Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 6, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.7443597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4714 >>0510 >>1999 >>6162




First of all, Dave Hunt and his views were covered already. I linked and commented on his his video above where expounds on his book "A Woman Rides A Beast" (which I have read.) >>4950932


You have said:

>The Bible mentions this title only once in the Scriptures.


You are in error. There is more than one verse that refers to the anti-Christ directly and a great many that refer to this power indirectly. This list while not complete exposes your error -


To anyone with even a cursory knowledge of history this statement of yours is absolutely ridiculous.

>All of the Protestants were Catholics


The very name protestant means they protested the errors of Roman Catholicism. Many even chose to die cruel deaths for refusing to accept popery. Granted, some of the great protestant reformers like Luther, Calvin, and Knox started off as Catholic clerics before becoming protestants. I have already commented on that here >>6872430

Even way back here near the start of the thread >>4942093


Protestants broke with Rome not only over doctrinal differences but because they believed the papacy fulfilled the prophecies of anti-Christ. It is not a secret, you will even find that in common public sources like Wikipedia


"The Protestant Reformers tended to hold the belief that the Antichrist power would be revealed so that everyone would comprehend and recognize that the Pope is the real, true Antichrist and not the vicar of Christ. Doctrinal works of literature published by the Lutherans, the Reformed Churches, the Presbyterians, the Baptists, the Anabaptists, and the Methodists contain references to the Pope as the Antichrist, including the Smalcald Articles, Article 4 (1537),[28] the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope written by Philip Melanchthon (1537),[29] the Westminster Confession, Article 25.6 (1646), and the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, Article 26.4. In 1754, John Wesley published his Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament, which is currently an official Doctrinal Standard of the United Methodist Church. In his notes on the Book of Revelation (chapter 13), he commented: "The whole succession of Popes from Gregory VII are undoubtedly Antichrists. Yet this hinders not, but that the last Pope in this succession will be more eminently the Antichrist, the Man of Sin, adding to that of his predecessors a peculiar degree of wickedness from the bottomless pit."


Millions were tortured and martyred by Rome for protesting their false doctrines and corruption. Conservative estimates are that over 50 million were killed. Not even counting the brutal inquisitions, many large military conflicts between protestants and catholics are a fact of recorded history -


This post has an embedded video and commentary with quotes. Several such historically oriented posts have been made. Perhaps you should read the previous posts in this thread before commenting? >>4928585


"Every Reformer, without exception, spoke of the papacy as Antichrist" - R. Allen Anderson, Unfolding the Revelation, p.137


“Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther, Calvin, Cranmer; in the seventeenth century, Bunyan,

the translators of the King James Bible and the men who published the Westminster and Baptist confessions of Faith;

Sir Isaac Newton, Wesley, Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards; and more recently Spurgeon, Bishop J.C. Ryle and Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones;

these men among countless others, all saw the office of the Papacy as the antichrist.”

Taken from All Roads Lead to Rome, by Michael de Semlyen. Dorchestor House Publications, p. 205. 1991.


You should download the free PDF here see who christian leaders believed was anti-Christ (chart) -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 7, 2019, 8:44 a.m. No.7446632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8978



Ad hominem attacks simply betray the weakness of ones position. There is no way for you to refute the truth, so you attack the messenger bearing it. It is very telling…

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 7, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.7452412   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>this bread is filled with my arguments against you


You have not made a single argument in this thread that was valid. None rose above the level of your juvenile ad hominem attacks.


You said no Nazis survived after the war even though the Vatican ratlines, operation paperclip, and operation keystone, are all public knowledge.


You said what QANON linked in post 851 and told everyone to LEARN is Russian propaganda -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 8, 2019, 5:12 p.m. No.7459473   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gaeta is a place in Italy where Pope Pius IX took took shelter during the political firestorm that ended the Papal estates. In an odd synchronicity, Gaeta is also a FBI agent who worked out of Rome and participated in the spygate scandal. Not only that, he oversaw the Eurasian organized crime unit tasked with investigating corruption in Ukraine.


Traps come in all shapes and sizes and bait can take many forms. Some traps are simple, others are cunning and complex. Some are indiscriminate and will catch prey they were not intended for. Some even trap the people who set them.


Another political firestorm has come but there will be no shelter for the Pope in Gaeta this time. There will be no shelter anywhere. Judgement is coming (Rev. 17-18).

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 11, 2019, 6:16 p.m. No.7485214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who controls men like Mifsud, Hannigan, and Gaeta?


Q post 851 gives some historical background that can be fleshed out with further research. Why was Hitler's intelligence officer (and Knight of Malta), Gehlen, involved in the creation of both the CIA & MOSSAD? Why did Wild Bill Donovan and Allen Dulles (also Knights of Malta) allow Gehlen's Nazi henchmen into the CIA through Operation Keystone and Operation Paperclip? How much influence does SMOM currently have over the various intelligence agencies - CIA, Mossad, MI6, others? Who exactly are SMOM? -


Are the Jesuits a military order? Is political infiltration and subversion something they have historically been guilty of? Are they above SMOM and the Masons on the pyramid of power? How many people in high positions are sworn to a Vatican/Masonic oath and consider it a "HIGHER ALLEGIANCE" than their oath of office?


Is LE CERCLE an effort to empower European elites under a Vatican controlled NWO? How did globalist structures like the EU and the UN form? How many Le Cercle members are members of SMOM, Opus Dei, P-2, or another Vatican controlled group? Where do Masonic Orders other than P-2 fit in?


Some speak of the Rothschilds and Soros as if they control the Vatican when in fact the opposite is true. Court Jews and Capos are just front men for the real power. Behind them are the black nobility, the knighthoods, the secret societies. It is a control system with an eye at the center. Money and power spanning centuries, steeped in vice and blood. Flowing out of it are rivers of filth hidden under the guise of religious pretense.


Attached is a PDF written by a conservative Catholic who discovered the truth about the Vatican. Not its dark past, its present day evil.

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia – by Paul L. Williams

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 16, 2019, 7:15 p.m. No.7530510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4946 >>1999




Your various claims were already answered here:



Your assertion that Javier Solana is the anti-Christ is not supported by scripture. It is also a view not supported by Christian leaders of the past 2,000 years.


Your complete dismissal of reformation history dishonors the memory of the millions of Protestant martyrs who suffered and died at the hands of the Papacy. They were not Catholics, they were in fact tortured and killed for OPPOSING the Roman Catholic system. For example, Foxes Book of Martyrs gives an account in gory detail and is a free PDF download here -


>All of the "Protestants" were Catholics.They're all dead for over 400 years.


That statement is so asinine that even Wikipedia shall suffice to refute it:


"Protestantism is the second-largest form of Christianity with a total of 800 million to a billion adherents worldwide or about 40% of all Christians. It originated with the 16th century Reformation, a movement against what its followers perceived to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church. Protestants reject the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal supremacy and sacraments…" -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 16, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.7530791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When a government is toppled in a Humpty Dumpty operation, what happens to the children who are orphaned or displaced by the conflict?

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 17, 2019, 8:29 p.m. No.7542566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7381

Why did the US government collaborate with the mob in Operation Underworld? Why did they "really" collaborate with the mob?


Why did Charles "Lucky" Luciano have a close association with Meyer Lansky? Why did Luciano's Grandson, Tony Gambino, say the Vatican runs the Mafia? Why did he say the CIA and FBI protected the mob?


Why does the graphic say "Screenplay by Henry Kissinger and Reinhard Gehlen"? How does this trail lead to Epstein?

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 18, 2019, 5:21 p.m. No.7552912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3504 >>6368 >>5447



Responded to and answered. I hold to the traditional Protestant teaching of the past 500 years that the Papacy is the anti-Chirst system, the whore of Babylon, the man of sin, the little horn power of Daniel 7. This eschatology is called historicism and was championed by all the great Protestant reformers. Millions of Christians were slaughtered by Rome this belief. It is based on the rise, location, deeds, and characteristics of the Papacy in comparison to the 18 identifying points given in scripture that warn us about this deceptive and dangerous power.


For example, is your perceived anti-Christ, Javier Solana, a city on seven hills (Rev. 17:9)? Did he historically rule over the Kings of the Earth as the Papacy did during the dark and middle ages (Rev 17:18)? Did he wage war against the saints of the most high, slaughtering them in cruel inquisitions as the Roman power did (Daniel 7:21, 25, Rev. 17:6)? Is his official colors purple and scarlet as Rome's Bishops and cardinals dress (Rev. 17:9)? Did he arise out of the 10 divisions of Pagan Rome when the empire was split asunder by barbarian conquests (Daniel 7:7,8)? Did he pluck up 3 of those kingdoms as he rose as the Papacy did to the Vandals, Heruli, and Ostrogoths (Daniel 7:8)? Is the number of his name 666 as the Popes title Vicarius Filii Dei adds up to be (Rev. 13:18)? See -


Those are just "SOME" of the identifying marks that Protestants have taught for CENTURIES refer to the Papacy. Somehow you see Javier Solana as the fulfillment when he wasn't even alive during the period when much of these things were fulfilled. Forgive me if I find that position untenable (to be kind). It is a delusion born in the putrid soil of Jesuit futurism, a counter-reformation deception rejected by Protestants until sadly popularized by Darbyism. You will find futurism refuted here -


You don't have to take my word for it. Attached are two PDF's relating to this subject.


Reformers' Interpretations of Anti-Christ

The Papacy Is The Antichrist By Rev. J. A. Wylie, LL.D.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 19, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.7566991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6162


>(2 Thess. 2:6-8).


That verse is held by traditional Protestant eschatology (historicism) to refer to Pagan Rome (Caesar) which held back the appearance of Papal Rome (Papacy). The restrainer is not the Holy Spirit as Jesuit futurism teaches.


That is covered in an article I linked here several times already -


That article has an internal link to a PDF (attached)

Early Church Fathers on the Timing of the Rise of Antichrist


You will also find that many well known expositors take that position here -


To quote the article I linked first, there is a reason most people today are confused about the identity of the anti-Christ.


"Jesuit futurism is so highly promoted in popular books and movies today, that for most people it's the only interpretation of prophecy they have heard of. So pervasive is the indoctrination into this false paradigm, that Its veracity is assumed. Cognitive dissonance and denial have become the typical reactions when the real truth of Bible prophecy is presented.


Charles H. Spurgeon (often called the prince of preachers) admonished the Evangelicals of his day who were sliding into this erroneous teaching to beware. His words ring even truer today.


Evangelical Churchmen, lovers of the Lord Jesus, how long will you remain in alliance with the defilements of High Churchism? You are mainly responsible for all the Popery of your Church, for you are its salt and its stay… …Beware, lest you be found in union with Antichrist, when the Lord cometh in his glory. Come out for Christs sake. Be ye separate, touch not the unclean thing! (Spurgeon, The Sword & the Trowel, August 1865)"

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 19, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.7567102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1591 >>6162


The interpretation of the Papacy as anti-Christ is actually older than 500 years but that is an argument for its validity. Unlike your teaching that Javier Solana is the anti-Christ which has no support in Christian history, scripture, or logic.


If you want to cure your ignorance there is a modern website with many resources here -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 19, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.7567381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9884



Tony Gambino was covered here





To make it easy for people to assimilate the information quickly here is a condensed version of a video interview he did -


That video also links in the description to the full interview and accompanying article. He says that the Papacy runs the mafia and the CIA and FBI help them. This confirms much of what Qanon linked in post 851 and told everyone to learn:


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




It also confirms the research of Paul L. Williams in his book:

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia


A video interview with the author and a PDF copy of the book are available here:

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 20, 2019, 3:07 p.m. No.7575047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5821 >>6162 >>5579



You are regurgitating Jesuit futurism and playing into the hands of Rome.


"…It is a matter for deep regret that those who advocate the futurist system at the present day, Protestants as they are for the most part, are really playing into the hands of Rome, and helping to screen the Papacy from detection as the Antichrist. " Rev. Joseph Tanner, Daniel and the Revelation, pp. 16, 17.


Daniel 9:27 refers to Christ, not anti-Christ. There is no 2,000 year gap in the text that moves the last week of years to our time. It was Christ who confirmed the covenant (with his own blood as the promised seed of Abraham). He caused the sacrifices and oblations to cease, as the lamb once and for all slain. It was he who was cut-off in the midst of the week, 3 and half years into his Ministry, when he was slain but not for himself - he died for us. He continued to confirmed the covenant even after his death, as the resurrected Christ. At the end of the week (of years) Stephen was stoned and the Gospel went to the Gentiles. Desolations were poured out on Jerusalem in the siege and destruction by Titus, the Prince of the people who would come. The seventy week were already fulfilled long ago!!!


Attached is a PDF that destroys the Jesuit's futurist interpretation you are promoting with a particular focus on Daniel 9:27 Below is the intro…


"Approaching End of the Age " by H. Grattan Guinness D.D.


One of the gravest evils of futurism is the terrible way in which it tampers with this great fundamental prophecy (Dan.9:27), applying it to the future doings of some ideal Antichrist, (instead of) its Divine description of the past deeds of the historic Christ.


To hear their disquisitions (inquire diligently) on the subject, one would suppose the Antichrists seven years covenant with the Jews was as unquestionable an event as Gods covenant with Israel on Sinai! Few would surmise how frail the foundation on which this cardinal doctrine of Futurism rests.


Few would suppose that the notion has really no solid ground at all in Scripture, but is derived from an erroneous interpretation of one single clause of one single text.


The only basis for the idea is the expression in the 27th verse of the 9th chapter of Daniel. The sentence occurs in the midst of Daniels celebration prophecy of the 70 weeks, a prophecy that does not even allude to Antichrist, but is exclusively occupied with the first advent of Christ, His rejection and death, and the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, which was the result.


Interpreted in the light of history, as a fulfilled prophecy, this remarkable chronological prediction affords conclusive evidence of the Messiahship of Jesus, of the inspiration of Scripture, and the divine origin of the Christian faith. (Continued in PDF)

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 20, 2019, 3:39 p.m. No.7575287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2051 >>5070 >>7291 >>4384 >>9884



None of what you allege exists in the Tony Gambino interview I linked to:


What Gambino ACTUALLY said in that interview corroborates much of what Paul L. Williams uncovered as well as what QANON linked. Are you saying QANON is making it up as he goes along too?


The Vatican is in bed with the Mafia, the Masons, the CIA, and were behind the Nazis. There are numerous sources for this including a document from CIA whistleblowers that QANON linked to. If you don't like Gambino pick another source or perhaps even do what QANON suggested and LEARN what he posted. Particularly the SMOM section.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




Paul L. Williams

Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia


A video interview with the author and a PDF copy of the book are available here:

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 20, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.7575770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5841



We are not affiliated with Wikileaks or QANON but we support on principle what they stand for. Our goal is also to expose evil in high places but our methodology differs somewhat. Like them we deal in information warfare but we are not interested in wrestling with the body of the snake - our operation is designed to crush its head.


Therefore, we concentrate our efforts on the Papacy rather than their political puppets and control mechanisms. Our efforts sometimes overlap and must eventually converge. I say that because when it comes to evil and corruption, all roads lead to Rome. The Vatican is at the center of the global cabal.


Explained in more detail here -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 20, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.7575935   🗄️.is 🔗kun




There is no basis in scripture, history, or logic for replacing the Papal fulfillment of anti-Christ with JAVIER SOLANA. That man may be many things, maybe even an anti-Christ, but he is not THE anti-Christ system we were warned of.


Rome is the city on seven hills that has ruled over the Kings of men for centuries, slaughtered the saints of the most high in brutal inquisitions, perverted doctrines, and committed crimes against humanity, even children, while hiding behind a pretense of righteousness.


2 Cor. 11 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 20, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.7576063   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ad hominem attacks do nothing to advance your bizarre assertion that JAVIER SOLANA is the biblical anti-Christ God was warning everyone about in scripture. It does however say something about you.


Since you have been shitting in the bread for some time now I think you might be amused by how shark poop is made, I know I am -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 21, 2019, 5:24 p.m. No.7585070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6875



I did listen to the full interview once and I supplied the link to it under the "condensed" version. To my recollection, nothing was in it that discredited him but I am not listening again (45 mins). My focus is on the key points he makes about the Vatican (5 mins).


As I have already said, if you don't believe Gambino, choose another source supplying the same information. How about QANON in Post 851? Do you have a problem with Q as well?


The fact is, many sources, including QANON, show that the Vatican is corrupt and in bed with the Mafia, CIA, Nazis, and Masons. There are whole books on Vatican corruption. Even movies and documentaries about some of their more famous misdeeds like the Calvi affair.


What Gambino said about the Vatican checks out, no matter what you may think of him or the interviewer. This was already answered at the following post and links were provided. to collaborating material. >>7575287

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 21, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.7587291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0457 >>4384



I did not post anything about Greg Anthony Interviewing Tony Alamo and the video you linked is not the one I posted. Nor was it used as source material. Those are false accusations.


I am not going to waste 45 minutes of my time rewatching the "ACTUAL" source video. I linked it for all who have time and interest. To me your allegations about Gambino and the interviewer are a non-issue. That is because what Gambino said about the relationship between the VATICAN/MAFIA/CIA is confirmed by other sources. This includes what QANON told everyone (including you) to learn in post 851. Also, the "Unholy Alliance" is documented in detail by a well written book from a credible author (which I provided in PDF form).


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)





Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia


A video interview with the author Paul L. Williams and a PDF copy of the book are available here:


In the future, if you want to try and discredit what Tony Gambino said about the Vatican then perhaps you should address his actual testimony rather than tear down strawmen, make false accusations, or launch ad hominem attacks. You should also be prepared to discredit the other sources saying the same thing or you will accomplish nothing.



Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 21, 2019, 11:03 p.m. No.7587426   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8135



The Saturn worship aspect is something I have run into before including Remphan. There is a pretty detailed article on that here -


It is interesting that black cubes are set up at major centers too. Not many people know this but the symbol of Kronos (Saturn) appears on Blue Öyster Cult album covers. It is similar to the Greek symbol for "chaos". Look closely at where his finger points and you will see it.


This symbol is replaced in a special graphic by a "keyhole" through which Alice in Wonderland can be viewed. I can't elaborate more than that here but if you watch this video and follow the instructions in the description you may learn more -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 22, 2019, 5:39 p.m. No.7594384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9884


>all your sources lead back to Tony Alamo, Eric Jon Phelps, and Greg Szymanski


I'm sorry but QANON and Paul L. Williams are not those people, nor do they lead to them. Neither are the numerous other authors and sources quoted in this thread that corroborate the VATICAN/MAFIA/CIA relationship voiced by Gambino. All one has to do is click a few links and read to discredit this false allegation. Yawn…




Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 23, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.7599884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2010




US government collaboration with the Italian Mafia was OFFICIALLY established in operation "Underworld" during the WWII era:


What grew from that putrid soil is currently being addressed in contemporary operations like "New Contact": Coincidentally, a Thomas Gambino was part of the recent arrests. Make of that what you will…


If you examine Q-post 3581, the Gambino/Genovese crime families are specifically mentioned as a target of Durham. He is also noted for investigating the CIA and their torture program discussed on pages 3,21,22 of the PDF QANON linked in post 851 and told everyone to "LEARN".


If you further examine that document (linked in Q-post 851), you will see the Vatican tied to the CIA, Nazis, Mafia, and Masons. The SMOM section (Knights of Malta Investigated) is particularly informative on pages 34 and 35 about the Masonic and Mafia ties to the Vatican.


The window provided into this is the role of Sidona who was helped by Vito Genovese (Mafia). Also Gelli, and of course Cavi who ended up hanging from a bridge amid a Vatican bank scandal which spawned documentaries, books, and even the movie "The Bankers of God: The Calvi Affair". It should be noted that his event is also part of the Godfather III movie that Q keeps referencing.


Vito Genovese is found on page 25 of a book by Paul L. Williams already linked several times in this thread.

"Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia

It is available a free PDF download here:


That book develops these "UNHOLY" Vatican relationships in great detail and the author is a highly educated conservative Catholic disgusted by the deeds of his "Church". He is also a consultant (CI-9) for the FBI and has compiled all available government records regarding the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia. That makes it very easy for anyone who is serious about investigating the topic.


From the above and many other posts in this thread, the absurd claim below is shown to be false and in fact malicious propaganda.

>all your sources lead back to Tony Alamo, Eric Jon Phelps, and Greg Szymanski


In fact, NONE of the information on the CIA/MAFIA/VATICAN "Unholy Alliance" is dependent on those individuals. The interview conducted with Tony Gambino is, to my knowledge, the ONLY content in this entire thread which happens to come from Szymanski and that is incidental. The testimony of Gambino is not invalidated by who conducted it (logical fallacy) and his testimony is in line with many other sources that are quite credible and well documented. This would include QANON and Paul L. Williams.




Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 24, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.7610106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1077


I notice you never deal with the actual facts presented. You only use base tactics like ad hominem attacks, guilt by association, distraction, etc. Those are dirty tactics used by people who do not have the facts on their side and have no real argument.


I linked to a story where there is a Thomas Gambino who was obviously not born in 1929. You said in a previous post that the ONLY Thomas Gambino who exists in the mob was born then. Obviously, there is more than one Thomas Gambino in the mob because that one looks too good for a 90 year old. >>7582051


My point, in fact, was not to prove which Gambino got arrested, but that Operation "New Contact" is cleaning up problems that go back to the war time era.


>What grew from that putrid soil is currently being addressed in contemporary operations like "New Contact": Coincidentally, a Thomas Gambino was part of the recent arrests. Make of that >what you will…


Now for your distraction. I referenced what QANON posted and Paul L. Williams wrote and called them credible sources. You launch a hit piece on Gerald Posner as if that invalidated their work - it doesn't.


I have in the past linked to Posner's book on Vatican finances but the hit piece on Posner does not invalidate the information supplied in his book. That is a logical fallacy of the ad hominem. variety. It is also a distraction, or "Red Herring", since Posner was not part of our discussion.


The Vatican finances are corrupt as the Calvi affair shows in quite a dramatic and well documented manner. I pointed to the content of QANON, and Paul. W. Williams as a view into the Calvi Affair but you attack Posner instead. Knocking down a "Strawman" invalidates nothing.


In case you haven't noticed, the shenanigans with Vatican finances have been exposed for decades by many, many, authors, not just Posner. They are still being exposed today even by "died in the wool" Catholic sources -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 25, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.7617507   🗄️.is 🔗kun



> By your own words it is YOU who is proven a liar. Your "projection" is easily seen through if anyone wants to return to the beginning of our exchange and read through the posts.



Also can you actually point out who this supposed "Tony Gambino" born in 1943 is.Because i don't see any Tony of that year in the Gambino family lineage. Neither does a Tony Gambino show up in the Maffia's hierarchical structure in 1962 as head of the Godfathers. There was a Tommy Gambino but he was born in 1929.


You have yet to address the actual information supplied by various sources that show the Vatican's involvement with the Mafia/CIA/Nazi/Masons.


The Mafia as well as the fruit of Knight of Malta Gehlen's organization are keys to understanding Vatican control and subversion of governments. Again here the sources you ignore and divert from:



Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia


A video interview with the author Paul L. Williams and a PDF copy of the book are available here:

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Dec. 30, 2019, 6:19 p.m. No.7668135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0687


Some of your graphics and themes are interesting for a number of reasons. Way back here I posted a graphic about the pine cone staff >>6175487


The constellation Lepus, the Egyptian legends surrounding it, the Chinese Jade Rabbit and associated "moon rabbit" legends in Asian and even native Indian cultures, these are all familiar themes to some.


Look in the attached graphics for the constellation of Lepus and it is also in view through the window of the graphic here for a reason. The Night of the Lepus is coming. >>7587426


The Asian "Moon Rabbit" is here, adopted as a symbol for someone who has chosen to serve as a guide, which is an exposed, sacrificial role -


Perhaps even more interesting is how all of this symbology ties together in the "Gladio Rap" video. Sometimes there is more going on in pictures and songs than most realize -


"Operation Gladio" bore unholy fruit, which is being exposed now through the Atlantic Council and its Ukraine dealings, but that is just the tip. How are dark ops financed? What of Gladio 2 (B), false flags like 911, whistle blowers like Sibel Edmonds, spin-offs like Operation Condor? Why are so many Knights of Malta and Jesuits highly placed in key intelligence and government positions? Why were Gehlen's Nazis brought over in Operation Keystone and Operation Paperclip? How does the one who wields the Pine Cone Staff of Osiris/Bacchus (the pope) and the bonesmen relate? What role does Google play? What exactly is Quantum?


Some information is "dangerous" to handle. How many copies exist of Ettore Gotti Tedeschi's insurance files? How many REALLY exist? Why did the Hatter steal the devil's TRIDENT and give it to the Rabbit?

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 1, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.7684285   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Look into the Humpty Dumpty Institute, Liddle Kidz Foundation, the Standard Hotel.


Schiff is going to receive something from a rabbit but it won't be luck. The KBUNN section head takes a personal interest in pedo bears like him:


In one sense Schiff is in the same boat as Stephan Roh. A knowledge of law, money, powerful connections, such things are not of much use when you are invited to dinner by a shark.


The politicians, the lawyers, the operatives, these are just appetizers. The main course will be a feeding frenzy at the Vatican.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 1, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.7685134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5616 >>8495



>Not Rome. The head of the snake is described here:


Not Rome? When you go to the links you gave, this statement is made:



"THE POPE & HIS ROMAN CHURCH RULE THE PLANET & VIA THE SWISS OCTOGON TEMPLARS PHARAONIC BLOODLINE FAMILIES RUN & OWN ALL BANKS. They control Britain, The Temple Bar, Israel and the Khazarian mafia. All of these groups form the banking cartel. The head of the snake in terms of control is with The Swiss Octogon Pharaonic bloodline families, which are Nazis to the core & which The Pope serves."



The Pope doesn't serve the Templars, they were historically a Catholic Order serving the popes until Pope Clement disbanded and persecuted them under the papal bull Pastoralis praeeminentiae in 1307. They went underground and some believe they formed Switzerland. Some believe that at least some of them fled to Scotland and formed the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Speculation abounds and much ink has been spilled trying to reveal what the mists of time has obscured.


In modern times, there are Templars who bill themselves as guardians of the Church and they make many claims about their status and history -


What is absolutely clear in bible prophecy is that the Papacy is the power God was warning us of. The great whore of Rev-17-18, the little horn of Daniel 7, the man of sin. The prophecies are proven true by the history of the papacy, where-when-how it rose to power, its persecution of the saints, its claims, its corruption, its rule over the kings of the earth, etc.


The Black Nobility actually got that name by keeping their palaces in Rome closed to mourn the Pope's confinement after the the Pope and the Papal States fell to the Kingdom of Italy. Some have bloodlines going back to the time of the Caesars and beyond and are aligned with the Papal power -


The most noteworthy historical event that places the office of the papacy above the bloodline families and political powers is the CODE OF JUSTINIAN


Through it, the power of the Roman Emperor was legally transferred to the popes and they have been attempting to breath life into an image of the beast (Roman Empire) ever since. This has resulted in the Holy Roman Empire, the religious wars of Europe, the modern day EU, and globalist efforts under the European elites via secretive organizations like Le Cercle. The pope doesn't serve the bloodlines though many popes have come from the bloodlines. The knighthoods, bloodlines, and secret societies serve the papacy, not the other way around. This article explains -


The head of the snake is in the Vatican, represented by the Paul VI Audience Hall which is shaped like a snake head inside and out. Many pictures are online here -


There is a video here explaining the history behind the papacy and why we now have popes literally speaking from the mouth of a snake -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 1, 2020, 4:26 p.m. No.7687823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6351 >>8495 >>1786 >>1940



I am sorry but it is you (and the website you are following) who have it wrong. You are mentioning the key players but placing them in the wrong power structure.


The power is primarily supernatural and only secondarily political and economic. It flows from satan himself (dragon) who has historically worked through a worldly throne. All of the economic structures, religious orders, and groups you mention are subservient to this throne.


>To quote an article I already linked:


"God long ago revealed the principle power structure the devil works through. Satan's authority was exercised through a succession of pagan world empires culminating in Pagan Rome (Daniel Ch 2, 7) which later transferred this authority to the papacy.


Rev. 13:2 - And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority.


Historically, this event can be seen in the CODE OF JUSTINIAN where the power of the Roman Emperors was transferred to the Papacy -


The 1260 years of papal supremacy which followed was marked by inquisitions, wars, and horrors beyond belief.


Rome is the city on seven hills which rules over the kings of men and buys and sells the children of men. (Rev.17:9. 18:3). The Aramaic version in plain English actually translates it as CHILDREN of men. Others versions have " bodies and souls of men ". It's human trafficking any way you slice it.


The Black Nobility and other wealthy families are intertwined with the Vatican. Don't mistake the Payseur family or any of the others as the ultimate evil, they are just close to the source."




The source of the evil, the center of the entire system, is the throne of Caesar which passed to the popes.


"It [the Papacy] is a political creation, and as imposing as a World-Empire, because of the continuation of the Roman Empire. The Pope, who calls himself "King" and "Pontifex Maximus" is Caesar’s successor." ( "What is Christianity?" Adolf Harnack, New York, Putnam, 1901, second edition, page 270).


The office of the papacy, which has been identified as the office of anti-Christ for centuries, is the head of the snake. It was persecuting the saints of the most high and ruling over the kings of men before the Templar or Jesuit Orders were even formed. It is the root which gave birth to them. It is the ancient chair which serves the master, by which the bloodline families enrich themselves. That will soon end.


Rev. 18:15 "The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing…"

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 1, 2020, 5:07 p.m. No.7688195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4654 >>6162



You are following a Catholic butchery of the text which attempts to lay a foundation for apostolic succession by deceit. The popes supposed authority doesn't come from Peter or Christ it came from Emporer Justinian.


> To quote an article already given:


"As the first among the disciples to express faith in the Messiah (Matt. 16-18), Christ used Peter as an example. Peter became a living stone in the building, just as we all can, through faith. Thus Christ (foundational rock) renamed him Peter (small stone) as an illustration.


The Catholic position relies on a subtle misuse of language. By ignoring the Greek text it was written in, and using an Aramaic translation (we do not have), the same word (Kipha) is used for both 'Peter' and 'rock'". The ignorant are thereby tricked with linguistic subtleties. The meaning is lost and the foundation of the erroneous teaching of apostolic succession is laid by deceit.


The Greek text makes the distinction between Peter (Petros - a small stone) and faith in Christ (Petras - the large unshakable, unmovable, bedrock).

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.7707246   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I do not follow Popes I follow Christ. You are waiting for a HOLY Pope? Good-luck with that!!!


There has NEVER been a HOLY Pope and there never will be one since it is the anti-Christ system God warned us of in prophecy. The Popes are impostors, usurpers, monsters of guilt who use religious pretense as a hiding place for evil. Rome built an apostate theocracy that persecuted the true Christians. It's crimes against humanity are legion.


The Vatican's Crimes Against Humanity

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 3, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.7708495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2134 >>2170 >>1786 >>1940 >>3099 >>2981




The attached graphics are screenshots from your promoted website. You are promoting disinfo


The website you are promoting attacks QANON, Q posters, talks about Q-fails to discredit Q, plus calls Trump a puppet.


The website also makes this statement

"AIM also ignores the fact that Trump is an agent of the banking cartel & part of the Khazarian mafia."


I do not like AIM because Gabriel is a Steiner freemason and worshiper of Sophia (He is a Jesuit trained Gnostic/Waldorf professor). Nevertheless, what your promoted website says about Trump in that statement is false propaganda.


I can find many things on the site I can agree with but many FALSE STATEMENTS and much MISDIRECTION is mixed in. That is a "controlled opposition" tactic but could also simply be the rantings of a confused and misguided soul. The slick graphics indicate the former but I'll leave that for someone else.


As I already said, the Templars were Vatican Knights who were disbanded in 1307. The Pope didn't serve them, you have it backwards. Even the supposed modern incarnation of the Templars claims to serve the Popes as protectors -


Your false claims were already addressed here:




Additionally, the bizarre claims that "SWITZERLAND IS THE HEAD OF THE BEAST, THE HEART OF THE N.W.O." and that "NATO is the beast with seven heads and 10 horns" is ludicrous to any student of Bible prophecy worth their salt.


Revelation 17:7 and Daniel 7:20 both deal with this subject. For centuries this power has been understood to be Rome which split into 10 kingdoms (horns). The beast which the great whore (Apostate Roman Catholic Church) sits upon is the political remains of the Roman Empire it keeps trying to breathe life into, as foretold in Rev. 13


The Western Roman Empire was divided into ten parts by 351 to 476 AD. This is historical fact chronicled by many sources including "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by English historian Edward Gibbon.


Rome (not Switzerland or NATO) is the power spoken of, there are many great bible expositors who can explain it to you. You don't have to take it from me, this well known Bible site provides commentary -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 4, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.7715228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1786 >>1940


Attached are a couple more anti-Trump, anti-Qanon screenshots, from your illustrious website that attempts to shift guilt away from Rome.



>And of course Q anon is a fraud.

And here we see that you are against the QANON operation



>Trump is blocking us from minting our new currency free of the banking cartel

Here we see that you are again maligning Trump


>by Masons, by the Jesuits, by the Black Pope, the CIA, the Five Eyes

Here we see that although you name many of the key players you leave out that the papacy is the head. Instead you place Rome's Knights and bankers above them when in fact they are below them. The throne passed from Caesar to the popes, not to the bankers and knights who serve the popes. You are covering for the higher ranks and drawing attention away to their flunkies.



>…a theory on how the pyramids were built and the Nephilin… The large Leviathan was there, along with all the giant reptilian species…Only a few secret keepers of this knowledge

I am not interested in speculative theories and "secret" knowledge. I prefer the word of God and confirmed facts of history…


1 Timothy 6:20 …guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid the pointless discussions and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge.



>You might try reading the Urantia book if you are interested in a history of Earth that is written by spiritual entities

Same answer as above. You might try reading the Bible instead of the Urantia book. "The Urantia book was supposedly dictated to a Chicago psychiatrist named W.S. Sadler from 1934 to 1935 by a man who spoke in his sleep on behalf of alien super-mortals called revelators". One of its teachings is that The Urantia Book supersedes the Bible as the ultimate source of truth and it contradicts the Bible on many points.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 4, 2020, 3:50 p.m. No.7716407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9295 >>1853

Revelation 3:15-16

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!

So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth"


The silent war has two sides, good and evil (bunnies vs bears). Those who are sitting on the fence are the lukewarm (moose). The time to decide whose side you are on has come no matter what metaphors or symbols you wish to employ (whitehats vs blackhats).


The Vatican ruled over the kings of men for centuries during the dark ages and perpetrated horrors beyond belief. Those who went against them were tortured without mercy - bones crushed, hot metal poured into orifices, skinned alive, eyes gouged out, burned alive, impaled, no brutality was beyond the Romish Inquisitors. Rome's power was largely broken during the French Revolution and the later annexing of the papal estates by Italy. However, they are still formidable and are rallying their forces to bring in a NWO which is really just a return to their historic tyranny.


In 1929 they signed the Lateran act with Mussolini and became a sovereign state again. They have a foreign policy and an intelligence service (see attached). In 1933 they signed a concordat with Germany and orchestrated WWII.

The Secret History of the Jesuits


After the war, the Vatican Knights of SMOM formed the CIA and stacked it with Nazis through Donovan, Dulles, and Gehlen. This article collaborates much of what QANON told everyone to learn in post 851:


Again, it largely corroborates these sources which the trolls have been attempting to divert attention away from:


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia

A video interview with the author Paul L. Williams and a free PDF copy of the book are available here:

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 4, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.7719964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1853 >>8433 >>9308



The testimony of a fact witness isn't automatically invalidated by their personal opinions on unrelated people or issues.

Besides which, ongoing media control by the CIA has been confirmed as real by QANON in many posts:


Even Wikipedia has a related entry and OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD was officially exposed in the CIA's own Family Jewels report

However, its full extend and continuation remains largely covered-up. That will change.


That the CIA has been running a disinfo campaign against the American people is known by all QANON researchers. Therefore, in light of the ongoing revelations about the the fake news and what has been confirmed by other sources, I see no reason to doubt Brussell's testimony on this issue. Since you offer no actual proof that her statement is false, you are a day late and a dollar short…


The MOCKINGBIRD will die, you can't stop it. You can't control the narrative going forward. That a handful of people control 90% of the media companies will not stop what is coming. Traps like SecureDrop and the Wikileaks issues will not stop what is coming!




"However, Brussell is not the only person that can be attributed to this sharing quote… This is a new trend lately, people trying to debunk old (and most especially, establishment damaging) quotes. This time, however, someone who claims to have been there when Casey said it showed up to validate the quote:


I am the source for this quote, which was indeed said by CIA Director William Casey at an early February 1981 meeting of the newly elected President Reagan with his new cabinet secretaries to report to him on what they had learned about their agencies in the first couple of weeks of the administration. The meeting was in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, not far from the Cabinet Room. I was present at the meeting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President. Casey first told Reagan that he had been astonished to discover that over 80 percent of the ‘intelligence’ that the analysis side of the CIA produced was based on open public sources like newspapers and magazines. As he did to all the other secretaries of their departments and agencies, Reagan asked what he saw as his goal as director for the CIA, to which he replied with this quote, which I recorded in my notes of the meeting as he said it. Shortly thereafter I told Senior White House correspondent Sarah McClendon, who was a close friend and colleague, who in turn made it public.” Barbara Honegger


Not only does Honegger claim he said it, but apparently he said it in response to what he saw as his goal as CIA Director!"


>Quote End

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 5, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.7728567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Schmitz likes to play with swords. He is a Knight of Malta who swears to a "higher loyalty", which is treason by another name -


No matter, a lesson from history, the "Bateren-tsuiho-rei" will help him to understand the fate of his Jesuit masters and brothers in arms. There is someone else who likes swords and he ain't playing. He says "Joe SMOM gey" -


Joe and company are circling the drain hole, kind of like "Le Cercle". As the swamp drains, the circles will get tighter and faster, until the last thing they will hear is a giant sucking sound.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 5, 2020, 9:02 p.m. No.7729308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0423



Your idiocy was already dealt with here:



"Operation Mockingbird" was a fully implemented CIA

program to spread disinformation throughout American

media. CIA Director William Colby testified to the Church

Committee that over 400 CIA agents were active in the US

media to control what was reported through American

mainstream television, newspapers, and magazines."


The CIA disinfo campaign against the American people (and the world) is well known and confirmed by sources anyone can check for themselves.


Church Committee


Operation Mockingbird


Family Jewels (Central Intelligence Agency)


Good-luck trying to maintain your false narrative. As I already said, QANON has confirmed Mockingbird is still running and Trump has called out the fake news how many times now?


QANON Exposes Mockingbird


William Colby was another staunch Roman Catholic director of the CIA (Catholics in Action), who also purported to be a Knight of Malta and member of Le Cercle. He was part of the Phoenix Program that accounted for perhaps 20,000 deaths and countless brutal tortures.


Phoenix Program


It seems he actually grew a conscience later in life and attempted reforms, revealing information which was damaging to the CIA. A suspicious drowning death followed which is not surprising, "dead men tell no tales".


Or do they? There is a lesson to be learned from Colby. The Roman Catholic system with its corrupt Knighthoods, CIA, and Mafia, is so evil that sometimes even the staunchest members can't stomach their crimes. Just like reformers of the past, such as Luther, Calvin, and Knox, some Catholic insiders "flip". Their conscience causes them to turn on their dark masters and expose them.


There are currently many such "Holy Moley's" embedded in the system. The IES section head calls them 'shrooms because thew grow in the darkness of that system and feed on Catholic bullshit like mushshrooms -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 6, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.7732981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3533 >>6250







All of this propaganda that attacks Trump and QANON is just that - propaganda. The distortion of prophecy that makes NATO the beast with 10 horns and promotes the Templars in Switzerland above the Pope in Rome, is beyond ridiculous.


The Papacy employs Swiss guards and Swiss bankers. The BIS is located there and is tied to the IOR. It is a major financial hub for the cabal. The St. Gallen Mafia is based there. It is rumored that some of the Templars fled there under Papal persecution. None of these facts are in dispute.


That the "square mile" in London is another cabal hub of finance and also law, is not in dispute. That Washington DC is built on Jesuit donated land and set-up as a crown corporation, is also not in dispute.


What is in dispute, are the liberties you take with bible prophecy and history. The throne of Caesar passed to the Papacy, not to the bankers and Knights who serve under the Papacy. The head of the snake is the Vatican.


Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 6, 2020, noon No.7733359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7292



That the CIA/Nazi/Vatican/Mafia/Mason coalition exposed in QANON post 851 uses the "Russian Boogieman" to justify their gestapo tactics and endless wars to increase their empire and wealth, has just been nicely demonstrated by your idiotic post. Thank-you.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)




Brainwashed "warrior monks" don't bring freedom they bring tyranny. This has been displayed by the crusades, inquisitions, and wars of Europe for centuries. It was graphically illustrated in modern times by the forced conversions under torture in Serbia and the slaughter of Eastern Orthodox believers in Christ who would not convert to Roman Catholicism's apostate cult.


"That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competent knowledge of history . . . It is impossible to form a complete conception of the multitude of her victims, and it is quite certain that no powers of imagination can adequately realize their sufferings." (W. E. H. Lecky, History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, vol. 2, p. 32, 1910 edition)


(Fox's Book Of Martyrs) Tortures: 1) Hanged and their genitals were cut off. 2) The mothers were whipped. 3) The women's breast were ripped off. 4) They were tied up and fried in a large pan. 5) Their mouths were sewed shut. 6) They were placed into a pot of boiling water. 7) Their arms and legs were cut off. 8) Some had their eyes bored out.


On March 12, 2000, Pope John Paul II ADMITTED the Roman Catholic Church KILLED the Christians.


I attached a PDF book called The Vatican's Holocaust chronicling the forced conversions by pain of torture and death in Serbia in the 20th century against the Eastern Orthodox CHRISTIANS. It has pictures and historical accounts. You must be proud…

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 6, 2020, 2:31 p.m. No.7734654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4811



>It is the same religion.

Agreed. It is the same religion but with a thin veneer of apostate Christianity covering it. Truly wolves in sheep's clothing.



>Petros is not the petra.

Agreed and answered more fully here:



There is also a more comprehensive article establishing Christ as the rock here:





Perhaps it is "adding insult to injury" but there is a Catholic scholar trained at the Gregorian in Rome who wrote this:


"It may jolt Catholics to hear it, but " the great Fathers of the church saw no connection between it and the pope. Not one of them applies ‘Thou art Peter’ to anyone but Peter. One after another they analyze it: Cyprian, Origen, Cyril, Hilary, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine. They are not exactly Protestants. Not one of them calls the Bishop of Rome a Rock or applies to him specifically the promise of the Keys…


The surprises do not stop there. For the Fathers, it is Peter’s faith - or the Lord in whom Peter has faith - which is called the Rock, not Peter. All the Councils of the church from Nicaea in the fourth century to Constance in the fifteenth agree that Christ himself is the only foundation of the church, that is, the Rock on which the church rests. Perhaps this is why not one of the Fathers speaks of a transference of power from Peter to those who succeed him; not one speaks, as church documents do today, of an ‘inheritance’. There is no hint of an abiding Petrine office. In so far as the Fathers speak of an office, the reference is to the episcopate in general." (Peter De Rosa - Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy Pg. 23)


Peter De Rosa - Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy

==Free PDF download here:

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 6, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.7735447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5563 >>6162



The Papacy is anti-Christ. The Great Whore is the Roman Catholic Church system that the papacy controls. The beast is its political power, the image of the Roman Empire that it breathes life into. This has been taught by authentic Christians for over 500 years. Millions gave their lives under excruciating tortures for opposing this false religious system


I pray on my knees to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, study the scriptures, fellowship with and minister to others in the body of Christ. What makes you think that just because I don't bend my knee to the pope that I don't bend my knee to Christ? I don't claim to be perfect but I do claim to be a follower of Christ. The pope is not Christ and Catholicism isn't Christianity.


I offer as evidence the two PDF's I already uploaded here:



They are:

Reformers' Interpretations of Anti-Christ

The Papacy Is The Antichrist By Rev. J. A. Wylie, LL.D.


One shows a list of well known reformers over the centuries that held this same view. Men like Luther, Calvin, Knox, Wesley. It is the traditional Protestant eschatology called historicism (view of end time prophecy).

The second PDF is a proof of this view with particular emphasis on how the papacy fulfills the biblical prophecies of anti-Christ.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 6, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.7736162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0923



I have already addressed the issue over and over again. There are a great many proof texts used by historicists to prove the Papacy

is the man of sin, the little horn of Daniel 7, the anti-Christ. There are 18 major identifying marks as I explained here:



These prophetic texts are confirmed by the rise and career of the papacy. It rose among the 10 horns (kingdoms) when Rome fell to the barbarian tribes.

It plucked up 3 horns as it rose, it persecuted the saints of the most high, it is a city on sven hills that rules over the kings of men, it's official colors are purple and scarlet, on and on.It is a long and involved study, requiring a book, not a post. I have linked to historicist websites and resources throughout this thread, below are a few instances. In fact, I just linked to a proof paper in my very last post, just before you posted your baseless accusation.



The Papacy Is The Antichrist By Rev. J. A. Wylie, LL.D.


I supplied a short paper here dealing with the butchery of Daniel 9:27 by Jesuit futurism which is followed today by duped dispensationalists in the protestant camp.



A resource on the "restrainer' here:



More links and commentary here:



Teaching videos like here:



Here I linked a historicist website which covers ALL THE PROOF TEXTS and has so much commentary, books, and resources

that you could spend years reading it all, but no, I didn't deal with the issue of proof texts you say.



No, it is you who fails to read what I link to - that is a very big difference.

It is not just my links you fail to read but also what QANON told everyone to learn.

An ostrich with its head in the sand can't complain that it wasn't shown the light.


Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No.563386 📁 851

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST)



Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 7, 2020, 3:10 p.m. No.7743812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8984 >>9197 >>3090 >>9671 >>0241




>Those Anti-Communists running Anti-communist programs turn out to be Catholics


Your position is only half true. Yes, the Vatican is in bed with the fascists but they are also in bed with the communists. The Vatican plays both sides against each other to their own advantage. When they wanted to justify bringing Nazis to America in operation Paperclip, or to build Gladio armies to run false flags, the excuse was to stop communists.


“Practically every right-wing dictator of the period had been born and brought up a Catholic – notably Hitler, Franco, Petain, Mussolini, Pavelic, and Tiso (who was a Catholic priest).” – John Cornwell - Hitler's Pope (1999; p. 280)


Yes, the Vatican's default position is Fascism but the Jesuits have a long history in Russia. Some even believe that Joseph Stalin was Jesuit trained at Tiflis Seminary along with (Cardinal) Gregory Agagianian. That would put your 100 million deaths on whose head? Be that as it may, communist ideology and liberation theology were not born in a vacuum. Even when the Jesuits were suppressed and banned from many countries for "political subversion", they remained protected by Catherine the Great, a testament to their influence in Russia.


"In Imperial Russia, Catherine the Great not only refused to allow the papal document of suppression to be distributed, she openly defended the Jesuits from dissolution and the Jesuit chapter in Belarus received her patronage. It ordained priests, operated schools, and opened housing for novitiates and tertianships. Catherine's successor, Paul I, asked Pope Pius VIII in 1801 to formally approve of the Jesuit operation in Russia, which he did. The Jesuits continued to expand in Russia under Alexander I, adding missions and schools in Astrakhan, Moscow, Riga, Saratov, and St. Petersburg and throughout the Caucasus and Siberia. Many former Jesuits throughout Europe traveled to Russia to join the sanctioned order there." "General Repression, Russian Survival, American Success: The 'Russian' Society of Jesus and the Jesuits in the United States". In Burson, Jeffrey D. (ed.). The Jesuit Suppression in Global Context: Causes, Events, and Consequences. New York: Cambridge University Press. (page 202)


In a recent statement, the chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences has said that China is exercising global moral leadership in the principles of Catholic social teaching and defense of human dignity.

That is communist China, which commits human rights abuses including atrocities like organ harvesting on an industrial scale and running an Orwellian surveillance society with "social credit" penalties. Where is the "anti-communist" stance you are claiming? This is a Catholic source is it not? The Catholic Register…


The Vatican even allows the Chinese Communist government to pick its own pro-communist Bishops


Right and left wing forces within the Roman Church champion both sides - even today. Nowhere is this so blatantly obvious as in that bastion of Roman Catholicism, South America. The Vatican "ratlines" brought many Nazis there and set-up brutal right wing dictatorships with CIA backing. At the same time, the progressive element of the Church taught LIBERATION THEOLOGY, stoking the fires of conflict and creating a "honey pot" to gather their opposition.


When "Operation Condor" ran, thousands were tortured and killed, the Church sold their babies, and the "dirty wars" spawned Bergoglio - your illustrious leader. Orchestrated political upheavals (Humpty Dumpty's) enrich the players involved and provide "flesh for fantasy". In South America, the drugs flow, the children cry, and the resources disappear for a reason. It is the "Modus operandi" of Rome, it's long running puppet show, repeated many times in many places. The situation being exposed in he Ukraine right now is just more of the same old Machiavellianism. Does it still fool people like you or are you willfully ignorant?

Operation Condor

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 8, 2020, 8:39 p.m. No.7759197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0213 >>3090 >>0464 >>5076 >>9671 >>8216 >>2308




Is that what your pagan pope told you? Did he hear it during a worship service - from Moloch at the Colosseum, or Pachamama at the Vatican?

Do not Jesuits have a reputation for political subversion by deceit, propaganda, and ruthless Machiavellian tactics? Is that not why they were suppressed in the first place?

Is it THEIR propaganda that convinces you they have had no influence with Marxists and are not behind Liberation theology?

Since they have been caught covering up pedophilia and financial scandals, don't you think they might be covering up other things as well?


The history surrounding Stalin's training and loyalties is of course disputed, like so many things damaging to Rome's narrative. That is why I said "be that as it may" since it was not germane to my ACTUAL point. which was that the Jesuits have a long history in Russia.


Here you say:

>There was no Jesuit Educational Institution in Russia at that time as Jesuits were expelled from Russia in 1820 by Alexander I.


According to THEIR OWN WEBSITE (, their expulsion was a response for converting the nephew of the minister Golitsyn and General KutuzovI. At the advent of the Kerensky Provisional Government, members of the Order WERE ALLOWED TO COME BACK into the country. However, OFFICIAL REGISTRATION of the order did not happen until 1992 under the freedom of religion law.


It should also be noted that "Emperor Nicholas I visited Rome in 1845 and a concordat was signed between the Holy See and Russia in 1847. By 1926, the Catholic Church, began SECRETLY consecrating Russian bishops in an effort to organize an UNDERGROUND church." "The Kremlin and the Vatican; Catholics and Communists: Trying to Bury a Bitter Past" By Peter Steinfels


Furthermore, Russia is not where communism ideology originated. The VENERATED CATHOLIC SAINT, Sir Thomas More wrote a book

called Utopia (1516) which was the bedrock on which Marx and Engels built.


"Hailed as a Communist hero by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Karl Kautsky, More's contribution to "the liberation of humankind" is commemorated

at Lenin's suggestion, on a monument erected in 1918 in Aleksandrovsky Garden near the Kremlin"

Margaret L. King (2014). Renaissance Humanism: An Anthology of Sources. Hackett Publishing. p. 157.


To add insult to injury, the first time a communist society was actually implemented, it was done FAR EARLIER than Russia, by Jesuits in Paraguay, as even the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia states


(1) Conditions of Property

The economic basis was a sort of COMMUNISM…

Which they then go on to describe in "flowery" terms as an idyllic utopia, a communist theocracy (run by their apostate cult)…


This is described in "less kind" terms in In "The Footprints of the Jesuits", by R.W. Thompson (New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1894) pg. 173-177

Therein, the 17th and 18th century Jesuit “Reductions” are shown as the model, the forerunner, the first implementation of the communist and socialist principles that exist today.


Moreover, Marx spent 5 years studying at a Jesuit High School in Trier -

Marx said HIMSELF in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, January 5 1879 - "Bismarck complained in his North German Gazette that

I was in league with Father Beck, the leader of the Jesuit movement…" -


The Jesuits are sworn to bring the whole world under the subjugation of the Papacy and for them, that end justifies ANY means necessary, ANY evil. Here is a little reminder, just one of their many atrocities:


“In Bohemia, by 1600, in a population of 4,000,000, 80 per cent were Protestant. When the Hapsburgs and Jesuits had done their work, 800,000 were left, all Catholics.”

Henry H., Pocket Bible Handbook, Chicago, 13th edition, 1939, p. 790.


As I have repeatedly said, QANON told everyone to LEARN about the Vatican's involvement with the Nazis and CIA in post 851. The left/right dialectic plays out in covert actions.

You need to see past the sheep's clothing to the wolf. There is a "hidden hand" orchestrating events, playing off different ideologies and systems against each other.

Nazis, the Vatican, and the CIA

Mar 6 2018 00:41:40 (EST) 851





Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 10, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.7773704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4148 >>1505 >>6639





I did NAZI that coming - lol


"The most notorious person who blamed the Jews as scapegoats was the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. In his famous book Mein Kampf (My Struggle), Hitler blamed the plight of Germany at the end of World War I on an international Jewish conspiracy and used terms such as "extirpation" and "extermination" in relation to the Jews. Unfortunately, we have seen in recent years the emergence of a number of such assaults – indeed, conspiracy theories – targeting the Israel lobby and the American Jewish community." Read more:


The Nazis close association with the Jesuits and the Catholic Church is detailed at this link. Rome has a long history of persecuting Jews going all the way to the siege of Jerusalem in AD 70. They

tortured many Jews to death in the Inquisitions, just as they did to authentic Christians who refused to follow the Papal apostasy:


Your "blame the Jews" propaganda has been dealt with in this thread many times.










That Rome has persecuted Jews for 1500 years is not exactly a revelation. However, it is the use of "Court Jews" and "Capos" which mystifies some people. Basically, by using "bad" Jews to do their dirty work, they lend credence to their propaganda (like the Protocols of Zion) that the Jews run the world.


Take a look at the Mega Mind graphic and read the fine print. Meyer Lansky was the Jewish wingman of Salvatore "Lucky" Lucania, an Italian mobster who traces back (through already covered documentation) to Vito Genovese and the Vatican's financial fiasco called the Calvi Affair. The Bronfmans are tied to the Rothschilds who are the Vatican's bankers.


Soros is a nothing more than a glorified "Capo".The Rothschilds are nothing more than "Court Jews" in the service of Rome and the European elite. By using some (who have no morals) of the Jewish race as rewarded puppets, they vilify the entire race of Jews, inciting hatred against them. Christ was a Jew and so was Mary. The Christian religion has a foundation in Judaism and Jerusalem. It is paganism that came from Rome and a thin veneer of apostate Christianity was placed over it to form a corrupt theocracy.


“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905)

the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.” The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497)


“The ultra-right wing falsely describes the Rothschilds as “Jewish bankers” when, in fact, the Rothschilds are interwoven with the Catholic Church,

and, jointly with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with the Vatican Bank,

which was pro-Nazi.” – Sherman H. Skolnick: “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds”.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 10, 2020, 3:16 p.m. No.7776158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2083




It is God (not me) who will destroy the Papacy but indeed he does glow brightly.


2 Thess. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.

Revelation 18:8 She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.


We are heading into the judgement of the "great whore" of Revelation 17-18. If you are part of that system get out now while you still can.


Revelation 18:4 “ ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues…


The "Kings of the Earth" who were formerly in league with her, and the people, will turn on her according to the prophecy. I am just one man, what am I compared to all that?


If there is one man you should fear it is the one who knows what is in the "wop sauce".

His contribution to the files mentioned in post 3, number 3, will do immeasurable damage (to the Papacy) if they are released.

The Sword of Damocles



If that happens, my guess would be that the sack of Rome in 1527 will seem like the good old days.

I think every decent person on the planet who sees the files, no matter what their religious background, will want the Vatican destroyed.

I think vigilante justice would be impossible to stop and people would march on Rome.

I think they would show little mercy because absolutely none was shown to the children.

I think that the Panama Papers were a joke compared to the financial disclosures coming.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 11, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.7783833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0651 >>6639 >>0611




The public policy of the Vatican is to denounce the Masons as bitter enemies but secretly they work together. This was exposed by QANON in the document he linked in post 851, from which I am attaching parts of page 34-35. There you see that the brains behind the fascist P-2 Masonic lodge was Count Umberto Ortolani, a member of SMOM's ruling inner council, who was elevated by Pope Paul VI to the status of "Gentleman of his Holiness".


This "gentleman" played a role in the "Calvi Affair" along with Gelli, Calvi, and Sindona who was educated at the Jesuit UniME. Sindona set up businesses for the Vatican with the help of the Mafia's Vito Genovese. "Operation Underworld" ties in to this family. If you look in the footnotes of page 37 you will also find the Scottish Rite of freemasonry.


The problem is not that the Masons infiltrated the Church, you have it backwards, it is that the Jesuits infiltrated the Masons.


The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants.

John Daniel, The Grand Design Exposed (Middleton, Idaho: CHJ Publishing, 1999): 302.


If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person! James Parton (1855), as quoted in M. F. Cusack, The Black Pope (London: Marshall, Russell & Co., 1896): 76.


It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fessler's Rite, the "Grand Council

of the Emperors of the East and West—"Sovereign Prince Masons," etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsay, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf,

and numerous others who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite

is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris Helena Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled (Los Angeles, CA: The Theosophy Company, 1968): 390.


The Jesuit Connection to Freemasonry


Claiming sources as BTFO does not make it so. Here again, many sources including QANON, refute your position. Also, if you wish to denounce the legitimacy of "hacktivist" material, you had best wait until it is released. Condemnation before investigation is the highest form of ignorance.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 12, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.7792239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4108




First you blame the Jews for Rome's involvement with communism (Rome is also in bed with fascists). That didn't stick because it is of course a false narrative. Then you switch to blaming the Mason's for Rome's involvement with communism, but I posted multiple sources that show this is also a false narrative - including a source QANON gave.


Your response - the posts all came from Johannes Biermanski, which is a "RED HERRING". I gave the ACTUAL sources and NONE were this person, nor were they found by referencing this person. I am unfamiliar with their work and if they happen to quote QANON and other sources, there is no law against that. Nor would it invalidate the ACTUAL SOURCES if that individual (or thousands more) quoted them. So you are once again lying and diverting from the truth.


Put up all the quotes from Blavatsky of the Theosophy Society that you wish. That she is was a well known and influential occultist makes her testimony on the Jesuit's occult activities in forming the degrees of Masonry all the more credible. You are "shooting yourself in the foot". You are confirming her credibility as someone knowledgeable about the occult world.


> you would already have posted it because otherwise that is really the dumbest move any whistleblower can do


Yes, why not just hand it all over to a SecureDrop "honeypot for whistleblowers" operation, or start another Wikileaks style operation when we all saw what happened there. I'm sure you would like that but unfortunately for you, the people involved are not that stupid. Also, killing me won't stop what is coming, I'm just a messenger boy.


The REASONS why the files are being kept off grid until publishing from multiple injection points at once commences, were explained here.


The Final Countdown


On the technical side, the reason why standard approaches to file publishing are no longer safe or effective was explained here:


Secure or Not Secure


Perhaps a metaphor will suffice to shed some light on the situation, how about a well known Monty Python reference. The Knights who say NI (blackhats - bears) represent the Vatican's Intelligence apparatus, "Nuncio Intelligence" (NI). The Knights in the KBUNN section (whitehats - bunnies) represent those opposed to them. The Knights who say NI seem invincible at first but then their weakness is discovered. They can't stand the word IT (Information Technology). Why? It will expose them and their evil deeds - dark to light…


The Knights Who Say NI

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 12, 2020, 6:02 p.m. No.7796639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9102 >>0464 >>2417 >>0611


>>Unless ofcourse you want to blame the jesuits for starting judaism,


The accusation is NOT that the Jesuits started Judaism, which predates them. It is that Jesuits employ unscrupulous Jews as proxies - capos and court Jews. Soros and the Rothschilds being prime examples.That tactic lends credence to Rome's antisemitic propaganda like "The Protocols of Zion", which attempts to paint the Jewish race as the evil power in control, when in fact it is Rome.


An article previously linked expands on that -


Besides, your "blame the Jews" tactic was already answered here:




>Indeed and that is in the correct Order, Jews>Freemasons>Communism


Your "Jewish Communism" propaganda is thoroughly debunked here:

Jewish Bolshevism


Your Masonry is Jewish rubbish is debunked here in great detail:

Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy Theory


There are different branches of Masonry, with many bodies and orders. The Knights Templar are definitely not Jewish as they require a belief in the Christian Holy Trinity and swear to defend the Christian faith. One should question whether this includes AUTHENTIC Christianity, since the roots go back to the CATHOLIC Templar Knights. On the basis of the "blood oaths" alone, it is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It is to their great shame that the Church of England, the Southern Baptists, and many protestant pastors embrace it. However, this order is not Jewish -


The grand orient in france is liberal, political, and requires no religious belief - Judaism or otherwise -


The Scottish Rite, like most of Masonry, requires some form of deism. However, they don't really care if you are a Muslim, Christian, or Jew -


As was already revealed, the Jesuits at Clermont were involved in forming many of the degrees. For them it is just another system of control.


The Jesuit Connection to Freemasonry


This subject touches on a previous discussion. The Jesuits were long involved with the Masons in Russia.


In the Russian empire, the Emperor Paul first prohibited Freemasonry in 1797. The Jesuits, who had returned to the country in 1802, procured a revocation of this edict.

A History of Political and Religious Persecutions, F. Garrido and C.B Cayley. Vol II pg. 334


You have said:


>By the time Jesuits were somewhat allowed back in by Kerensky, Stalin was nearly 40 years old.


Getting banned from a country was not an insurmountable obstacle for the Jesuits, who are renowned for their sinister ability to infiltrate and co-opt other systems. That their craftiness and many disguises of infiltration was well known is evidenced by no less than former president John Adams, who wrote the following to Thomas Jefferson.


"Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters?

If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola's. - George Reimer, The New Jesuits, Little, Brown, and Col. 1971, p. 14


In fact, it is KNOWN that they were still working in Russia BEFORE they were officially reinstated there since they were caught in the act. Also, Catholicism has long had influence with the "upper classes" of Russia, both facts admitted by the Catholic Encyclopedia:


"Denunciations against a zealous Jesuit, Father Werczynski, who had established himself at Moscow in 1903, and had converted a thousand Russians to Catholicism…"

"Catholicism continues to exercise a great influence upon the cultured classes of Russia, a fact due in great measure to Vladimir Soloveff (1853 – 1900) …"


What can be shown from multiple sources is that the Jesuits were involved in the forming of degrees which changed the character of Masonry. Also, QANON's supplied document shows Vatican Knights (SMOM) behind the sinister and storied P-2 fascist lodge.




Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.7800464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8276 >>0611 >>9054



>Lying by Omission ?

In this arena (message board) a "body is too long" error is given if a post is too long. Therefore, I must give ONLY the parts of an external article relevant to my point. I PROVIDED THE LINK TO THE FULL ARTICLE so there was no "lying by ommission" which is another false accusation from you.I am also going to reference a book below, if I link to it instead of posting the whole book (impossible) will I face the same baseless accusation?


What I was suggesting is that the Jesuits have always worked in Russia, even though they were banned. The Catholic Encyclopedia itself gives evidence of this by admitting that a Jesuit was CAUGHT IN THE ACT of converting Russians DURING THE TIME OF THE BAN. I also gave testimony from President John Adams, they are well known as subversive infiltrators who work covertly. I could give many such historical statements. >>7796639


Though trimmed to the bone, I still had to cut many relevant things from my post before the "body is too long" error disappeared. This included:


My point is that there are aspects of Stalin's biography that are hotly contested. Most accounts list the Seminary of Tiflis as Orthodox, some say Jesuit, some say "Old-Believers" (which is a form of Orthodox harkening back to the time before the Jesuit ban), and many suspect the Orthodox seminary was simply infiltrated by Jesuits.


For example, the New World Encyclopedia has this statement:


"He graduated first in his class and at the age of 14 he was awarded a scholarship to the Seminary of Tiflis, a Jesuit institution (one of his classmates was Krikor Bedros Aghajanian, the future Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, which he attended from 1894 to 1899)." -


It is stated much the same way here:


Stalin HIMSELF, in an interview, commented on the JESUITICAL methods prevalent at the supposedly Orthodox seminary -


Granted, he may have been simply insulting them (calling them devious) since the word is synonymous with that. However, he was then asked and then commented specifically on the Jesuits. The fact that Stalin's classmate later became a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church suggests that Rome may have had more influence at the school than many suppose.


This all ties back to your previous post answered here:



>Just like your wiki article on Judeo-Bolshewism


I'm sure you don't like the Wikipedia article that utterly destroys your antisemetic "blame the Jews" propaganda. Vilifying the edits because they disagree with your false narrative doesn't invalidate them.


Jewish Bolshevism


If you didn't like that article you are going to hate this commentary about a book which absolutely obliterates your antisemitic propaganda.


"In the fever dreams of antisemites Jews may be running the world left and right, but in reality they have been largely powerless in the face of frequently murderous anti-Jewish animus. Rather than being the masterminds of tyrannical regimes such as Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union, Jews were among their first victims. Every antisemitic libel ever invented has been predicated on the same fallacy: that the Jews (who happen to be among the most factious people on earth) work in cahoots, always and everywhere, toward a shared goal, which is the subjugation and exploitation of non-Jews."


The book being commented on is:

"A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism" by Paul Hanebrink is Associate Professor of History at Rutgers University–New Brunswick


"For much of the twentieth century, Europe was haunted by a threat of its own imagining: Judeo-Bolshevism. This myth―that Communism was a Jewish plot to destroy the nations of Europe―was a paranoid fantasy, and yet fears of a Jewish Bolshevik conspiracy took hold during the Russian Revolution and spread across Europe. During World War II, these fears sparked genocide" (Amazon Books Intro)

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.7802417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0611



As an addendum to my post >>7796639

I should like to add the following observation, which the "body is too long" limitation did not allow.




Here is another source, a book which George Washington commented on in his letters.


"I have met with many particular facts, which convince me that this use had been made of the meetings of Masons, and that at this time the Jesuits interfered considerably, insinuating themselves into the Lodges, and contributing to encrease that religious mysticism that is to be observed in all the ceremonies of the order. This society is well known to have put on every shape, and to have made use of every mean that could promote the power and influence of the order. And we know that at this time they were by no means without hopes of re-establishing the dominion of the Church of Rome in England. Their services were not scrupled at by the distressed Royalists, even such as were Protestants, while they were highly prized by the Sovereign. We also know that Charles II. was made a Mason, and frequented the Lodges." (Proofs of a Conspiracy: Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe. By John Robison, p. 22)


On October 24, 1798 George Washington (in response to the above quoted book) wrote this:

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Iluminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more fully satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or the pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation).”


The early American Masons were relatively benign and were worried about Jesuit infiltration. This proved to be a valid fear, since the Jesuits co-opted the American Masons as a means to further their power.


"…the land known today as the District of Columbia bore the name “Rome” in 1663 property records; and the branch of the Potomac River that bordered “Rome” on the south was called “Tiber.” " Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy (pg.4)


Yes, Washington DC is a Roman "enclave" of sorts, it sits on land donated by the wealthy Carrol family, who produced a Jesuit Bishop, John Carrol, the founder of Georgetown University. As testament to Rome's pagan influence, the capital building sits inside a giant owl laid out in the streets, with the masonic compass and square, along with a pentagram, also in plain view. Washington DC is awash with Rome's influence, quotes, statues, art, and architecture that copies Rome, like the Pentagon modeled after the 'Pentagon' in Caprarola. An Egyptian obelisk (penis) and womb (dome) models the same architecture of St. Peter's Basilica.


The infiltration of America has been ongoing since the beginning. Before the Declaration of Independence, Catholics were not allowed to hold office in "Protestant America".

By the time of Regan, they held virtually every senior staff position and the entire entire Senate Foreign Relations committee.


"Last week I taught my students about the separation of church and state. This week I learned that the Pope is running U.S. foreign policy.

No wonder our young people are cynical about American ideals. Professor Carol A. Brown…


…there was virtually no arena of federal legislative activity, according to The 1992 World Almanac of US Politics, that was not directly controlled by a Roman Catholic senator or

representative… in other words, virtually every aspect of secular life in America – came under the chairmanship of one of these Roman Catholic laypersons… Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy (pg.4)




Why does the average American NOT know these simple truths. It is because Catholic power is covert, covered by revisionist history, and suppressed by their control governments and media empires. Not only Americans but the British have had the lessons of history swept away.


“For 300 years past the Church of Rome has striven by an unceasing torrent of false histories, pamphlets, and lectures to conceal from the nation [i.e., Great Britain] and the world the true face of her

terrible history before and during the Reformation.” Albert Close (Jesuit Plots from Elizabethan to Modern Times; Page 7)


Why did QANON post this?

Buy a history book published 20 years ago.

Buy a history book published 10 years ago.

Buy a history book published this year.


Focus on WWI/WWII

Something ALARMING will be discovered.



Indeed, who orchestrated that war? Q gave the answer in post 851 -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.7802539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2615



You are a bald face liar!

Show me where I say the anti-Christ does not exist?


I say and have said all through this thread it is the Romish Popes which fulfill the prophecies concerning anti-Christ. Near the beginning of this thread, in fact the second post I made, third in the sequence of posts, I gave a link to a website which covers these verses and many more in great detail. Entire books are written on the subject and are available at the link given here:



Look in the paragraph marked #1. It says:

Lots of resources here -


I am sorry if you need to actually follow the link and read some books to cure your ignorance but making false accusations will not help. I cannot copy and paste the contents of those book here, I can only link them and other similar resources, which I have done over and over in this thread AS YOU WELL KNOW…

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 13, 2020, 3:45 p.m. No.7804437   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>You said the antichrist is "muh papacy".

So if you agree that I say the Papacy fulfills the prophecies of antichrist, why did you in your last post FALSELY ACCUSE me of saying there is NO antichrist? You can't have it both ways and duplicity is not a tactic worthy of someone claiming to be Christian.


The fact is, you have been asserting that Javier Solana is the antichrist. No Christian theologian of the past 2,000 years taught that because there is no basis for applying the prophecies to this individual. They do not fit.


The whole idea that the antichrist would be a single individual coming in our time is a counter-reformation deception formalized by a Spanish Jesuit named Francisco Ribera. You have been "duped".


The Futurist interpretation is traced back to the Jesuit Ribera (AD 1580) whose aim was to disprove the claim of the Reformers that the Pope was Antichrist.

Prophecy and the Church, page 297, O. T. Allis D.D. - Theology Professor Princeton


Ribera applied all of Revelation but the earliest chapters to the end time rather than to the history of the Church. Antichrist would be a single evil person who would be received by the Jews and would rebuild Jerusalem, abolish Christianity, deny Christ, persecute the Church and rule the world for three and a half years. … This futurist interpretation WITH IT'S PERSONAL ANTICHRIST and three and a half year period of tribulation

did not take root in the Protestant church UNTIL THE EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY . "The Blessed Hope". Dr. George Eldon Ladd - Professor Fuller Theological Seminary


It is Darbyism, (John Nelson Darby) who spread this Jesuit futurism in protestant circles and it is now known as the dispensational premillennial view of eschatology. It is a dangerous and blinding teaching because it allows the anti-Christ system to operate virtually unopposed. A theological " smokescreen " if you will, designed by the Papacy to shield itself from detection and prosecution for it's crimes. They have duped conservative evangelicals into providing cover for their crimes which brings grave consequences to their victims.


“In all ages of the Church, from the days of Gregory the Great down to the present, men have pointed to the Papacy as the fulfilment of the prophecy . That interpretation is set forth

in the Homilies of the Church of England and by all the Reformed Churches. Dr. Charles H. H. Wright - “Daniel and His Prophecies,” p. 168. London: 1906.


You could deprogram yourself from the Jesuits futurist deception by reading this article I linked before:


As I have also said before, you can check for yourself what traditional protestants taught on the subject over the centuries by downloading this free PDF:


It lists well known reformers, champions of the true protestant eschatology, who disagree with your assertion that the antichrist and whore are not the same power. I have room for just a couple of examples, read the PDF for more.


1412 - John Huss

Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Little Horn, Man of Sin, Rev. 13 1st Beast, Rev. 17 Harlot, Rev. 17 Babylon.

These were interpreted as Pope, Papacy, Rome, Papacy, Papacy, Papacy, Papacy,


1522 - Martin Luther

1550 - William Tyndale

1600 - James I of England

Antichrist, Abomination of Desolation, Little Horn, Man of Sin, Rev. 13 2nd Beas,t Rev. 17 Harlot, Rev. 17 Babylon

These were interpreted as Papacy Papacy Papacy Papacy Papacy Papacy Papacy

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 13, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.7804659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5111 >>0830


>Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

>If it takes wisdom to know the number of the antichrist, what does it take to deny his existence?


This was dealt with way back here



Since you would rather falsely accuse me of denying his existance, than actually follow links and understand the true position being taken, I will copy and paste something found at the link I gave long ago.but which you ignored.




The number of the beast has been known by Protestants going back at least as far as 1612 when Andreas Helwig published Antichristus Romanus. The title was used in a document that Rome forged to trick the nobility of Europe into increasing its power. I t was called the Donation of Constantine and the base forgery was quoted by at least 10 Popes and countless prelates over 6 centuries, until proven a forgery in 1440.


A great many official and unofficial Catholic publications bear the title, so there is no disputing that it is a title claimed by the Papacy. Vicarius Filii Dei was twice used by Pope Paul VI in Apostolic Constitutions, the highest form of official Papal decree. Pope Leo IX used the title in an official ecclesiastical letter.


The self-imposed title was admitted in the April 18, 1915 issue of Our Sunday Visitor as being inscribed on a Pope's triple tiara which crowns him King of heaven, earth, and the realms below.


>The antichrist is this guy.


Revelation 13

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


I agree it is that guy.

Protestants for over 500 years have agreed it is that guy.

That guy is the pope(s).

Just one of the ways the many prophetic passages are applied to the pope in traditional protestant eschatology which is called historicism.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 13, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.7805851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0846


Thanks - it is a free PDF download here:


It is a large file about 46MB so slow to download and too big to attach here.


Note that in the screenshots the woman and the man identified by 666 are one and the same. This was understood by all Protestants before the counter-reformation deception of Jesuit futurism took root in the 19th century.


It snuck in through Darbyism, which repackaged the deception as premillennial dispensationalism.

This of course gives rise to people claiming Regan, or Bush, or Obama, or Javier Solana, or Prince William

or even a computer system in Brussels, fulfil the prophecies than fit the Papacy (and no other power) precisely on all points.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 14, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.7810611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9054



>Frank Kaufman's Moon sect


That is a nice STRAWMAN since I have NEVER referenced that person for evidence of ANYTHING. That tells me two things:


1) You have no intellectual honesty, no scruples, no moral compass, or you would not resort to such a base tactic. I have come to expect that from Catholic defenders so I am not surprised and thank-you for such a lovely example.


2) You have no legitimate argument to make or you would not resort to such a base tactic. It is condemned even by secularists, atheists, and pagans in civilized debate, leave it to a "Catholic Defender" to stoop so low.


What I have ACTUALLY maintained, and continue to maintain, is that the prophecies in the word of God, as understood and taught by the champions of TRADITIONAL PROTESTANTISM, show the papacy to be anti-Christ, the man of sin, the great whore, the little horn of Daniel 7.


I do not need to look to Frank Kaufman (WHOEVER THAT IS) for evidence against the Jesuits, they were suppressed and kicked out countries everywhere, even Italy, because they are politically subversive, diabolical, famous for intrigue, deception, and evil.


"The term ‘Jesuit’ has become synonymous with terms like deceit, chicanery, infiltration, intrigue, subversion…many organized Jesuits have been justly described as

treacherous, traitorous workers, seducing many in the service of the Roman Pontiff away from national allegiance…

J. E. C. Shepherd (Canadian historian), The Babington Plot: Jesuit Intrigue in Elizabethan England (Toronto, Canada: Wittenburg Publications, 1987): 9:


In May 1816, (testimony of a President) Adams wrote to Jefferson about the "restoration" of the Society of Jesus:

"I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits…. Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in Hell, it is this society of Loyola’s.


>"But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending" Joseph Stalin.


I provided the link to the interview where that is found. Yes, Stalin said that and many sources also list it as an Orthodox Seminary as I have already said. However, what is contested is not the LABEL or TITLE insomuch as the actual PRACTICE. In other words, what was being taught there and by whom? Let us not forget that the seminary produced a Roman Catholic Cardinal, Stalin's classmate, and Stalin said that the "Orthodox" seminary was Jesuitical. That is why I said this:



>Stalin HIMSELF, in an interview, commented on the JESUITICAL methods prevalent at the supposedly Orthodox seminary



This was in a climate where the Jesuits were banned from Russia and working incognito, underground, in disguise as President Adams said they are known to do. They were actually CAUGHT IN THE ACT doing so in Russia, during their ban, according to the Catholic Encyclopedia (which I already quoted).


So, going back and looking at the CONTEXT of the arguments surrounding Stalin's past, there does appear to be Jesuitical skullduggery afoot. This is why I said:


>My point is that there are aspects of Stalin's biography that are hotly contested. Most accounts list the Seminary of Tiflis as Orthodox, some say Jesuit, some say "Old-Believers"

>(which is a form of Orthodox harkening back to the time before the Jesuit ban), and many suspect the Orthodox seminary was simply infiltrated by Jesuits.


>For example, the New World Encyclopedia has this statement:


>"He graduated first in his class and at the age of 14 he was awarded a scholarship to the Seminary of Tiflis, a Jesuit institution (one of his classmates was Krikor Bedros

>Aghajanian, the future Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, which he attended from 1894 to 1899)." -


As for the other rantings, and your "blame the Jews" for both communism and masonry, that nonsense was answered here:





Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 14, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.7814396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3839




Your ad hominem insults and bitter rhetoric do nothing to prove your assertion that Javier Solana is the antichrist.


I have provided a link several times which contains a library of well studied and well known expositors of scripture who can explain Rev. 16:13 (and all the prophecy texts) to you"


"Historicists see in the prophecies concerning the Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Whore of Babylon, references to the pagan Roman Empire, papal Rome (that is, Roman Europe under the rule of the popes ), the Papacy, and the Roman Catholic Church. This view united all Protestants throughout the Reformation…"


We see the dragon as Satan, the beast as the political empire of Rome, and the false prophet representing the ecclesiastical power of Rome. To understand why, one must go through the prophecies starting with the beasts of Daniel, the 4th being universally acknowledged as the Roman Empire. In Rev. 13 we see a beast rising up out of the sea, a conglomerate beast (Rev. 13:2) because it inherited the characteristic of the pagan cultures that preceded it. It is the Roman Empire once again, which received a deadly wound and was split into 10 divisions representing the 10 horns.


This occurred long ago when the barbarians invaded 370-476AD. However, then the "little horn" described in Daniel 7 arose among them, it is the Papacy which again is pictured as the land beast of Rev. 13:11. It tries to breath life into an image of the first beast (Roman Empire), reviving it as the political manifestation of the "Holy Roman Empire", the Third Reich, and their latest attempt, the European Union. They used wars and inquisitions to maintain control, now they use covert organizations like "Le Cercle" in never ending vain attempts to reunite and control the empire.


The land beast of Rev. 13:11 is symbolized again as the harlot woman riding the beast in Rev. 17. Identical to the false prophet and beast in your "proof" text Rev. 16:13. These two, the ecclesiastical power of the Papacy, controlling the political power of the re-animated remains of the Roman Empire. The papacy was handed the throne and authority of Caesar by the dragon and has been attempting to control the Kings of Europe (and though them the world) as they did all though the dark and middle ages.


The Geneva Study Bible

Rev. 13:11

"The second part of the vision, concerning the ecclesiastical dominion, which in Rome succeeded that which was politic, and is in the power of the corporation of false prophets and of the forgers of false doctrine. Therefore the same beast, and the body or corporation is called a false prophet by John; Re 16:13,19:20."


Ellicott's Commentary

Rev. 13:11

Because of this seductiveness, and of his efforts to support his mission with higher sanctions (Revelation 13:13), he is called in later chapters (Revelation 16:13; Revelation 19:20; Revelation 20:10) the False Prophet;


Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

The Beast from the Land, Revelation 13:11 (1611 another beast) Afterwards called the False Prophet, Revelation 16:13, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10.


"How could the mutual relations of the political and ecclesiastical powers in the apostate Roman empire be better represented than by these wonderful symbols?

Here are a monarchy and a priesthood in close, nefarious association; the priesthood anoints the monarchy, serves it, uses it."


So I have answered you - now answer me.


Jesuit futurism rests on inserting a 2,000 year "gap" in Daniel 9:27 and claiming the anti-Christ will fulfill what Christ has already done - confirm the covenant. Christ did it right on time, in the midst of the last week of years, ratifying it with his onw blood as the promised seed of Abraham. He did it not for himself as he was crucified for us, ending the sacrifices and oblations as the Lamb once and for all slain. The desolations came later during the siege of Jerusalem.

Show me where the 2,000 year gap is in Daniel 9:27. I won't hold my breath because it is not there…

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 15, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.7825076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8206



>You use as a source


I used a quote from this article


It is from the New World Encyclopedia - I did NOT quote Frank Kaufman. That he happens to be director of that project is immaterial.


The New World Encyclopedia has over 500 international scholars contributing to it, assembled in an editing board that operates much like Wikipedia. The article in question has 27 notes and 30 references which are external. If the director, who is an accomplished PHD (resume attached) with many ongoing projects, is non-Catholic, does that invalidate the information in the article, its sources, or the contributing scholars?


To say so would be a logical fallacy of the ad hominem variety. You are welcome to challenge the article and ask for an edit if you disagree with the sources and editing board. I would suggest before doing so you come up with a better reason than the director of the project isn't Catholic.


I also quoted the Catholic Encyclopedia and the Russian Jesuit site. >>7759197


The fact that they are run by members of your Catholic cult (which is known for duplicity and evil) does not necessarily invalidate the information quoted. The information stands or falls by its own merits, not by ad hominem attacks against the directors of those websites, or the sources and authors of the articles in question.


You denied the holocaust, denied the Vatican Ratlines, denied any Nazis were left alive after the war to participate in Operation Paperclip, you denied Jesus was Jewish and insisted he was a white caucasian like your unbiblical idols, and you are constantly spewing antisemitic propaganda. Anyone here can check your sources and see they are the likes of Hitler and Goebels. Yet you say my sources are BTFO? Get real.


The Jews were not behind communism, no matter how much you would like to scapegoat them. Here again is the the Wikipedia article you have ALSO denounced and vilified. Just like the Encyclopaedia above, you are welcome to challenge it for accuracy. Here again, you might want to find a better reason than it disagrees with your antisemitism and neo-Nazi propaganda.


Jewish Bolshevism


Mark 12:31 "Love your neighbor as yourself"

1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."


Love is supposed to be KEY to Christianity but I see no evidence of love in antisemetism, wars, inquisitions, crusades, and forced conversions under torture (as happened in the 20th century).

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 15, 2020, 5:39 p.m. No.7825579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0890 >>1771 >>5969



>The gap is explained by nothing in prophecy, and as such was a mystery.


Thank-you for admitting you have no scriptural support for inserting a 2,000 gap between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel. It does not exist but it is not a mystery. It was a counter-reformation deception by Francisco Ribera, a Spanish Jesuit.around (1580). His deception was rejected by Protestants for centuries until Darbyism began popularizing it in Protestant circles. The graphic attached explains abut him and shows the cover of his book where he formalized the false doctrine.


The Futurist interpretation is traced back to the Jesuit Ribera (AD 1580) whose aim was to disprove the claim of the Reformers that the Pope was Antichrist.

Prophecy and the Church, page 297 O. T. Allis D.D. - Theology Professor Princeton


This futurist interpretation with its personal Antichrist and three and a half year period of tribulation did not take root in the Protestant church until the early nineteenth century .

"The Blessed Hope". Dr. George Eldon Ladd - Professor Fuller Theological Seminary


Daniel 9:27 refers to Christ, not anti-Christ. There is no 2,000 year gap in the text that moves the last week of years to our time. It was Christ who confirmed the covenant (with his own blood as the promised seed of Abraham). He caused the sacrifices and oblations to cease, as the lamb once and for all slain. It was he who was cut-off in the midst of the week, three and half years into his Ministry, when he was slain but not for himself - he died for us. He continued to confirmed the covenant even after his death, as the resurrected Christ. At the end of the week (of years) Stephen was stoned and the Gospel went to the Gentiles. Desolations were poured out on Jerusalem in the siege and destruction by Titus, the Prince of the people who would come. The seventy weeks were already fulfilled long ago!!!


I previously attached a file on this before (which you ignored). It is a PDF that destroys the Jesuit's futurist interpretation you are promoting with a particular focus on Daniel 9:27



Below is the intro…


"Approaching End of the Age " by H. Grattan Guinness D.D.


One of the gravest evils of futurism is the terrible way in which it tampers with this great fundamental prophecy (Dan.9:27), applying it to the future doings of some ideal Antichrist, (instead of) its Divine description of the past deeds of the historic Christ.


To hear their disquisitions (inquire diligently) on the subject, one would suppose the Antichrists seven years covenant with the Jews was as unquestionable an event as Gods covenant with Israel on Sinai! Few would surmise how frail the foundation on which this cardinal doctrine of Futurism rests.


Few would suppose that the notion has really no solid ground at all in Scripture, but is derived from an erroneous interpretation of one single clause of one single text.


The only basis for the idea is the expression in the 27th verse of the 9th chapter of Daniel. The sentence occurs in the midst of Daniels celebration prophecy of the 70 weeks, a prophecy that does not even allude to Antichrist, but is exclusively occupied with the first advent of Christ, His rejection and death, and the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, which was the result.


Interpreted in the light of history, as a fulfilled prophecy, this remarkable chronological prediction affords conclusive evidence of the Messiahship of Jesus, of the inspiration of Scripture, and the divine origin of the Christian faith. (Continued in PDF)

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 7:55 a.m. No.7829671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7256 >>7340 >>8216



I do not endorse the "Moonies" just like I don't endorse "Popery". I believe in biblical Christianity so I reject both groups as cults on those grounds.

If you wish to attack the "Moonies", be my guest, however that has nothing to do with the issue at hand and you are simply creating a diversion.


You said:

>Those Anti-Communists running Anti-communist programs turn out to be Catholics



I then posted evidence that your current pope has been endorsing communism and Jesuits are well known for "Liberation Theology" which promotes communism.



You then took issue with the issue of Stalin's background saying this:

>There was no Jesuit Educational Institution in Russia at that time as Jesuits were expelled from Russia in 1820 by Alexander I



This led me to say this and give reasons why Stalin's background is contested.


>The history surrounding Stalin's training and loyalties is of course disputed, like so many things damaging to Rome's narrative.



The issue, as I have repeatedly said, is that "there are aspects of Stalin's biography that are hotly contested. Most accounts list the Seminary of Tiflis as Orthodox, some say Jesuit, some say "Old-Believers" (which is a form of Orthodox harkening back to the time before the Jesuit ban), and many suspect the Orthodox seminary was simply infiltrated by Jesuits."


For example here the seminary is listed as a Jesuit institution -


There are seven facts that lend credence to the idea that Rome was involved in the communism of Stalin's era.


1) Stalin's classmate at the seminary became a Roman Catholic Cardinal (Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian) which is rather odd for someone supposedly trained to become Russian Orthodox.


2) Stalin HIMSELF, in an interview, commented on the JESUITICAL methods prevalent at the supposedly Orthodox seminary -


3) Jesuits are known as infiltrators who embed themselves in seminaries and institutions as a means of furthering their agenda. In fact, they were suppressed and banned from many countries for their subversion.


4) Jesuits were caught in the act operating in Russia during the ban so we know they were present, albeit not in an official government sanctioned capacity.


5) Marx himself spent 6 years in a Jesuit school.


6) Communist societies were first imposed upon the natives in Paraguay by Jesuits long before communism was implemented in Russia.


7) A Catholic "saint" Sir Tomas More proposed communist ideology in his book "Utopia" and it was HIS IDEAS that were adopted by Marx, Engels, Kautsky, and Lenin, which led to Stalin's communist society.


"Hailed as a Communist hero by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Karl Kautsky, More's contribution to "the liberation of humankind" is commemorated at Lenin's suggestion, on a monument erected in 1918 in Aleksandrovsky Garden near the Kremlin" Margaret L. King (2014). Renaissance Humanism: An Anthology of Sources. Hackett Publishing. p. 157


I do not maintain that the evidence concerning Stalin's background is conclusive. What I have REPEATEDLY SAID is that Stalin's background is CONTESTED, meaning far from settled.


However, as I have shown, Rome is involved with communism just as it is involved with fascism. It plays both sides against each other.



Also, YOUR insistence that the Jews are responsible for Stalin's 100 million massacre is simply antisemitic propaganda debunked here:

Jewish Bolshevism

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.7831771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3923



You have admitted there is no 2000 year gap in the ACTUAL TEXT of Daniel where the prophecy was given and which Christ already fulfilled right on time.


>The gap is explained by nothing in prophecy, and as such was a mystery.


Paul did NOT insert a 2,000 year gap in Daniel 9:27. There is no place in scripture you can point to where a 2,000 year gap was inserted between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel, by Paul or anyone else. It does not exist. It is an unscriptural, unbiblical, counter-reformation deception exposed here >>7825579


Since there is no scriptural support for futurism, it is unbiblical, it is a simple but diabolical deception. It destroys the continuity between the old and new testaments by removing the mathematical proof that Christ confirmed the covenant as the promised seed of Abraham. It also points the finger away from the true anti-Christ (papacy) and has everyone scouting the horizon for an imaginary one.


Darby, who promoted the lie in Protestant circles has provided a "smokescreen" for the real and true anti-Christ (papacy). People like you who are programmed with this 16th century trick from the Jesuits are helping to screen the anti-Christ from exposure.


This has dire consequences for the victims of this power. The pope's agents of deception are perverting the Gospel, corrupting governments, and raping little children the world over. The success of Rome's futurist deception, allows the anti-Christ system to operate virtually unopposed. YOU ARE HELPING MAKE THAT HAPPEN.


"…It is a matter for deep regret that those who advocate the futurist system at the present day, Protestants as they are for the most part, are really playing into the hands of Rome,

and helping to screen the Papacy from detection as the Antichrist. " Rev. Joseph Tanner, Daniel and the Revelation, pp. 16, 17.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 16, 2020, 8:27 p.m. No.7835969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9975



You admitted there is no scriptural support for the gap yes…You said…

>The gap is explained by nothing in prophecy, and as such was a mystery.


I asked you to show me a bible verse, a scripture to support your claim that the 70 weeks of Daniel have a 2,000 year gap inserted between the 69th and 70th week. There is no such verse in the word of God. No scriptural support at all, anywhere. Yet you say I do not go by the word of God? No, it is you who does not - by your own admission.


Preterist? No, I am a historicist like all traditional protestants. Preterism is a Jesuit deception just like futurism.


Who said the things written in revelation are over? Not me, so why accuse me of that? We are discussing the 70 weeks of Daniel not the totality of prophecy.


The subject of the 70 weeks is Christ (Messiah the Prince, Messiah), not the anti-Christ.


Daniel 9:25-26 ""unto the MESSIAH THE PRINCE shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in

troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall MESSIAH be cut off, (crucified) but not for himself:"


There is no scriptural authority, nothing in the word of God, that says insert 2,000 years here and have the next line be fulfilled by the anti-Christ. The subject is identified as the Messiah (Christ) and the 70th week follows the 69th with no gap.


In other words, the HE in Daniel 9:27 is Christ. The covenant is the new covenant in his blood. Confirmed because he is the promised seed of Abraham confirming the covenant of grace.


Daniel 9:27 And he (Christ) shall confirm the covenant (of grace) with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease…


In the midst of the week because Christ was crucified (cut-off) three and half years into his Ministry. He caused the sacrifices and oblations to cease as the lamb once and for all slain.


I know cognitive dissonance is hard. I know it is difficult to throw away a false paradigm. I know pride is hard to swallow. I know because I used to be deceived by Jesuit futurism too, just like you have been. It has no support in the word of God so you must forsake it and go by scripture alone (Sola Scriptura).


Again, Jesuit futurism is debunked here >>7825579

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 17, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.7838216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9665



A bible believing Christian adhering to the traditional protestant eschatology of historicism has nothing in common with a JIDF agent provocateur. Ad hominen attacks and false accusations do nothing to prove your assertions.


Mock the image of Jesus? It is you who engages in mockery by making white Caucasian statues and bowing before them. Not only is this idolatry, which is explicitly condemned in scriptures, Christ was of Jewish ancestry and would have looked so. He would NOT have had the appearance of a white Caucasian.


>a forced take over by the Judeo-Masonic victors of the war


Your Judeo-Masonic canard is dealt with here. Anyone can check for themselves.

Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy Theory


>As for your insistance on Stalin's supposed jesuit education


Don't put words in my mouth. It is disingenuous and not becoming of someone claiming to be Christian.

My ACTUAL insistence is that Stalin's background is CONTESTED and far from settled for the reasons given here: >>7829671


>Marx himself spent 6 years in a Jesuit school.


Please excuse me for going from memory, the quote was 5 years, not 6. >>7759197


Moreover, Marx spent 5 years studying at a Jesuit High School in Trier -


Marx said HIMSELF in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, January 5 1879 - "Bismarck complained in his North German Gazette that

I was in league with Father Beck, the leader of the Jesuit movement…" -


You can flog this issue until hell freezes over but your your "blame the Jews" for communism propaganda is thoroughly debunked here:

Jewish Bolshevism

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 17, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.7840241   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Pacepa (according to even CATHOLIC SOURCES) actually wrote a book called "Disinformation" and is notorious for wild unprovable claims.


"In Disinformation, Pacepa credits KGB operations with everything from plotting the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy to provoking the rise of Islamic extremism. In each scenario, he portrays himself as a witness to history — when his true rank and job description would never explain access to these events or decisions."


You can choose to follow a KGB defector who the Catholics In Action (CIA) used to push a disinfo campaign, or you can acknowledge who REALLY created Liberation Theology. In modern times, it was a Dominican priest from Peru named Gustavo Gutiérrez, supported by a Franciscan, and two Jesuits, who were also noted proponents of the theology.


Gustavo himself said he was influenced not by the KGB but by an earlier Catholic, Bartolome de Las Casas: Father of Liberation Theology (1474-1566) -


"… The term was coined in 1971 by the Peruvian priest Gustavo Gutiérrez, who wrote one of the movement's defining books, "A Theology of Liberation". Other noted exponents include Leonardo Boff of Brazil, Jon Sobrino of Spain, and Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay.


In this book, Gutiérrez combined populist ideas with the social teachings of the Catholic Church. He was influenced by an existing socialist current in the Church which included organizations such as the Catholic Worker Movement and the Jeunesse Ouvrière Chrétienne, a Belgian Christian youth worker organization. He was also influenced by Paul Gauthier's The Poor, Jesus and the Church (1965).


Gutiérrez's theological proposal was drafted in his conference "Towards a Theology of Liberation" during the Second Meeting of Priests and Laity in Chimbote, Peru, between 21 and 25 July 1968. In this proposal, he cites on multiple occasions Vatican II's Gaudium et Spes and Paul VI's Populorum Progressio -


As already noted in previous posts, Catholic involvement with communism is nothing new. The Jesuits imposed a form of communism on villagers in Paraguay CENTURIES ago.>>7759197


Also, the founders of the communist revolution in Russia hailed a Catholic saint as a hero for inspiring them.


A Catholic "saint" Sir Tomas More proposed communist ideology in his book "Utopia" (1516) which later influenced Marx, Engels, Kautsky, and Lenin,


"Hailed as a Communist hero by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Karl Kautsky, More's contribution to "the liberation of humankind" is commemorated at Lenin's suggestion,

on a monument erected in 1918 in Aleksandrovsky Garden near the Kremlin" Margaret L. King (2014). Renaissance Humanism: An Anthology of Sources. Hackett Publishing. p. 157


l agree with you that Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI condemned liberation theology. Pope Francis however has made several statements and actions lately that are supportive. As I previously stated, the Vatican plays both sides against each other, right against left. When something furthers their agenda, like creating false flag Gladio armies, or bringing Nazi's to America, they use fear of the Russian "bogeyman" to justify their dark agenda.


In the brainwashed minds of "warrior monks", choking on Catholic propaganda, brave Catholic knights saved us from the Jews in WWII, the Muslims in the Crusades, and the Protestants in the inquisitions. Never ending wars need to keep being justified somehow. A new "bogeyman" must always be found (or created). Why is it that millions of people have been tortured and slaughtered so that Catholic power could triumph? Who profits from selling the bullets and bandages? Who takes the orphaned children and sells them as sex toys? Engineered conflicts allow resources to be stolen, ignorant peasants to be exploited, control to be imposed.


Conservative traditional Catholics are against liberation theology and socialist/communist policies but they are just one wing of the Roman Church, a detestable bird with two wings. The Vatican plays left/right against each other across societies, even now there are two popes, one conservative, one liberal. It is their "modus operandi", perhaps best articulated as a form of the Hegelian dialectic. Rome wants everyone divided and fighting each other so that they can rule us from the shadows, through secret societies and mafias that control the body politic. This left/right paradigm is played out not just in "polite" politics but also in diabolical covert actions like "Operation Condor". >>7743812


Operation Condor

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 17, 2020, 4:42 p.m. No.7841772   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I do not maintain that the totality of prophecy was fulfilled in the past, so don't make false accusations. As a historicist, I see prophecy unfolding over the centuries, some past, some present, some future.


For example, we see the "little horn" of Daniel 7 as the Papacy and that system is still with us today.


Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people (the Jews) and upon thy holy city (Jerusalem), to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy (Christ).


That is fulfilled, but other prophecies continue. Christ (the most Holy) came and was baptized by John, anointed by the Spirit, made reconciliation for iniquity by his sacrifice and put away sins as the lamb once and for all slain. At the end of the 70 weeks, Stephen was stoned and the Gospel went to the Gentiles. The special time allotted to the Jews (70 weeks) was over, Titus as the prince of the people who would come, sieged Jerusalem, the temple was destroyed, as the predicted desolation occurred.


Many prophcies are still unfolding but that one was fulfilled. Now there is no more Jew or Greek, all are one in Christ. (Galatians 3:28). He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace (Ephesians 2:15)




"Historicism was the belief held by the majority of the Protestant Reformers, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer, and others including John Thomas, John Knox, and Cotton Mather.

The Catholic church tried to counter it with preterism and Futurism during the Counter-Reformation.


One of the most influential aspects of the Protestant historicist paradigm was the speculation that the Pope could be the antichrist. Martin Luther wrote this view, which was not novel, into the Smalcald Articles of 1537. It was then widely popularized in the 16th century, via sermons and drama, books and broadside publication. Jesuit commentators developed alternate approaches that would later become known as preterism and futurism, and applied them to apocalyptic literature;

Francisco Ribera developed a form of futurism (1590), and Luis de Alcazar a form of preterism, at the same period."



I am sorry to say that the futurism you teach, which adds an unbiblical 2,000 year gap to Daniel 9: 27, and has an anti-Christ supposedly doing what Christ has already done, was a counter reformation deception of the Jesuits. It is widely promoted today by dispensationalists who accepted the deception through Darbyism. It is designed to point the finger away from the Papacy and to destroy knowledge of Christ's divinity and accomplishment as the promised seed of Abraham who confirmed the covenant.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 17, 2020, 5:41 p.m. No.7842308   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Type Catholic white Jesus into a search engine and see what comes up. White Caucasian statues of Christ, Mary, and others, that Catholics bow to and worship (including popes). They call if veneration which is a "weasel word" for worship.


Now some Catholics even openly include Molech, the God of child sacrifice, and Pachamama, the Incan fertility goddess, in their idolatry. >>7759197




I went to dozens of sites and they all say he went to a Jesuit High School for 5 years, including his official biography.


"five years, from 1830 to 1835, at the Jesuit high school in Trier, at that time known as the Friedrich-Wilhelm Gymnasium" If that is not true you will have to rewrite the Internet with your version.


>But Marx said that Bismarck complained about Marx being in league with Jesuit leader Beck.


Thank-you for admitting that but not so much for attempting to downplay and spin it.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 18, 2020, 2:17 a.m. No.7845027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5071




Shills will shill and trolls will troll but it doesn't matter. SMOM brought swords to a gun fight - lol.


The 40,000 foot view is getting hilarious. Rats deserting a sinking ship but afraid to play "sink or swim" because of all the blood in the water. Some are singing like canaries and trying to buy safe passage.

The PIE-INC-SEE "masterplan" keeps failing, the shark poop keeps piling up, and the strategic files haven't even dropped yet.

The "holy moleys" are finding it hard not to "giggle" and blow their covers - bunnies in bear suits have all the fun..


1 Corinthians 1:27 "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong"."

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 18, 2020, 3:02 a.m. No.7845167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8146



THE EYES HAVE IT. Is it a q or a p. Flip it. Is it a d or a b. WHEN is q a g?


So we have p,b,g,d, and q to play with. Two for settled states, two for yet to be settled states, q remains strictly unknown (unless a decision was made or is assumed). We concentrate solely on those values in our logic designs and each value has designed consequences.


Time solves all paradox, strong Kleene rules of indeterminacy - with a twist.


Knowledge is POWER. More than you know. Cycle repeats every month.

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 18, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.7847444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8146



I'll try to simplify such that even a child could understand. Even by the meme alone, without this write-up. Some people (aka bears) are like "crabby patties". They are working for the anti-Christ system, some of them unwittingly because they are "duped," or not by choice because they are coerced. Others chose to for money, for pleasure, for power, for position, or it is all they know because they were born into it..


Those who choose to flee Babylon, or to work against it from the inside, have chosen to "FLIP". Those who choose to stay and be a willing party to evil, will "FLOP". Those who can't decide are caught between a ROCK and a hard, hard place. Time is running out and the option to "FLIP" will not last forever. (Rev. 18:4)


It is not about left or right, black or white, rich or poor, red or blue, orange or green, it is about good versus evil. Not as defined by apostate manmade institutions but as defined by God. What he requires is written on men's hearts so that ALL are without excuse. (Romans 1: 18-32)


You’re gonna have to serve somebody, Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, But you’re gonna have to serve somebody - Bob Dylan

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 18, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.7848382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3524



I am not left or right and I love the Trumps. I am for nationalism, populism, not globalism because the NWO is Rome's creation - a monstrosity.


I love Jews, Muslims, and people of other faith systems even though I disagree with them and would like them to know Jesus.


I LOVE CATHOLICS, even the ones caught up in Mafias and evil secret societies. I love them enough to tell them the truth about the system that enslaves them and much of mankind.

I love them enough to risk my life trying to save them, to lead them away from the papal apostasy to Jesus and AUTHENTIC biblical Christianity.

I love them enough to put up with your slander, your trolling, your shilling, your abuse while I do so.

You already know that of course because I told you way back here - >>5074357


Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


I ESPECIALLY love the children who are tortured, raped, and abused by the EVIL papal system you serve and I must work to end that tyranny.

God will judge us both but unless you "FLIP" I don't think we will be seeing each other on the other side. I think you will follow your evil master to hell.


Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 19, 2020, 5:25 a.m. No.7853853   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You are looking at this the wrong way. To travel to Kenya you must simply go here -


If you have heard the reversed audio track by following the instructions, you have some clues. However, to obtain the masterkey, you must combine some keys as per the logic diagram.


The key you want from Kenya is on that page above. You do not have to connect to Kenya, or physically travel there to obtain it. Metaphor is king in the land of mystery. Look up the word steganography -


That is entry level stuff, the "big boys" play rough, so it is for your own protection (and the operation) we don't let those who don't know how to handle dangerous files get near them.


Perhaps if you go here you will understand better -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 19, 2020, 5:36 a.m. No.7853888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5589




Nice try shilltard but no cigar.


Symbols can have double meanings as even QANON has told you. There are Marine bunnies, there are NAS bunnies, there are "punisher" bunnies, there are little sissy bunnies, there is even a Moon Rabbit as the Japanese and certain Indian tribes can tell you.


If you want to find out about good, evil, and sissy bunnies go here -

Anonymous ID: f7d6c5 Jan. 19, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.7856984   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Steal valor - lmao. Every full moon we "hang moons" at the Marine Bunnies and call them "sissies".

I don't want what they call valor. They can come see us if those "cupcakes" want to find out what REAL valor is:


From now on, I am going to call you Shilltard Poopiehead. SP for short like "Shark Poop", which is what you are going to be (metaphorically speaking of course) if you don't "flip". You can run some (metaphorical) "man overboard" drills if you think it will help. I really don't care.


Clowns and Jokers, Shilltards and Trolls, handlers and those they handle, all have a choice. Blackhat operators can "Flip" (become Whitehat), "Flop" (stay Blackhat), or become "Undecided" - play both sides (Grey Hat). Beware, some people (IES section) love Shrooms (Bears in Bunny Suits). They put them in "HOT WATER" and make Shroom tea, if the Hatter doesn't get them first - he can spot them from miles away.


Now it really doesn't matter to me which you pick, I would prefer "Whitehat" but I can only lead a horse to water, I can't make them drink. Your fate depends on YOUR OWN CHOICES.


However, it is now 9:22:25, the big hand is past the OK sign, the little hand is flying the plane of ultimate doom. When both reach the Iron Eagle your time is up. I can't say when that will be because like a stop watch, it pauses from time to time. I don't control the timing, this guy does:

Timing Is Everything -


What I can say, is that when both hands reach the "Iron Eagle" the "PAIN" will come. Not from me, or anyone attached to me. I don't work in the "PAIN" department - that's GRUNT (Government Rejects Unfit For Normal Training) work. I am in the PIN section, where things are a little more "civilized". Since you don't seem like someone who will listen to reason and have a sensible discussion you will more than likely find yourself dealing with someone from the "PAIN" department -


Again, that's your choice. I'm just trying to help you see the light and come out of this unscathed. You don't have to listen to me, I'm just an idiot in a bunny suit - what do I know - right?