothing but one hand washing the other, washing the other, and its starting with the Pentagon.


Q: I just, you know, want him to confirm to listeners that the mafia is essentially Roman Catholic and Sicilian at the top, right Tony?

A: That's correct


Q: And that they are subordinate to the Papacy?

A: That's right.


Q Therefore, ultimately, the source of all these drugs and crime and drug running of the mafia, the ultimate beneficiary is the pope, would you not say that?

A: That's correct. The pope was more powerful than the President.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 21, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.7121878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There is a temple called the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem which has a golden dome, with patterns and arches similar to the pedo temple on Jeffrey Epstein's Island.


The royal arch degree of freemasonry is relevant, with its keystone. The Shriners have temples with Moorish features like this one, for example in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They swear blood oaths to Allah -


The Nazi-CIA "Operation Keystone" is related to all of this as well. Not just scientists but Nazi intelligence officers were absorbed by the CIA. Mind control, slavery, trafficking, are nothing new. Trauma-based techniques go back to the Jesuits and the inquisitions. MK-Ultra/Monarch has very old roots and a Jesuit-Nazi pedigree.


Make a study of the Knights of Saladin and the Templars. Some would like to rebuild the temple of Solomon (third temple) where the dome of the rock now stands. The false eschatology of Jesuit futurism requires it and the Vatican's Rothschild bankers have financed the creation of modern Israel. You will find that this small piece of property that the Dome of the Rock sits on has spawned wars and much bloodshed. If some get their way, it will again. It is important to Muslims, Jews, Christians, and is a central motif in certain secret societies embedded in places of power, including the American government.


Israel will be last for a reason. Jerusalem will be a cup of trembling as foretold, but not for the reasons most imagine. Setting it free, opening their eyes, and enabling their full participation, will spell the doom of the anti-Christ in Rome. The Latin kingdom of Jerusalem will never be Latin again. The anti-Christ will come to his end, and no one will help him. His legions will scatter like cockroaches when dark becomes light. The facade will be ripped away and religious pretense will no longer be a hiding place for evil.


Quote below from Charles Spurgeon


"It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist, and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. If there were to be issued a hue and cry for Antichrist, we should certainly take up this church on suspicion, and it would certainly not be let loose again, for it so exactly answers the description."


"Popery is contrary to Christ's Gospel, and is the Antichrist, and we ought to pray against it. It should be the daily prayer of every believer that Antichrist might be hurled like a millstone into the flood and for Christ, because it wounds Christ, because it robs Christ of His glory, because it puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement, and lifts a piece of bread into the place of the Saviour, and a few drops of water into the place of the Holy Ghost, and puts a mere fallible man like ourselves up as the vicar of Christ on earth; if we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors: we shall love their souls though we loath and detest their dogmas, and so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened, because we turn our faces towards Christ when we pray."

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 26, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.7202872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862

The golden rule, or ethic of reciprocity, is a universal moral principle that is accepted by all the major religions, by humanists, existentialists, even by groups you might not expect like Wiccans. It was expressed by Jesus Christ as "Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets." Matthew 7:12


Paul, the second temple Jew who converted to Christianity, expressed it as "For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (Galatians 5:14) The Jews who did not convert still have it as "Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD". Leviticus 19:18 Most Jews and Christians do not know that Islam also has it as "None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself. An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith 13 (p. 56)


So why is it that so much division and bloodshed stems from religious controversies and power struggles? Why is it that attempts at peace center on a false ecumenism under Rome, rather than the spirit of love that is poured out by God and universally manifest in all who are open to it? Why do the bones pile higher? Why is history littered with inquisitions, crusades, wars, and vice in the name of Rome's counterfeit Christianity? Why is a religious institution responsible for such bone-chilling atrocities as child rape still considered by many as "HOLY"?


In Matthew 25 the sheep and goats are separated and assigned their fates based on their deeds, not their religious profession, or affiliations. Does love live in you, or not? Are your deeds good or evil? That is the litmus test, the evidence of genuine faith and union with God.


1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.


Some are known for their pomp and ceremony, for their high hats and flowing robes. There is an expression in cowboy country, "all hat and no cattle". They look the part but are corrupt inside, like whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones (Matt. 23:27). Keep it simple, it isn't about religion, it is about good and evil. Religious pretense and sophistry are being used to blind the masses, to horde obscene wealth, to enable horrendous evils, to divide and conquer. Never forget what Christ said, "you will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7: 17)


Don't expect the devil to operate in the open, or for Satanists to necessarily appear to be so. They diguise themselves and become those you trust the most. We were warned of a mascarade, look for them to hide behind religion, pretending to represent God while hiding evil beneath robes of righteousness.


2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."


The Horrors of the Church and Its Holy Inquisition


Banking For God, The Mob And The CIA


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 27, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.7213870   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Obelisk (Latin oBAALisk) is a male nonGMO fertility symbol


The obelisk has been touched on many times in this thread. The graphics, links, or writing in these posts are related in one way or another.








The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants" - John Daniel, The Grand Design Exposed (Middleton, Idaho: CHJ Publishing, 1999): 302.


"If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person!" - James Parton (1855), as quoted in M. F. Cusack, The Black Pope (London: Marshall, Russell & Co., 1896): 76.


The public policy of the Vatican is to denounce the Masons as bitter enemies but secretly they work together. This duplicity was exposed by QANON on page 34 of the document he linked, which also exposes the Vatican's involvement with the Nazis, CIA, Masons, and Mafia -


Here are some videos that touch on the subject. The fall of Pagan Rome and rise of the Papal Rome, involved paganism being mixed with Christianity to form a corrupt persecuting theocracy. A thin veneer of apostate Christianity is placed like camoflauge around pagan beliefs and symbols. The adepts who run the system are gnostics who practicie esoteric luciferian rituals but simutaneously project exoteric counterfeit Christianity to the masses. Most people don't look past the religious pomp and cerimony and are ignorant of true history.


Here are a few videos which are helpful for background information.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 28, 2019, 9:33 a.m. No.7229619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5862

There are some names that will come up again and they are tied to Rome. Joseph Mifsud and Robert Hannigan are key players in Spygate. >>6358473


Other names which also lead to Rome are the Podestas, Soros, and the Rothschilds The later are covered here and in many other posts >>5463438


The trail from Jeffrey Epstein's trafficking operation also leads to Nicole Junkermann who is married to Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti. His family is Italian nobility tied to the Vatican, the Red Cross, and European elites. If you were thinking this is all about Mossad and the Jewish mafia and has nothing to do with Rome, you are not seeing the big picture. There are levels of control.


Court Jews and Capos have long been employed by Rome to do their banking and dirty work, even inside their Nazi concentration camps. Read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl if you don't understand the concept of capo or kapo. A second hierarchy made up of as high as 10% of the camps inmates lorded it over the other inmates to receive the favor of their overseers. Who are the overseers on a global scale and do they use proxies and fronts? How does the "hidden hand" remain hidden?

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 30, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.7261013   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>VGN-1 outlines a lot of the shit the cabal is about.


I took a quick skim through the video. While I applaud your quest for truth and the taking down of the cabal, I have some serious problems with your interpretation, particularly as related to the biblical references.


The number of the beast has been known and taught for centuries by biblical scholars -


The second beast of Rev. 13 is papal Rome which rose from the mortal wound of the first beast (4th in Daniel 7 chronology, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and then Rome.)


If you notice, the sea beast (first beast) of Rev. 13 has characteristics of all those beast which came before it as described in Daniel 7 (lion, bear, leopard). It was mortally wounded and actually split in 10 pieces (toes of a parallel passage in Daniel) when the barbarian hordes overran Rome.


Papal Rome has been trying to breathe life into an image of this first beast ever since and the European Union is their latest attempt. The horrendous wars, crusades, inquisitions, and general corruption of governments stem from their quest to impose both temporal and spiritual dominion over all men (symbolized by the 2 keys).


Rome absorbed the occult paganism of Babylon and the kingdoms that followed it, thus the sea beast of Rev. 13 (Rome) is pictured as a composite of those beasts. When the Popes began to rule in place of the Caesars, they formed a synarchy, combining paganism with a counterfeit form of Christianity to bring everyone from all faiths, under their banner. A shotgun wedding, if you will. Those who objected to this corruption were tortured and killed in brutal inquisitions.


You will find books, videos, and historical references proving this under the historicist eschatology of traditional Protestant scholars. Unfortunately, popular Christianity today is teaching a counter-reformation deception from the Jesuits called futurism. The SDA's teach a false form of historicism making the USA the second beast of Rev. 13, but this is also false. You can learn more here -


The owl symbology goes back to the female Goddess. The Owl of Athena to the Greeks, Minerva to the Romans. The Jesuits and their Bavarian Illuminati use the symbol, thus you will find it in Masonry. The gnostics worship Sophia, and there are various forms of Goddess worship depending on the culture. Lilith, Asherah, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar.



Check the Templar website and their worship of the divine feminine. Even their passports have owls on them -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 31, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.7275862   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I agree that it is about good versus evil, not religion in the sense of bigotry against certain religious institutions or faith groups. There are good and bad people in all and deception is everywhere.


However, the greatest and most destructive hiding place of evil is behind ostensibly good religious institutions and organizations. The Papacy is the anti-Christ system God warned about in prophecy. It is the center of the globalist cabal and responsible for horrendous evil and crimes against humanity.


I disagree that Soros is the boss of the Pope, you have it backward. The Popes ruled over the kings of Europe for centuries. Soros is just a glorified Capo and the Rothschild family are just glorified Court Jews. They are fronts for the real wealth and power. They are servants of the black nobility who are in league with the Vatican. Secret societies and knighthoods keep the control mechanisms hidden - the "hidden hand".




This post has a lot to say about the mascarade we were warned about where satan and his followers would hide behind the Church and feign to be righteous.



2 Corinthians 11: 13-15 "For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."


Since the wheat and tares have grown together and the harvest is nigh ((Matthew 13:36-43) a separation must occur. Good and evil are mixed together across the board, all races, institutions, agencies, classes. However, God only recognizes 3 basic states of being - hot, cold, and lukewarm (Revelation 3:16). Simply put - good, evil, and those who can't decide. Time is rapidly running out and soon it will be too late to put off a decision. God will judge us instead of striving with us to do better.


Revelation 22: 10-11 …for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.


This reality is seen by some in the whitehat community in a technical way some do not have the training to grasp. It allows processing by three value logic (3VL) that has a simplified explanation here -


However, on a certain level, it is so simple a child can understand it. The good, the bad, the ugly = the hot, the cold, the lukewarm = the whitehats, the blackhats, the grey hats = the bunnies, the bears, and the moose = 1, 0, Qubit (Quantum bit, undecided, unsettled). It really doesn't matter what terms you use to describe it, the war between the forces of good and evil is coming to its final battle (armageddon) and the vast majority of people are caught between a rock and a hard place. They must CHOOSE a side.


Rome is going to fall. God wins in the end so I encourage everyone to choose wisely. The foolish story and graphic attached explains the issue in a way some grasp, however, none of the wicked will understand (Daniel 12:10).

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 31, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.7276314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6661




Ah, my old friend the Catholic shill. How is the clown rodeo going nowadays? Is your illustrious leader in the crosshairs?


You know Tony Gambino had a lot to say about Godfather III - >>7107335


Watch his video interview here, condensed to under 5 minutes of relevant stateents -


>Catholics run the biggest Charity organisation world wide spending billions each year.


Ya, the biggest rip-off in the world is Catholic charities. They spend the money on orphanges for children to rape and lawyers to cover it up. $4 billion in out of court settlements in the US alone in the past few years. I already dealt with your propaganda on that topic in this thread but since you are a sucker for punishment here is an example of one of your high profile charities in action. You should be ashamed, not proud, of Catholic charities -


Lies and cooking the books won't cut it anymore. The previous Vatican bank scandals like the Calvi Affair are absolutely nothing in comparison to what is coming -

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 July 31, 2019, 10:44 a.m. No.7278525   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Yes, I covered Viganò already several times. He is like the gift that keeps on giving - lol. Some links, notes, and a video interview about McCarick and the St. Gallen Mafia can be found through this post. Stong is not a typo by the way, urban dictionary, insiders understand.




At some point, the "honest" Catholics still in the system will have to break away (Rev. 18:4). The system can't be reformed, it can only be destroyed as God foretold (Rev. 17-18).. These posts below are relevant for "traditional" Catholics who seem to think otherwise and believe this all started in the 1960's post Vatican II. That is a false narrative.


The reformers and even historians documented that the Vatican was run by homosexuals 500 years ago. The Papacy has been corrupt for centuries. Every manner of vice, sin, and atrocity, has been committed by the Popes in the name of God. The RCC was always a synarchy, mixing paganism with Christianity. It is an apostacy from Christ's true Church, the body of Christ, which the gates of hell shall never prevail against.




Anonymous ID: 0c5033 Aug. 4, 2019, 6:31 a.m. No.7336404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7559 >>7987 >>4117





> but they locked galileo up" yeah because besides being good at astronomy he was also good at being a prick


" In 1632 Galileo published his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, which implicitly defended heliocentrism, and was immensely popular. Responding to mounting controversy over theology, astronomy and philosophy, the Roman Inquisition tried Galileo in 1633 and found him "vehemently suspect of heresy", sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642.


Don't expect anything but REVISIONIST history from Catholics, they are indoctrinated with it and Jesuits are even in the history departments of secular Universities. Besides "fake news", they use "fake history" to keep the masses in the dark about the true nature of their deeds. They didn't just persecute scientists who disagreed with their dogmas, they persecuted bible believing Christians who championed the truth. Most people today don't realize that the Vatican martyred over 50 million Christians for opposing the false teachings of Popery. Not content with simply murdering them, they often inflicted diabolical tortures in cruel inquisitions before burning them to death.


Most American's don't know that Washington DC is built on land that used to be called Rome, Maryland, which was donated by the Jesuits. The Capital building sits inside a giant owl because it is one of their symbols.


Their revisionist history is nowhere as evident as in the massive effort to hide their support of the Nazi's in WWII and afterwords with the ratlines, Operation Paperclip, Operation Keystone, Operation Gladio, etc. Their involvement with the Mafia, the Masons, and their creation through SMOM of the CIA and the infiltration of other intelligence services around the world. They pretend to be just a a Church but are in fact a also soverign government with highly develoed control structures. They inherited the legal authotity of the Caesars and ruled over the Kings of the earth for centuries.


Buy a history book published 20 years ago.

Buy a history book published 10 years ago.

Buy a history book published this year.


Focus on WWI/WWII

Something ALARMING will be discovered.



Tony Gambino says Pope Controls Mafia



Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA



Anonymous ID: 0c5033 Aug. 4, 2019, 9:28 a.m. No.7338387   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Of course, there are many good people who are part of that system. For the most part they were born into it, educated, and deceived by it. Thank God, many are waking up to the deception and leaving.


The evil extends far beyond the walls of the Vatican and the few hundred people at the top. There are corrupt bishops and priests all over the world, raping children and running criminal enterprises. Their knighthoods and secret societies are embedded in governments everywhere, the system is global, wealthy, powerful, and has many members. The Pope publically projects that he is the head of Christianity but he is a usurper. The Papacy is actually the head of the pagan mystery religions going back to Babylon. The system is a hybrid, a synarchy, an attempt to syncretize Christianity with paganism and wicked rituals handed down through the mists of time are still performed in the dark.


There is a PDF I keep referencing that QANON linked which has been attacked over and over again in this thread -


The reason it is attacked is that it goes to the root of the problem, the Vatican's geopolitical control system through groups like SMOM, P2, the Mafia, the Nazi's, and the CIA. Rome controls through a vast network of operatives, not just a few hundred people. Your typical Catholic is unaware, a well-meaning dupe, handing over their money, children, and allegiance to an evil system that hides behind religious pretense. It beguiles the masses with pomp and ceremony, blinding them to its true nature.


I have posted a lot of information, links and graphics to corroborate QANON's post 851. Entire books have been written on the subject and movies like the Calvi affair and Godfather III are a window into it. Perhaps hearing how the Vatican operates behind the scenes by spoken word will be helpful. The embedded video does just that by exposing SMOM which belongs to the military wing of the Vatican. A dishonor shared with other groups like Opus Dei and the Jesuits.

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 Aug. 4, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.7338782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6860



You just made the Italian Mafia laugh very hard. I gave you a video, didn't you watch it? Are you an Ostrich or just a Catholic shill who refuses to accept anything that doesn't fit your false narrative? Cognitive dissonance is a harsh mistress but watch this and follow the link >>7107335


==Q: So therefore the Vatican is in control of the heroin/drug trade?

A: Tony Gambino - That's correct… That's correct.==


The Vatican not only uses the Italian mob but also the CIA for drug operations. "Poppy" Bush didn't get that name for nothing as the soldiers guarding CIA poppy fields in Afghanistan have said. That the Catholics in Action (CIA) ran drugs from Vietnam and South America is well documented. Operation Gladio, Gladio B, and the offshoots are in large part, financed by smuggling guns, drugs, and small children.


==Q: Now I think anybody who doesn't think the Vatican is involved with the mob and also with our government intelligence agencies, ought to listen again to what Tony said.

A: Tony Gambino - If the Vatican wasn't corrupt, you think they would let these priests rape these boys and get away with it?==

Anonymous ID: 0c5033 Aug. 4, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.7346860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381




To make it easy for you here is a direct link below. Tony Gambino, grandson of Lucky Luciano and member of the Gambino crime family, says the Pope runs the mafia and is therefore ultimately responsible for it's crime (like drugs, prostitution, etc). You claim to know better than a consummate insider but of course you don't.


Tony Gambino - Interview - Says The Pope Runs The Mafia