Anonymous ID: a7c320 Jan. 4, 2020, 7:19 a.m. No.7712134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2170 >>5228 >>1786 >>1940



This post tells the truth.




No, you are the one promoting disinfo. Anything that does not fit your agenda. You protect the Nazi Crown Banking cartel and the Khazarian mafia. We have evidence of all is posted. You do not like to hear the truth and rather shut your ears to the evidence. This exposes your fraud.


And of course Q anon is a fraud.


Your Q anon lies are fully exposed. Jordan Sather and David Wilcock are exposed. The pay-tree-ot Soap Box is exposed. We know Jordan Sather creates the fake Q Photoshop images and the Pamphlet - Soap Box retarded team compose the Q posts using the Jordan Sather Photoshopped images. We know the Wilcock fail of mass arrests goes back to the year 2000 and it is one big huge farce. The Wilcock followers long ago realized what a scam this is. The scam keeps resurfacing every so many years. Now it has re-surfaced under Jordan Sather, a co-worker with Wilcock. These are the retards behind the Q posts. All the mega Q fails have been exposed in my blog over the last few years. All of you supporting and promoting this hoax, and preventing others from exposing it are thus guilty of fraud, a crime. Your retarded Q movement promotes terrorism. Even Trump and his SS have not allowed your retarded Q movement into his rallies. You are the blind leading the blind. It is no use for me to show you the truth as you are inside an epistemic cult bubble. All of this has been saved to the internet archive, so it is no use to persecute the truth. A record is made of your scam, fraud and lies. All of you are exposed!


Karen Hudes has some excellent videos and a website exposing all of this. And yes, Trump is playing the Hegelian dialectic. He is not going to end the Federal Reserve.. You are being brainwashed. Of course he is being handled by Israel and by the Rothschild banking cartel.! It was they who have financed him. How dumb can you be?


And of course AIM is s cult. I do not accept all they post for this reason as well. And Trump is a freemason as well. He is also Jesuit trained. You re just too brainwashed to see it. And he defends the Kabbalah and their Nazi Khazarian mafia of Zionism and the Chabad. He is sold-out to the fake state of Israel. How blind can you be?


Of course Switzerland is the Nazi Octogon, where the Pharaonic blood line families rule over the planet.


As noted in the above post.






Here is the link again explaining this:


You are thinking the Vatican is at the top of the pyramid and you are wrong, sorry to inform you.


It is not about only the Templars. It is about the Nazi Octogon Pharaonic bloodline families.This group uses any group to support their agenda. Via the Templars, they supported the Pope in order to push their millennium agenda. It does not stop with the Templars. This is just a tool used by the Pharaonic bloodlines to expand power over the planet via religion.


Both Nato and the UN are part of the NWO and will usher in The Mark of The Beast.So yes, Nato is part of this. I did not create that image, by the way. It was created by someone else and I do not fully support the way it is laid out. but it explains the key points of what is to come prophetically.


The Great Beast of Revelation is given power by Satan to rule over the Roman Empire reborn.The Pharaonic bloodlines of the Nephilin use the Pope in order to gain religious power over the planet. The Pope is a tool of these Nephilin races and is used by them. You miss the point.


Many disagree also in terms of religion about the Pope being the beast. Certainly now the Jesuits have taken over the Catholic church Pope position. There is also Masonic influence upon Biblical interpretations. In any case, the Vatican is a tool of these Nephilin races which rule from the Nazi Octogon.


This is explained also here:


Continued next post….