Anonymous ID: d3ffb9 input from a normie March 1, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.5460016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3438 >>7534


Agreed. But if our targets include Rothschilds & Soros, you're going to get that. It seems to be their primary defense & cloaking mechanism - sending out shills vomiting anti-semitic bullshit everywhere to accuse & discredit those in pursuit of the truth. It's what they've done throughout modern history; they hide behind the Jews like suicide bombers wearing burkas. They use "The Joooos" as human shields. They and their paid shills thrive on anonymity but are very good at destroying their prey once an individual truth-hunter is identified. At least here on 8ch the playing field is somewhat level. It's never, "The Rothschilds are wealthy bankers." It's always, "The Rothschilds are Jewish bankers." Same with Soros. Why is that? I think Revelations 2:9 may be referring to the Roths+Soros specifically, although these families had predecessors and their twisted methods have probably existed for thousands of years. They always hide, especially when they stick the knife in. Luckily, the shills on here are easy enough to spot most of the time because they are targeting Jews in general instead of individuals.

Being a Jew, or Muslim, or black, brown, red, white, yellow, gay, trans or whatever is not a 'get out of jail free' card. Equal justice under the law.