Anonymous ID: bf589f Jan. 30, 2019, 8:56 a.m. No.4964873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6821 >>7126

>>4901313 I think we need to look to the founding of the Roman Catholic Church. Prior to 1054, the Church was ran by a group of patriarchs (Bishops) from Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Constantinople and Rome. In 1054, Rome (the West) split from the East (Orthodoxy) . This is known as "The Great Schism of 1054". There are several reasons for the split; geography, language, politics. But, the changing of the Nicene Creed was the final straw. Rome was trying to convert Arians. Arianism was squashed in the East, but the Goths converted to Arianism in northern Europe. Rome changed the Nicene Creed without doing so in a counsel with the other Patriarchs. The Nicene Creed added the filioque to help convert the Arians. Filioque is Latin for "and the Son". I believe Rome split from the East for power. Rome also wanted to be a kingmaker in Europe. It was a power grab. Not a very "Christ-like" reason to start a church, if you ask me.

Another issue the Eastern Church had was that Rome practiced Communion with unleavened bread, while the East continued to use leavened bread. At the time, the East felt that the use of unleavened bread was caving to a Judistic practice.

Orthodox Churches do not recite the filioque nor the Apostles' Creed. I found it very interesting that President Trump and the First Lady did not recite the Apostles' Creed at H.W.'s funeral. The President is Presbyterian and Melania is Catholic, so they both are accustomed to reciting the Apostles' Creed. Why didn't they? Perhaps distancing themselves from the Roman Catholic Church?

Another interesting tidbit about the Orthodox Church; Putin is Orthodox. He has been on a huge church building campaign in Russia; over 23,000 churches have been reconstructed. He is even building a Orthodox Church and monastery in the Kremlin.

Lastly, the Christians of the world that are being genocided and enslaved are mostly Orthodox, while the Catholic Church is pretty much silent. Orthodox Christians did not participate in the Spanish Inquisition, collaborate with the Nazis, nor force payment of indulgences. The Roman Catholic Church's evil goes back to it's beginning.