The Papacy is the anti-Christ system (in place of Christ). This has been understood and taught by the greatest minds of the reformation for over 500 years. Historicist eschatology, the traditional Protestant interpretation of prophecy, proves this from the Bible and history. The Papacy Is The Antichrist - Rev. J. A. WYLIE, LL.D. -
Most people today have been blinded by a counter-reformation deception called futurism, developed by a Spanish Jesuit named Francisco Ribera, around 1590. After centuries of rejection by Protestants, it made inroads through Darbyism and has now almost completely supplanted the Protestant view.
Another of the Jesuit tricks is to frame the Jews for their crimes and make it look like the Jews are in control. They employ "Court Jews" like the Rothschilds to manage their money and capos like Soros to do their dirty work, lending credence to the deception. Some even take it so far as to claim the Jesuits themselves are crypto-Jews, In reality, Ribera's futurist deception REQUIRES a reconstituted Israel and rebuilt (3rd) Temple in Jerusalem, laying the foundation for the Christian Zionism so prevalent among dispensational theologians today.
Rome's Rothschild bankers financed the modern Zionist state and Rome has always wanted control of Jerusalem. If you doubt that look up the history of the Knights Templar -
Also, the "Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem" -
Modern Israel, the propped up Zionist state, was created and is controlled by Rome and has little resemblance to historic Israel. Most of the population are secular and of those who are religious, the majority are corrupted by the Talmud. Only a tiny fraction are Karaite Jews who practice Old Testament Judaism. In Romans 11, the apostle Paul indicates this situation will change dramatically and all of Israel will be saved. Still, for now, Israel is a mere sock puppet of Rome and the Jews are scapegoats framed to take the blame for all the evils in the world. Even on these boards, Jews are often made the villains by agents and their dupes, Goebbels would be proud.
The real power to be concerned about is Rome. They hide behind Knighthoods, secret societies, mafia families, and Jewish front men. The Jesuit order, in particular, are ruthless and will stop at nothing to bring the whole world under the subjection of Rome. If you doubt it, study the history of the inquisitions, the 30 years war, and the political intrigues of the Papal Rome that have steeped Europe in blood and vice for centuries.
"This Society has been a greater calamity to mankind than the French Revolution or Napoleon's despotism or ideology. It has obstructed the progress of reformation and improvement of the human mind in society much longer and more fatally." President John Adams on the Jesuits, in 1816 -