Anonymous ID: f66c92 Feb. 3, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.5016562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7809


Ah I see, very interesting, so this is what it looks like when the JIDF starts their own threads instead of filling up other threads with shills. Remember guys, Catholics have been infiltrated but the state of Israel was corrupt from its inception. Jesus was a Jew but he wasn't a disgusting, hateful Pharisee or Khazar. Also Protestants are great and all but when it came time to defend Europe from endless waves of Muslim invaders, where were the Protestants? If your European ancestors weren't named Muhammad, then you need to shake a Catholic's hand and give them your heartfelt thanks. Not Protestants, not JIDF shills, but Catholics.

Anonymous ID: f66c92 Feb. 4, 2019, 12:26 a.m. No.5023435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3606 >>4897


Please PLEASE read some history. The idea that Catholics were going on ruthless crusades because they were "drunk on blood" is - you guessed it - straight out of Hollywood. And we all know who runs Hollywood. Nobody was murdering Muslims and Jews, but Catholics and Orthodox were fighting desperate (and usually lost) battles to save Europe. Hate to say it but Protestants were the liberals of their day, doing nothing but placing blame. I don't really understand hating the Pope's pimp cape while Protestants have Starbucks in their megachurches and make all kinds of absurd "Christian pop" music. Catholics are not perfect, the current Pope absolutely sucks, but if you take a look at history (like from books, not conspiracy web sites) then you'll find out the same things that I did.


You'll even come to love the Inquisition, just like I did. They weren't the evil monsters you see in Hollywood movies!

SAGE ID: f66c92 SAGE Feb. 4, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.5027623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1789


If you read history then there's no way you're going to think that Catholics are hunting down poor innocent Middle-Easterners for sport. I don't think you are reading history books, you're either reading anti-Catholic conspiracy sites, or you're reading from a JIDF playbook. This is a retarded slide thread SAGE for everyone's benefit.


If you really are a Protestant, then good job, you're continuing a legacy of being argumentative for the sake of division. Please take a trip to Israel and convert to a religion that hates Christianity even more than the one you currently practice.